Classes | Typedefs
ogr_feature.h File Reference

Simple feature classes. More...

#include "cpl_atomic_ops.h"
#include "ogr_featurestyle.h"
#include "ogr_geometry.h"
#include "ogr_geomcoordinateprecision.h"
#include <cstddef>
#include <exception>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

Go to the source code of this file.


class  OGRFieldDefn
 Definition of an attribute of an OGRFeatureDefn. More...
class  OGRGeomFieldDefn
 Definition of a geometry field of an OGRFeatureDefn. More...
class  OGRFeatureDefn
 Definition of a feature class or feature layer. More...
class  OGRFeature
 A simple feature, including geometry and attributes. More...
class  OGRFeature::FieldValue
 Field value. More...
class  OGRFeature::ConstFieldIterator
 Field value iterator class. More...
class  OGRFeature::FieldNotFoundException
 Exception raised by operator[](const char*) when a field is not found. More...
class  OGRFieldDomain
 Definition of a field domain. More...
class  OGRCodedFieldDomain
 Definition of a coded / enumerated field domain. More...
class  OGRRangeFieldDomain
 Definition of a numeric field domain with a range of validity for values. More...
class  OGRGlobFieldDomain
 Definition of a field domain for field content validated by a glob. More...


typedef void * OGRFieldDefnH
 Opaque type for a field definition (OGRFieldDefn)
typedef void * OGRFeatureDefnH
 Opaque type for a feature definition (OGRFeatureDefn)
typedef void * OGRFeatureH
 Opaque type for a feature (OGRFeature)
typedef void * OGRStyleTableH
 Opaque type for a style table (OGRStyleTable)
typedef struct OGRGeomFieldDefnHS * OGRGeomFieldDefnH
 Opaque type for a geometry field definition (OGRGeomFieldDefn)
typedef struct OGRFieldDomainHS * OGRFieldDomainH
 Opaque type for a field domain definition (OGRFieldDomain)
typedef std::unique_ptr< OGRFeature, OGRFeatureUniquePtrDeleter > OGRFeatureUniquePtr
 Unique pointer type for OGRFeature.

Detailed Description

Simple feature classes.

Typedef Documentation

◆ OGRFeatureUniquePtr

typedef std::unique_ptr<OGRFeature, OGRFeatureUniquePtrDeleter> OGRFeatureUniquePtr

Unique pointer type for OGRFeature.

GDAL 2.3