Public (C callable) GDAL entry points. More...
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
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Classes | |
struct | GDALRasterIOExtraArg |
Structure to pass extra arguments to RasterIO() method, must be initialized with INIT_RASTERIO_EXTRA_ARG. More... | |
struct | GDAL_GCP |
Ground Control Point. More... | |
struct | GDALRPCInfoV2 |
Structure to store Rational Polynomial Coefficients / Rigorous Projection Model. More... | |
struct | GDALColorEntry |
Color tuple. More... | |
Macros | |
Macro to initialize an instance of GDALRasterIOExtraArg structure. | |
#define | GCI_IR_Start 20 |
Value indicating the start of the range for color interpretations belonging to the InfraRed (IR) domain. | |
#define | GCI_IR_End 29 |
Value indicating the end of the range for color interpretations belonging to the InfraRed (IR) domain. | |
#define | GCI_SAR_Start 30 |
Value indicating the start of the range for color interpretations belonging to the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) domain. | |
#define | GCI_SAR_End 39 |
Value indicating the end of the range for color interpretations belonging to the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) domain. | |
Metadata item for dataset that indicates the spatial interpretation of a pixel. | |
#define | GDALMD_AOP_AREA "Area" |
Value for GDALMD_AREA_OR_POINT that indicates that a pixel represents an area. | |
#define | GDALMD_AOP_POINT "Point" |
Value for GDALMD_AREA_OR_POINT that indicates that a pixel represents a point. | |
Long name of the driver. | |
URL (relative to to the help page of the driver. | |
MIME type handled by the driver. | |
Extension handled by the driver. | |
Connection prefix to provide as the file name of the open function. | |
List of (space separated) extensions handled by the driver. | |
XML snippet with creation options. | |
XML snippet with multidimensional dataset creation options. | |
XML snippet with multidimensional group creation options. | |
XML snippet with multidimensional dimension creation options. | |
XML snippet with multidimensional array creation options. | |
XML snippet with multidimensional array open options. | |
XML snippet with multidimensional attribute creation options. | |
XML snippet with open options. | |
List of (space separated) raster data types supported by the Create()/CreateCopy() API. | |
List of (space separated) vector field types supported by the CreateField() API. | |
List of (space separated) vector field sub-types supported by the CreateField() API. | |
List of (space separated) capability flags supported by the CreateField() API. | |
Capability set by a driver that exposes Subdatasets. | |
Capability set by a vector driver that supports field width and precision. | |
Capability set by a vector driver that supports field width and precision. | |
Capability set by a driver that implements the Open() API. | |
Capability set by a driver that implements the Create() API. | |
Capability set by a driver that implements the CreateMultiDimensional() API. | |
Capability set by a driver that implements the CreateCopy() API. | |
Capability set by a driver that implements the VectorTranslateFrom() API. | |
Capability set by a driver that implements the CreateCopy() API, but with multidimensional raster as input and output. | |
Capability set by a driver that supports multidimensional data. | |
Capability set by a driver that can copy over subdatasets. | |
Capability set by a driver that can read/create datasets through the VSI*L API. | |
Capability set by a driver having raster capability. | |
Capability set by a driver having vector capability. | |
#define | GDAL_DCAP_GNM "DCAP_GNM" |
Capability set by a driver having geographical network model capability. | |
Capability set by a driver that can create layers. | |
Capability set by a driver that can delete layers. | |
Capability set by a driver that can create fields. | |
Capability set by a driver that can delete fields. | |
Capability set by a driver that can reorder fields. | |
List of (space separated) flags supported by the OGRLayer::AlterFieldDefn() API. | |
List of (space separated) field names which are considered illegal by the driver and should not be used when creating/altering fields. | |
Capability set by a driver that can create fields with NOT NULL constraint. | |
Capability set by a driver that can create fields with UNIQUE constraint. | |
Capability set by a driver that can create fields with DEFAULT values. | |
Capability set by a driver that can create geometry fields with NOT NULL constraint. | |
Capability set by a non-spatial driver having no support for geometries. | |
Capability set by a driver that can support curved geometries. | |
Capability set by a driver that can support measured geometries. | |
Capability set by a driver that can support the Z dimension for geometries. | |
List of (space separated) flags which reflect the geometry handling behavior of a driver. | |
Capability set by drivers which support either reading or writing feature styles. | |
Capability set by drivers which support reading feature styles. | |
Capability set by drivers which support writing feature styles. | |
Capability set by drivers which support storing/retrieving coordinate epoch for dynamic CRS. | |
Capability set by drivers for formats which support multiple vector layers. | |
Capability set by drivers for formats which support reading field domains. | |
Capability set by drivers for formats which support reading table relationships. | |
Capability set by drivers for formats which support creating table relationships. | |
Capability set by drivers for formats which support deleting table relationships. | |
Capability set by drivers for formats which support updating existing table relationships. | |
Capability set by drivers whose FlushCache() implementation returns a dataset that can be opened afterwards and seen in a consistent state, without requiring the dataset on which FlushCache() has been called to be closed. | |
Capability set by drivers which honor the OGRCoordinatePrecision settings of geometry fields at layer creation and/or for OGRLayer::CreateGeomField(). | |
List of (space separated) flags indicating the features of relationships are supported by the driver. | |
List of (space separated) standard related table types which are recognised by the driver. | |
Capability set by drivers for formats which support renaming vector layers. | |
List of (space separated) field domain types supported by the AddFieldDomain() API. | |
List of (space separated) flags supported by the OGRLayer::AlterGeomFieldDefn() API. | |
List of (space separated) SQL dialects supported by the driver. | |
Value for GDALDimension::GetType() specifying the X axis of a horizontal CRS. | |
Value for GDALDimension::GetType() specifying the Y axis of a horizontal CRS. | |
Value for GDALDimension::GetType() specifying a vertical axis. | |
Value for GDALDimension::GetType() specifying a temporal axis. | |
Value for GDALDimension::GetType() specifying a parametric axis. | |
#define | GDsCAddRelationship "AddRelationship" |
Dataset capability for supporting AddRelationship() \ (at least partially) | |
#define | GDsCDeleteRelationship "DeleteRelationship" |
Dataset capability for supporting \ DeleteRelationship() | |
#define | GDsCUpdateRelationship "UpdateRelationship" |
Dataset capability for supporting \ UpdateRelationship() | |
#define | GDAL_OF_READONLY 0x00 |
Open in read-only mode. | |
#define | GDAL_OF_UPDATE 0x01 |
Open in update mode. | |
#define | GDAL_OF_ALL 0x00 |
Allow raster and vector drivers to be used. | |
#define | GDAL_OF_RASTER 0x02 |
Allow raster drivers to be used. | |
#define | GDAL_OF_VECTOR 0x04 |
Allow vector drivers to be used. | |
#define | GDAL_OF_GNM 0x08 |
Allow gnm drivers to be used. | |
#define | GDAL_OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER 0x10 |
Allow multidimensional raster drivers to be used. | |
#define | GDAL_OF_SHARED 0x20 |
Open in shared mode. | |
#define | GDAL_OF_VERBOSE_ERROR 0x40 |
Emit error message in case of failed open. | |
#define | GDAL_OF_INTERNAL 0x80 |
Open as internal dataset. | |
Let GDAL decide if a array-based or hashset-based storage strategy for cached blocks must be used. | |
#define | GDAL_OF_ARRAY_BLOCK_ACCESS 0x100 |
Use a array-based storage strategy for cached blocks. | |
Use a hashset-based storage strategy for cached blocks. | |
#define | GDAL_OF_THREAD_SAFE 0x800 |
Open in thread-safe mode. | |
Name of driver metadata item for layer creation option list. | |
#define | SRCVAL(papoSource, eSrcType, ii) |
SRCVAL - Macro which may be used by pixel functions to obtain a pixel from a source buffer. | |
#define | GMF_ALL_VALID 0x01 |
Flag returned by GDALGetMaskFlags() to indicate that all pixels are valid. | |
#define | GMF_PER_DATASET 0x02 |
Flag returned by GDALGetMaskFlags() to indicate that the mask band is valid for all bands. | |
#define | GMF_ALPHA 0x04 |
Flag returned by GDALGetMaskFlags() to indicate that the mask band is an alpha band. | |
#define | GMF_NODATA 0x08 |
Flag returned by GDALGetMaskFlags() to indicate that the mask band is computed from nodata values. | |
Flag returned by GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() when the driver does not implement GetDataCoverageStatus(). | |
Flag returned by GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() when there is (potentially) data in the queried window. | |
Flag returned by GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() when there is nodata in the queried window. | |
#define | GDAL_CHECK_VERSION(pszCallingComponentName) |
Helper macro for GDALCheckVersion() | |
Typedefs | |
typedef void * | GDALMajorObjectH |
Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALMajorObject class. | |
typedef void * | GDALDatasetH |
Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALDataset class. | |
typedef void * | GDALRasterBandH |
Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALRasterBand class. | |
typedef void * | GDALDriverH |
Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALDriver class. | |
typedef void * | GDALColorTableH |
Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALColorTable class. | |
typedef void * | GDALRasterAttributeTableH |
Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALRasterAttributeTable class. | |
typedef void * | GDALAsyncReaderH |
Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALAsyncReader class. | |
typedef void * | GDALRelationshipH |
Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALRelationship class. | |
typedef GIntBig | GSpacing |
Type to express pixel, line or band spacing. | |
typedef struct GDALExtendedDataTypeHS * | GDALExtendedDataTypeH |
Opaque type for C++ GDALExtendedDataType. | |
typedef struct GDALEDTComponentHS * | GDALEDTComponentH |
Opaque type for C++ GDALEDTComponent. | |
typedef struct GDALGroupHS * | GDALGroupH |
Opaque type for C++ GDALGroup. | |
typedef struct GDALMDArrayHS * | GDALMDArrayH |
Opaque type for C++ GDALMDArray. | |
typedef struct GDALAttributeHS * | GDALAttributeH |
Opaque type for C++ GDALAttribute. | |
typedef struct GDALDimensionHS * | GDALDimensionH |
Opaque type for C++ GDALDimension. | |
typedef void(* | GDALQueryLoggerFunc) (const char *pszSQL, const char *pszError, int64_t lNumRecords, int64_t lExecutionTimeMilliseconds, void *pQueryLoggerArg) |
Type of functions to pass to GDALDatasetSetQueryLoggerFunc. | |
typedef struct GDALSubdatasetInfo * | GDALSubdatasetInfoH |
Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALSubdatasetInfo class. | |
typedef CPLErr(* | GDALDerivedPixelFunc) (void **papoSources, int nSources, void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eSrcType, GDALDataType eBufType, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) |
Type of functions to pass to GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFunc. | |
typedef CPLErr(* | GDALDerivedPixelFuncWithArgs) (void **papoSources, int nSources, void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eSrcType, GDALDataType eBufType, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, CSLConstList papszFunctionArgs) |
Type of functions to pass to GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFuncWithArgs. | |
typedef void * | VRTPDWorkingDataPtr |
Generic pointer for the working structure of VRTProcessedDataset function. | |
typedef CPLErr(* | GDALVRTProcessedDatasetFuncInit) (const char *pszFuncName, void *pUserData, CSLConstList papszFunctionArgs, int nInBands, GDALDataType eInDT, double *padfInNoData, int *pnOutBands, GDALDataType *peOutDT, double **ppadfOutNoData, const char *pszVRTPath, VRTPDWorkingDataPtr *ppWorkingData) |
Initialization function to pass to GDALVRTRegisterProcessedDatasetFunc. | |
typedef void(* | GDALVRTProcessedDatasetFuncFree) (const char *pszFuncName, void *pUserData, VRTPDWorkingDataPtr pWorkingData) |
Free function to pass to GDALVRTRegisterProcessedDatasetFunc. | |
typedef CPLErr(* | GDALVRTProcessedDatasetFuncProcess) (const char *pszFuncName, void *pUserData, VRTPDWorkingDataPtr pWorkingData, CSLConstList papszFunctionArgs, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, const void *pInBuffer, size_t nInBufferSize, GDALDataType eInDT, int nInBands, const double *padfInNoData, void *pOutBuffer, size_t nOutBufferSize, GDALDataType eOutDT, int nOutBands, const double *padfOutNoData, double dfSrcXOff, double dfSrcYOff, double dfSrcXSize, double dfSrcYSize, const double adfSrcGT[], const char *pszVRTPath, CSLConstList papszExtra) |
Processing function to pass to GDALVRTRegisterProcessedDatasetFunc. | |
Functions | |
int | GDALGetDataTypeSize (GDALDataType) |
Get data type size in bits. | |
int | GDALGetDataTypeSizeBits (GDALDataType eDataType) |
Get data type size in bits. | |
int | GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes (GDALDataType) |
Get data type size in bytes. | |
int | GDALDataTypeIsComplex (GDALDataType) |
Is data type complex? | |
int | GDALDataTypeIsInteger (GDALDataType) |
Is data type integer? (might be complex) | |
int | GDALDataTypeIsFloating (GDALDataType) |
Is data type floating? (might be complex) | |
int | GDALDataTypeIsSigned (GDALDataType) |
Is data type signed? | |
const char * | GDALGetDataTypeName (GDALDataType) |
Get name of data type. | |
GDALDataType | GDALGetDataTypeByName (const char *) |
Get data type by symbolic name. | |
GDALDataType | GDALDataTypeUnion (GDALDataType, GDALDataType) |
Return the smallest data type that can fully express both input data types. | |
GDALDataType | GDALDataTypeUnionWithValue (GDALDataType eDT, double dValue, int bComplex) |
Union a data type with the one found for a value. | |
GDALDataType | GDALFindDataType (int nBits, int bSigned, int bFloating, int bComplex) |
Finds the smallest data type able to support the given requirements. | |
GDALDataType | GDALFindDataTypeForValue (double dValue, int bComplex) |
Finds the smallest data type able to support the provided value. | |
double | GDALAdjustValueToDataType (GDALDataType eDT, double dfValue, int *pbClamped, int *pbRounded) |
Adjust a value to the output data type. | |
bool | GDALIsValueExactAs (double dfValue, GDALDataType eDT) |
Check whether the provided value can be exactly represented in a data type. | |
GDALDataType | GDALGetNonComplexDataType (GDALDataType) |
Return the base data type for the specified input. | |
int | GDALDataTypeIsConversionLossy (GDALDataType eTypeFrom, GDALDataType eTypeTo) |
Is conversion from eTypeFrom to eTypeTo potentially lossy. | |
const char * | GDALGetAsyncStatusTypeName (GDALAsyncStatusType) |
Get name of AsyncStatus data type. | |
GDALAsyncStatusType | GDALGetAsyncStatusTypeByName (const char *) |
Get AsyncStatusType by symbolic name. | |
const char * | GDALGetColorInterpretationName (GDALColorInterp) |
Get name of color interpretation. | |
GDALColorInterp | GDALGetColorInterpretationByName (const char *pszName) |
Get color interpretation by symbolic name. | |
const char * | GDALGetPaletteInterpretationName (GDALPaletteInterp) |
Get name of palette interpretation. | |
void | GDALAllRegister (void) |
Register all known configured GDAL drivers. | |
void | GDALRegisterPlugins (void) |
Register drivers and support code available as a plugin. | |
CPLErr | GDALRegisterPlugin (const char *name) |
Register a plugin by name, returning an error if not found. | |
GDALDatasetH | GDALCreate (GDALDriverH hDriver, const char *, int, int, int, GDALDataType, CSLConstList) |
Create a new dataset with this driver. | |
GDALDatasetH | GDALCreateCopy (GDALDriverH, const char *, GDALDatasetH, int, CSLConstList, GDALProgressFunc, void *) |
Create a copy of a dataset. | |
GDALDriverH | GDALIdentifyDriver (const char *pszFilename, CSLConstList papszFileList) |
Identify the driver that can open a dataset. | |
GDALDriverH | GDALIdentifyDriverEx (const char *pszFilename, unsigned int nIdentifyFlags, const char *const *papszAllowedDrivers, const char *const *papszFileList) |
Identify the driver that can open a dataset. | |
GDALDatasetH | GDALOpen (const char *pszFilename, GDALAccess eAccess) |
Open a raster file as a GDALDataset. | |
GDALDatasetH | GDALOpenShared (const char *, GDALAccess) |
Open a raster file as a GDALDataset. | |
GDALDatasetH | GDALOpenEx (const char *pszFilename, unsigned int nOpenFlags, const char *const *papszAllowedDrivers, const char *const *papszOpenOptions, const char *const *papszSiblingFiles) |
Open a raster or vector file as a GDALDataset. | |
int | GDALDumpOpenDatasets (FILE *) |
List open datasets. | |
GDALDriverH | GDALGetDriverByName (const char *) |
Fetch a driver based on the short name. | |
int | GDALGetDriverCount (void) |
Fetch the number of registered drivers. | |
GDALDriverH | GDALGetDriver (int) |
Fetch driver by index. | |
GDALDriverH | GDALCreateDriver (void) |
Create a GDALDriver. | |
void | GDALDestroyDriver (GDALDriverH) |
Destroy a GDALDriver. | |
int | GDALRegisterDriver (GDALDriverH) |
Register a driver for use. | |
void | GDALDeregisterDriver (GDALDriverH) |
Deregister the passed driver. | |
void | GDALDestroyDriverManager (void) |
Destroy the driver manager. | |
void | GDALDestroy (void) |
Finalize GDAL/OGR library. | |
CPLErr | GDALDeleteDataset (GDALDriverH, const char *) |
Delete named dataset. | |
CPLErr | GDALRenameDataset (GDALDriverH, const char *pszNewName, const char *pszOldName) |
Rename a dataset. | |
CPLErr | GDALCopyDatasetFiles (GDALDriverH, const char *pszNewName, const char *pszOldName) |
Copy the files of a dataset. | |
int | GDALValidateCreationOptions (GDALDriverH, CSLConstList papszCreationOptions) |
Validate the list of creation options that are handled by a driver. | |
char ** | GDALGetOutputDriversForDatasetName (const char *pszDestFilename, int nFlagRasterVector, bool bSingleMatch, bool bEmitWarning) |
Return a list of driver short names that are likely candidates for the provided output file name. | |
const char * | GDALGetDriverShortName (GDALDriverH) |
Return the short name of a driver. | |
const char * | GDALGetDriverLongName (GDALDriverH) |
Return the long name of a driver. | |
const char * | GDALGetDriverHelpTopic (GDALDriverH) |
Return the URL to the help that describes the driver. | |
const char * | GDALGetDriverCreationOptionList (GDALDriverH) |
Return the list of creation options of the driver. | |
void | GDALInitGCPs (int, GDAL_GCP *) |
Initialize an array of GCPs. | |
void | GDALDeinitGCPs (int, GDAL_GCP *) |
De-initialize an array of GCPs (initialized with GDALInitGCPs()) | |
GDAL_GCP * | GDALDuplicateGCPs (int, const GDAL_GCP *) |
Duplicate an array of GCPs. | |
int | GDALGCPsToGeoTransform (int nGCPCount, const GDAL_GCP *pasGCPs, double *padfGeoTransform, int bApproxOK) |
Generate Geotransform from GCPs. | |
int | GDALInvGeoTransform (const double *padfGeoTransformIn, double *padfInvGeoTransformOut) |
Invert Geotransform. | |
void | GDALApplyGeoTransform (const double *, double, double, double *, double *) |
Apply GeoTransform to x/y coordinate. | |
void | GDALComposeGeoTransforms (const double *padfGeoTransform1, const double *padfGeoTransform2, double *padfGeoTransformOut) |
Compose two geotransforms. | |
char ** | GDALGetMetadataDomainList (GDALMajorObjectH hObject) |
Fetch list of metadata domains. | |
char ** | GDALGetMetadata (GDALMajorObjectH, const char *) |
Fetch metadata. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetMetadata (GDALMajorObjectH, CSLConstList, const char *) |
Set metadata. | |
const char * | GDALGetMetadataItem (GDALMajorObjectH, const char *, const char *) |
Fetch single metadata item. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetMetadataItem (GDALMajorObjectH, const char *, const char *, const char *) |
Set single metadata item. | |
const char * | GDALGetDescription (GDALMajorObjectH) |
Fetch object description. | |
void | GDALSetDescription (GDALMajorObjectH, const char *) |
Set object description. | |
GDALDriverH | GDALGetDatasetDriver (GDALDatasetH) |
Fetch the driver to which this dataset relates. | |
char ** | GDALGetFileList (GDALDatasetH) |
Fetch files forming dataset. | |
CPLErr | GDALClose (GDALDatasetH) |
Close GDAL dataset. | |
int | GDALGetRasterXSize (GDALDatasetH) |
Fetch raster width in pixels. | |
int | GDALGetRasterYSize (GDALDatasetH) |
Fetch raster height in pixels. | |
int | GDALGetRasterCount (GDALDatasetH) |
Fetch the number of raster bands on this dataset. | |
GDALRasterBandH | GDALGetRasterBand (GDALDatasetH, int) |
Fetch a band object for a dataset. | |
bool | GDALDatasetIsThreadSafe (GDALDatasetH, int nScopeFlags, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return whether this dataset, and its related objects (typically raster bands), can be called for the intended scope. | |
GDALDatasetH | GDALGetThreadSafeDataset (GDALDatasetH, int nScopeFlags, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return a thread-safe dataset. | |
CPLErr | GDALAddBand (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALDataType eType, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Add a band to a dataset. | |
GDALAsyncReaderH | GDALBeginAsyncReader (GDALDatasetH hDS, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, void *pBuf, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int nBandCount, int *panBandMap, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Sets up an asynchronous data request. | |
void | GDALEndAsyncReader (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALAsyncReaderH hAsynchReaderH) |
End asynchronous request. | |
CPLErr | GDALDatasetRasterIO (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nDSXOff, int nDSYOff, int nDSXSize, int nDSYSize, void *pBuffer, int nBXSize, int nBYSize, GDALDataType eBDataType, int nBandCount, const int *panBandCount, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, int nBandSpace) |
Read/write a region of image data from multiple bands. | |
CPLErr | GDALDatasetRasterIOEx (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nDSXOff, int nDSYOff, int nDSXSize, int nDSYSize, void *pBuffer, int nBXSize, int nBYSize, GDALDataType eBDataType, int nBandCount, const int *panBandCount, GSpacing nPixelSpace, GSpacing nLineSpace, GSpacing nBandSpace, GDALRasterIOExtraArg *psExtraArg) |
Read/write a region of image data from multiple bands. | |
CPLErr | GDALDatasetAdviseRead (GDALDatasetH hDS, int nDSXOff, int nDSYOff, int nDSXSize, int nDSYSize, int nBXSize, int nBYSize, GDALDataType eBDataType, int nBandCount, int *panBandCount, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Advise driver of upcoming read requests. | |
char ** | GDALDatasetGetCompressionFormats (GDALDatasetH hDS, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nBandCount, const int *panBandList) |
Return the compression formats that can be natively obtained for the window of interest and requested bands. | |
CPLErr | GDALDatasetReadCompressedData (GDALDatasetH hDS, const char *pszFormat, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nBandCount, const int *panBandList, void **ppBuffer, size_t *pnBufferSize, char **ppszDetailedFormat) |
Return the compressed content that can be natively obtained for the window of interest and requested bands. | |
const char * | GDALGetProjectionRef (GDALDatasetH) |
Fetch the projection definition string for this dataset. | |
OGRSpatialReferenceH | GDALGetSpatialRef (GDALDatasetH) |
Fetch the spatial reference for this dataset. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetProjection (GDALDatasetH, const char *) |
Set the projection reference string for this dataset. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetSpatialRef (GDALDatasetH, OGRSpatialReferenceH) |
Set the spatial reference system for this dataset. | |
CPLErr | GDALGetGeoTransform (GDALDatasetH, double *) |
Fetch the affine transformation coefficients. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetGeoTransform (GDALDatasetH, double *) |
Set the affine transformation coefficients. | |
int | GDALGetGCPCount (GDALDatasetH) |
Get number of GCPs. | |
const char * | GDALGetGCPProjection (GDALDatasetH) |
Get output projection for GCPs. | |
OGRSpatialReferenceH | GDALGetGCPSpatialRef (GDALDatasetH) |
Get output spatial reference system for GCPs. | |
const GDAL_GCP * | GDALGetGCPs (GDALDatasetH) |
Fetch GCPs. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetGCPs (GDALDatasetH, int, const GDAL_GCP *, const char *) |
Assign GCPs. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetGCPs2 (GDALDatasetH, int, const GDAL_GCP *, OGRSpatialReferenceH) |
Assign GCPs. | |
void * | GDALGetInternalHandle (GDALDatasetH, const char *) |
Fetch a format specific internally meaningful handle. | |
int | GDALReferenceDataset (GDALDatasetH) |
Add one to dataset reference count. | |
int | GDALDereferenceDataset (GDALDatasetH) |
Subtract one from dataset reference count. | |
int | GDALReleaseDataset (GDALDatasetH) |
Drop a reference to this object, and destroy if no longer referenced. | |
CPLErr | GDALBuildOverviews (GDALDatasetH, const char *, int, const int *, int, const int *, GDALProgressFunc, void *) |
Build raster overview(s) | |
CPLErr | GDALBuildOverviewsEx (GDALDatasetH, const char *, int, const int *, int, const int *, GDALProgressFunc, void *, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Build raster overview(s) | |
void | GDALGetOpenDatasets (GDALDatasetH **hDS, int *pnCount) |
Fetch all open GDAL dataset handles. | |
int | GDALGetAccess (GDALDatasetH hDS) |
Return access flag. | |
CPLErr | GDALFlushCache (GDALDatasetH hDS) |
Flush all write cached data to disk. | |
CPLErr | GDALDropCache (GDALDatasetH hDS) |
Drop all write cached data. | |
CPLErr | GDALCreateDatasetMaskBand (GDALDatasetH hDS, int nFlags) |
Adds a mask band to the dataset. | |
CPLErr | GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster (GDALDatasetH hSrcDS, GDALDatasetH hDstDS, CSLConstList papszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) |
Copy all dataset raster data. | |
CPLErr | GDALRasterBandCopyWholeRaster (GDALRasterBandH hSrcBand, GDALRasterBandH hDstBand, const char *const *constpapszOptions, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) |
Copy a whole raster band. | |
CPLErr | GDALRegenerateOverviews (GDALRasterBandH hSrcBand, int nOverviewCount, GDALRasterBandH *pahOverviewBands, const char *pszResampling, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) |
Generate downsampled overviews. | |
CPLErr | GDALRegenerateOverviewsEx (GDALRasterBandH hSrcBand, int nOverviewCount, GDALRasterBandH *pahOverviewBands, const char *pszResampling, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Generate downsampled overviews. | |
int | GDALDatasetGetLayerCount (GDALDatasetH) |
Get the number of layers in this dataset. | |
OGRLayerH | GDALDatasetGetLayer (GDALDatasetH, int) |
Fetch a layer by index. | |
GDALDatasetH | OGR_L_GetDataset (OGRLayerH hLayer) |
Return the dataset associated with this layer. | |
OGRLayerH | GDALDatasetGetLayerByName (GDALDatasetH, const char *) |
Fetch a layer by name. | |
int | GDALDatasetIsLayerPrivate (GDALDatasetH, int) |
Returns true if the layer at the specified index is deemed a private or system table, or an internal detail only. | |
OGRErr | GDALDatasetDeleteLayer (GDALDatasetH, int) |
Delete the indicated layer from the datasource. | |
OGRLayerH | GDALDatasetCreateLayer (GDALDatasetH, const char *, OGRSpatialReferenceH, OGRwkbGeometryType, CSLConstList) |
This function attempts to create a new layer on the dataset with the indicated name, coordinate system, geometry type. | |
OGRLayerH | GDALDatasetCreateLayerFromGeomFieldDefn (GDALDatasetH, const char *, OGRGeomFieldDefnH, CSLConstList) |
This function attempts to create a new layer on the dataset with the indicated name and geometry field. | |
OGRLayerH | GDALDatasetCopyLayer (GDALDatasetH, OGRLayerH, const char *, CSLConstList) |
Duplicate an existing layer. | |
void | GDALDatasetResetReading (GDALDatasetH) |
Reset feature reading to start on the first feature. | |
OGRFeatureH | GDALDatasetGetNextFeature (GDALDatasetH hDS, OGRLayerH *phBelongingLayer, double *pdfProgressPct, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) |
Fetch the next available feature from this dataset. | |
int | GDALDatasetTestCapability (GDALDatasetH, const char *) |
Test if capability is available. | |
OGRLayerH | GDALDatasetExecuteSQL (GDALDatasetH, const char *, OGRGeometryH, const char *) |
Execute an SQL statement against the data store. | |
OGRErr | GDALDatasetAbortSQL (GDALDatasetH) |
Abort any SQL statement running in the data store. | |
void | GDALDatasetReleaseResultSet (GDALDatasetH, OGRLayerH) |
Release results of ExecuteSQL(). | |
OGRStyleTableH | GDALDatasetGetStyleTable (GDALDatasetH) |
Returns dataset style table. | |
void | GDALDatasetSetStyleTableDirectly (GDALDatasetH, OGRStyleTableH) |
Set dataset style table. | |
void | GDALDatasetSetStyleTable (GDALDatasetH, OGRStyleTableH) |
Set dataset style table. | |
OGRErr | GDALDatasetStartTransaction (GDALDatasetH hDS, int bForce) |
For datasources which support transactions, StartTransaction creates a transaction. | |
OGRErr | GDALDatasetCommitTransaction (GDALDatasetH hDS) |
For datasources which support transactions, CommitTransaction commits a transaction. | |
OGRErr | GDALDatasetRollbackTransaction (GDALDatasetH hDS) |
For datasources which support transactions, RollbackTransaction will roll back a datasource to its state before the start of the current transaction. | |
void | GDALDatasetClearStatistics (GDALDatasetH hDS) |
Clear statistics. | |
char ** | GDALDatasetGetFieldDomainNames (GDALDatasetH, CSLConstList) |
Returns a list of the names of all field domains stored in the dataset. | |
OGRFieldDomainH | GDALDatasetGetFieldDomain (GDALDatasetH hDS, const char *pszName) |
Get a field domain from its name. | |
bool | GDALDatasetAddFieldDomain (GDALDatasetH hDS, OGRFieldDomainH hFieldDomain, char **ppszFailureReason) |
Add a field domain to the dataset. | |
bool | GDALDatasetDeleteFieldDomain (GDALDatasetH hDS, const char *pszName, char **ppszFailureReason) |
Removes a field domain from the dataset. | |
bool | GDALDatasetUpdateFieldDomain (GDALDatasetH hDS, OGRFieldDomainH hFieldDomain, char **ppszFailureReason) |
Updates an existing field domain by replacing its definition. | |
char ** | GDALDatasetGetRelationshipNames (GDALDatasetH, CSLConstList) |
Returns a list of the names of all relationships stored in the dataset. | |
GDALRelationshipH | GDALDatasetGetRelationship (GDALDatasetH hDS, const char *pszName) |
Get a relationship from its name. | |
bool | GDALDatasetAddRelationship (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALRelationshipH hRelationship, char **ppszFailureReason) |
Add a relationship to the dataset. | |
bool | GDALDatasetDeleteRelationship (GDALDatasetH hDS, const char *pszName, char **ppszFailureReason) |
Removes a relationship from the dataset. | |
bool | GDALDatasetUpdateRelationship (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALRelationshipH hRelationship, char **ppszFailureReason) |
Updates an existing relationship by replacing its definition. | |
bool | GDALDatasetSetQueryLoggerFunc (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALQueryLoggerFunc pfnQueryLoggerFunc, void *poQueryLoggerArg) |
Sets the SQL query logger callback. | |
GDALSubdatasetInfoH | GDALGetSubdatasetInfo (const char *pszFileName) |
Returns a new GDALSubdatasetInfo object with methods to extract and manipulate subdataset information. | |
char * | GDALSubdatasetInfoGetPathComponent (GDALSubdatasetInfoH hInfo) |
Returns the file path component of a subdataset descriptor effectively stripping the information about the subdataset and returning the "parent" dataset descriptor. | |
char * | GDALSubdatasetInfoGetSubdatasetComponent (GDALSubdatasetInfoH hInfo) |
Returns the subdataset component of a subdataset descriptor descriptor. | |
char * | GDALSubdatasetInfoModifyPathComponent (GDALSubdatasetInfoH hInfo, const char *pszNewPath) |
Replaces the path component of a subdataset descriptor. | |
void | GDALDestroySubdatasetInfo (GDALSubdatasetInfoH hInfo) |
Destroys a GDALSubdatasetInfo object. | |
GDALDataType | GDALGetRasterDataType (GDALRasterBandH) |
Fetch the pixel data type for this band. | |
void | GDALGetBlockSize (GDALRasterBandH, int *pnXSize, int *pnYSize) |
Fetch the "natural" block size of this band. | |
CPLErr | GDALGetActualBlockSize (GDALRasterBandH, int nXBlockOff, int nYBlockOff, int *pnXValid, int *pnYValid) |
Retrieve the actual block size for a given block offset. | |
CPLErr | GDALRasterAdviseRead (GDALRasterBandH hRB, int nDSXOff, int nDSYOff, int nDSXSize, int nDSYSize, int nBXSize, int nBYSize, GDALDataType eBDataType, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Advise driver of upcoming read requests. | |
CPLErr | GDALRasterIO (GDALRasterBandH hRBand, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nDSXOff, int nDSYOff, int nDSXSize, int nDSYSize, void *pBuffer, int nBXSize, int nBYSize, GDALDataType eBDataType, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) |
Read/write a region of image data for this band. | |
CPLErr | GDALRasterIOEx (GDALRasterBandH hRBand, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nDSXOff, int nDSYOff, int nDSXSize, int nDSYSize, void *pBuffer, int nBXSize, int nBYSize, GDALDataType eBDataType, GSpacing nPixelSpace, GSpacing nLineSpace, GDALRasterIOExtraArg *psExtraArg) |
Read/write a region of image data for this band. | |
CPLErr | GDALReadBlock (GDALRasterBandH, int, int, void *) |
Read a block of image data efficiently. | |
CPLErr | GDALWriteBlock (GDALRasterBandH, int, int, void *) |
Write a block of image data efficiently. | |
int | GDALGetRasterBandXSize (GDALRasterBandH) |
Fetch XSize of raster. | |
int | GDALGetRasterBandYSize (GDALRasterBandH) |
Fetch YSize of raster. | |
GDALAccess | GDALGetRasterAccess (GDALRasterBandH) |
Find out if we have update permission for this band. | |
int | GDALGetBandNumber (GDALRasterBandH) |
Fetch the band number. | |
GDALDatasetH | GDALGetBandDataset (GDALRasterBandH) |
Fetch the owning dataset handle. | |
GDALColorInterp | GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation (GDALRasterBandH) |
How should this band be interpreted as color? | |
CPLErr | GDALSetRasterColorInterpretation (GDALRasterBandH, GDALColorInterp) |
Set color interpretation of a band. | |
GDALColorTableH | GDALGetRasterColorTable (GDALRasterBandH) |
Fetch the color table associated with band. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetRasterColorTable (GDALRasterBandH, GDALColorTableH) |
Set the raster color table. | |
int | GDALHasArbitraryOverviews (GDALRasterBandH) |
Check for arbitrary overviews. | |
int | GDALGetOverviewCount (GDALRasterBandH) |
Return the number of overview layers available. | |
GDALRasterBandH | GDALGetOverview (GDALRasterBandH, int) |
Fetch overview raster band object. | |
double | GDALGetRasterNoDataValue (GDALRasterBandH, int *) |
Fetch the no data value for this band. | |
int64_t | GDALGetRasterNoDataValueAsInt64 (GDALRasterBandH, int *) |
Fetch the no data value for this band. | |
uint64_t | GDALGetRasterNoDataValueAsUInt64 (GDALRasterBandH, int *) |
Fetch the no data value for this band. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetRasterNoDataValue (GDALRasterBandH, double) |
Set the no data value for this band. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetRasterNoDataValueAsInt64 (GDALRasterBandH, int64_t) |
Set the no data value for this band. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetRasterNoDataValueAsUInt64 (GDALRasterBandH, uint64_t) |
Set the no data value for this band. | |
CPLErr | GDALDeleteRasterNoDataValue (GDALRasterBandH) |
Remove the no data value for this band. | |
char ** | GDALGetRasterCategoryNames (GDALRasterBandH) |
Fetch the list of category names for this raster. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetRasterCategoryNames (GDALRasterBandH, CSLConstList) |
Set the category names for this band. | |
double | GDALGetRasterMinimum (GDALRasterBandH, int *pbSuccess) |
Fetch the minimum value for this band. | |
double | GDALGetRasterMaximum (GDALRasterBandH, int *pbSuccess) |
Fetch the maximum value for this band. | |
CPLErr | GDALGetRasterStatistics (GDALRasterBandH, int bApproxOK, int bForce, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean, double *pdfStdDev) |
Fetch image statistics. | |
CPLErr | GDALComputeRasterStatistics (GDALRasterBandH, int bApproxOK, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean, double *pdfStdDev, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) |
Compute image statistics. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetRasterStatistics (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfMin, double dfMax, double dfMean, double dfStdDev) |
Set statistics on band. | |
GDALMDArrayH | GDALRasterBandAsMDArray (GDALRasterBandH) |
Return a view of this raster band as a 2D multidimensional GDALMDArray. | |
const char * | GDALGetRasterUnitType (GDALRasterBandH) |
Return raster unit type. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetRasterUnitType (GDALRasterBandH hBand, const char *pszNewValue) |
Set unit type. | |
double | GDALGetRasterOffset (GDALRasterBandH, int *pbSuccess) |
Fetch the raster value offset. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetRasterOffset (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfNewOffset) |
Set scaling offset. | |
double | GDALGetRasterScale (GDALRasterBandH, int *pbSuccess) |
Fetch the raster value scale. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetRasterScale (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfNewOffset) |
Set scaling ratio. | |
CPLErr | GDALComputeRasterMinMax (GDALRasterBandH hBand, int bApproxOK, double adfMinMax[2]) |
Compute the min/max values for a band. | |
CPLErr | GDALFlushRasterCache (GDALRasterBandH hBand) |
Flush raster data cache. | |
CPLErr | GDALDropRasterCache (GDALRasterBandH hBand) |
Drop raster data cache. | |
CPLErr | GDALGetRasterHistogram (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfMin, double dfMax, int nBuckets, int *panHistogram, int bIncludeOutOfRange, int bApproxOK, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) |
Compute raster histogram. | |
CPLErr | GDALGetRasterHistogramEx (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfMin, double dfMax, int nBuckets, GUIntBig *panHistogram, int bIncludeOutOfRange, int bApproxOK, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) |
Compute raster histogram. | |
CPLErr | GDALGetDefaultHistogram (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, int *pnBuckets, int **ppanHistogram, int bForce, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) |
Fetch default raster histogram. | |
CPLErr | GDALGetDefaultHistogramEx (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, int *pnBuckets, GUIntBig **ppanHistogram, int bForce, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) |
Fetch default raster histogram. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetDefaultHistogram (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfMin, double dfMax, int nBuckets, int *panHistogram) |
Set default histogram. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetDefaultHistogramEx (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfMin, double dfMax, int nBuckets, GUIntBig *panHistogram) |
Set default histogram. | |
int | GDALGetRandomRasterSample (GDALRasterBandH, int, float *) |
Undocumented. | |
GDALRasterBandH | GDALGetRasterSampleOverview (GDALRasterBandH, int) |
Fetch best sampling overview. | |
GDALRasterBandH | GDALGetRasterSampleOverviewEx (GDALRasterBandH, GUIntBig) |
Fetch best sampling overview. | |
CPLErr | GDALFillRaster (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfRealValue, double dfImaginaryValue) |
Fill this band with a constant value. | |
CPLErr | GDALComputeBandStats (GDALRasterBandH hBand, int nSampleStep, double *pdfMean, double *pdfStdDev, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) |
Undocumented. | |
CPLErr | GDALOverviewMagnitudeCorrection (GDALRasterBandH hBaseBand, int nOverviewCount, GDALRasterBandH *pahOverviews, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) |
Undocumented. | |
GDALRasterAttributeTableH | GDALGetDefaultRAT (GDALRasterBandH hBand) |
Fetch default Raster Attribute Table. | |
CPLErr | GDALSetDefaultRAT (GDALRasterBandH, GDALRasterAttributeTableH) |
Set default Raster Attribute Table. | |
CPLErr | GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFunc (const char *pszName, GDALDerivedPixelFunc pfnPixelFunc) |
This adds a pixel function to the global list of available pixel functions for derived bands. | |
CPLErr | GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFuncWithArgs (const char *pszName, GDALDerivedPixelFuncWithArgs pfnPixelFunc, const char *pszMetadata) |
This adds a pixel function to the global list of available pixel functions for derived bands. | |
CPLErr | GDALRasterInterpolateAtPoint (GDALRasterBandH hBand, double dfPixel, double dfLine, GDALRIOResampleAlg eInterpolation, double *pdfRealValue, double *pdfImagValue) |
Interpolates the value between pixels using a resampling algorithm. | |
CPLErr | GDALVRTRegisterProcessedDatasetFunc (const char *pszFuncName, void *pUserData, const char *pszXMLMetadata, GDALDataType eRequestedInputDT, const GDALDataType *paeSupportedInputDT, size_t nSupportedInputDTSize, const int *panSupportedInputBandCount, size_t nSupportedInputBandCountSize, GDALVRTProcessedDatasetFuncInit pfnInit, GDALVRTProcessedDatasetFuncFree pfnFree, GDALVRTProcessedDatasetFuncProcess pfnProcess, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Register a function to be used by VRTProcessedDataset. | |
GDALRasterBandH | GDALGetMaskBand (GDALRasterBandH hBand) |
Return the mask band associated with the band. | |
int | GDALGetMaskFlags (GDALRasterBandH hBand) |
Return the status flags of the mask band associated with the band. | |
CPLErr | GDALCreateMaskBand (GDALRasterBandH hBand, int nFlags) |
Adds a mask band to the current band. | |
bool | GDALIsMaskBand (GDALRasterBandH hBand) |
Returns whether a band is a mask band. | |
int | GDALGetDataCoverageStatus (GDALRasterBandH hBand, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nMaskFlagStop, double *pdfDataPct) |
Get the coverage status of a sub-window of the raster. | |
GDALAsyncStatusType | GDALARGetNextUpdatedRegion (GDALAsyncReaderH hARIO, double dfTimeout, int *pnXBufOff, int *pnYBufOff, int *pnXBufSize, int *pnYBufSize) |
Get async IO update. | |
int | GDALARLockBuffer (GDALAsyncReaderH hARIO, double dfTimeout) |
Lock image buffer. | |
void | GDALARUnlockBuffer (GDALAsyncReaderH hARIO) |
Unlock image buffer. | |
int | GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor (int nArgc, char ***ppapszArgv, int nOptions) |
General utility option processing. | |
void | GDALSwapWords (void *pData, int nWordSize, int nWordCount, int nWordSkip) |
Byte swap words in-place. | |
void | GDALSwapWordsEx (void *pData, int nWordSize, size_t nWordCount, int nWordSkip) |
Byte swap words in-place. | |
void | GDALCopyWords (const void *pSrcData, GDALDataType eSrcType, int nSrcPixelOffset, void *pDstData, GDALDataType eDstType, int nDstPixelOffset, int nWordCount) |
Copy pixel words from buffer to buffer. | |
void | GDALCopyWords64 (const void *pSrcData, GDALDataType eSrcType, int nSrcPixelOffset, void *pDstData, GDALDataType eDstType, int nDstPixelOffset, GPtrDiff_t nWordCount) |
Copy pixel words from buffer to buffer. | |
void | GDALCopyBits (const GByte *pabySrcData, int nSrcOffset, int nSrcStep, GByte *pabyDstData, int nDstOffset, int nDstStep, int nBitCount, int nStepCount) |
Bitwise word copying. | |
void | GDALDeinterleave (const void *pSourceBuffer, GDALDataType eSourceDT, int nComponents, void **ppDestBuffer, GDALDataType eDestDT, size_t nIters) |
double | GDALGetNoDataReplacementValue (GDALDataType, double) |
Returns a replacement value for a nodata value or 0 if dfNoDataValue is out of range for the specified data type (dt). | |
int | GDALLoadWorldFile (const char *, double *) |
Read ESRI world file. | |
int | GDALReadWorldFile (const char *, const char *, double *) |
Read ESRI world file. | |
int | GDALWriteWorldFile (const char *, const char *, double *) |
Write ESRI world file. | |
int | GDALLoadTabFile (const char *, double *, char **, int *, GDAL_GCP **) |
Helper function for translator implementer wanting support for MapInfo .tab files. | |
int | GDALReadTabFile (const char *, double *, char **, int *, GDAL_GCP **) |
Helper function for translator implementer wanting support for MapInfo .tab files. | |
int | GDALLoadOziMapFile (const char *, double *, char **, int *, GDAL_GCP **) |
Helper function for translator implementer wanting support for OZI .map. | |
int | GDALReadOziMapFile (const char *, double *, char **, int *, GDAL_GCP **) |
Helper function for translator implementer wanting support for OZI .map. | |
const char * | GDALDecToDMS (double, const char *, int) |
Translate a decimal degrees value to a DMS string with hemisphere. | |
double | GDALPackedDMSToDec (double) |
Convert a packed DMS value (DDDMMMSSS.SS) into decimal degrees. | |
double | GDALDecToPackedDMS (double) |
Convert decimal degrees into packed DMS value (DDDMMMSSS.SS). | |
const char * | GDALVersionInfo (const char *) |
Get runtime version information. | |
int | GDALCheckVersion (int nVersionMajor, int nVersionMinor, const char *pszCallingComponentName) |
Return TRUE if GDAL library version at runtime matches nVersionMajor.nVersionMinor. | |
int | GDALExtractRPCInfoV2 (CSLConstList, GDALRPCInfoV2 *) |
Extract RPC info from metadata, and apply to an RPCInfo structure. | |
GDALColorTableH | GDALCreateColorTable (GDALPaletteInterp) |
Construct a new color table. | |
void | GDALDestroyColorTable (GDALColorTableH) |
Destroys a color table. | |
GDALColorTableH | GDALCloneColorTable (GDALColorTableH) |
Make a copy of a color table. | |
GDALPaletteInterp | GDALGetPaletteInterpretation (GDALColorTableH) |
Fetch palette interpretation. | |
int | GDALGetColorEntryCount (GDALColorTableH) |
Get number of color entries in table. | |
const GDALColorEntry * | GDALGetColorEntry (GDALColorTableH, int) |
Fetch a color entry from table. | |
int | GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB (GDALColorTableH, int, GDALColorEntry *) |
Fetch a table entry in RGB format. | |
void | GDALSetColorEntry (GDALColorTableH, int, const GDALColorEntry *) |
Set entry in color table. | |
void | GDALCreateColorRamp (GDALColorTableH hTable, int nStartIndex, const GDALColorEntry *psStartColor, int nEndIndex, const GDALColorEntry *psEndColor) |
Create color ramp. | |
GDALRasterAttributeTableH | GDALCreateRasterAttributeTable (void) |
Construct empty table. | |
void | GDALDestroyRasterAttributeTable (GDALRasterAttributeTableH) |
Destroys a RAT. | |
int | GDALRATGetColumnCount (GDALRasterAttributeTableH) |
Fetch table column count. | |
const char * | GDALRATGetNameOfCol (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int) |
Fetch name of indicated column. | |
GDALRATFieldUsage | GDALRATGetUsageOfCol (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int) |
Fetch column usage value. | |
GDALRATFieldType | GDALRATGetTypeOfCol (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int) |
Fetch column type. | |
int | GDALRATGetColOfUsage (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, GDALRATFieldUsage) |
Fetch column index for given usage. | |
int | GDALRATGetRowCount (GDALRasterAttributeTableH) |
Fetch row count. | |
const char * | GDALRATGetValueAsString (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int) |
Fetch field value as a string. | |
int | GDALRATGetValueAsInt (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int) |
Fetch field value as a integer. | |
double | GDALRATGetValueAsDouble (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int) |
Fetch field value as a double. | |
void | GDALRATSetValueAsString (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int, const char *) |
Set field value from string. | |
void | GDALRATSetValueAsInt (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int, int) |
Set field value from integer. | |
void | GDALRATSetValueAsDouble (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int, int, double) |
Set field value from double. | |
int | GDALRATChangesAreWrittenToFile (GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT) |
Determine whether changes made to this RAT are reflected directly in the dataset. | |
CPLErr | GDALRATValuesIOAsDouble (GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int iField, int iStartRow, int iLength, double *pdfData) |
Read or Write a block of doubles to/from the Attribute Table. | |
CPLErr | GDALRATValuesIOAsInteger (GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int iField, int iStartRow, int iLength, int *pnData) |
Read or Write a block of ints to/from the Attribute Table. | |
CPLErr | GDALRATValuesIOAsString (GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int iField, int iStartRow, int iLength, char **papszStrList) |
Read or Write a block of strings to/from the Attribute Table. | |
void | GDALRATSetRowCount (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int) |
Set row count. | |
CPLErr | GDALRATCreateColumn (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, const char *, GDALRATFieldType, GDALRATFieldUsage) |
Create new column. | |
CPLErr | GDALRATSetLinearBinning (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, double, double) |
Set linear binning information. | |
int | GDALRATGetLinearBinning (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, double *, double *) |
Get linear binning information. | |
CPLErr | GDALRATSetTableType (GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT, const GDALRATTableType eInTableType) |
Set RAT Table Type. | |
GDALRATTableType | GDALRATGetTableType (GDALRasterAttributeTableH hRAT) |
Get Rat Table Type. | |
CPLErr | GDALRATInitializeFromColorTable (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, GDALColorTableH) |
Initialize from color table. | |
GDALColorTableH | GDALRATTranslateToColorTable (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, int nEntryCount) |
Translate to a color table. | |
void | GDALRATDumpReadable (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, FILE *) |
Dump RAT in readable form. | |
GDALRasterAttributeTableH | GDALRATClone (const GDALRasterAttributeTableH) |
Copy Raster Attribute Table. | |
void * | GDALRATSerializeJSON (GDALRasterAttributeTableH) |
Serialize Raster Attribute Table in Json format. | |
int | GDALRATGetRowOfValue (GDALRasterAttributeTableH, double) |
Get row for pixel value. | |
void | GDALRATRemoveStatistics (GDALRasterAttributeTableH) |
Remove Statistics from RAT. | |
GDALRelationshipH | GDALRelationshipCreate (const char *, const char *, const char *, GDALRelationshipCardinality) |
Creates a new relationship. | |
void | GDALDestroyRelationship (GDALRelationshipH) |
Destroys a relationship. | |
const char * | GDALRelationshipGetName (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the name of the relationship. | |
GDALRelationshipCardinality | GDALRelationshipGetCardinality (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the cardinality of the relationship. | |
const char * | GDALRelationshipGetLeftTableName (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the name of the left (or base/origin) table in the relationship. | |
const char * | GDALRelationshipGetRightTableName (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the name of the right (or related/destination) table in the relationship. | |
const char * | GDALRelationshipGetMappingTableName (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the name of the mapping table for many-to-many relationships. | |
void | GDALRelationshipSetMappingTableName (GDALRelationshipH, const char *) |
Sets the name of the mapping table for many-to-many relationships. | |
char ** | GDALRelationshipGetLeftTableFields (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the names of the participating fields from the left table in the relationship. | |
char ** | GDALRelationshipGetRightTableFields (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the names of the participating fields from the right table in the relationship. | |
void | GDALRelationshipSetLeftTableFields (GDALRelationshipH, CSLConstList) |
Sets the names of the participating fields from the left table in the relationship. | |
void | GDALRelationshipSetRightTableFields (GDALRelationshipH, CSLConstList) |
Sets the names of the participating fields from the right table in the relationship. | |
char ** | GDALRelationshipGetLeftMappingTableFields (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the names of the mapping table fields which correspond to the participating fields from the left table in the relationship. | |
char ** | GDALRelationshipGetRightMappingTableFields (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the names of the mapping table fields which correspond to the participating fields from the right table in the relationship. | |
void | GDALRelationshipSetLeftMappingTableFields (GDALRelationshipH, CSLConstList) |
Sets the names of the mapping table fields which correspond to the participating fields from the left table in the relationship. | |
void | GDALRelationshipSetRightMappingTableFields (GDALRelationshipH, CSLConstList) |
Sets the names of the mapping table fields which correspond to the participating fields from the right table in the relationship. | |
GDALRelationshipType | GDALRelationshipGetType (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the type of the relationship. | |
void | GDALRelationshipSetType (GDALRelationshipH, GDALRelationshipType) |
Sets the type of the relationship. | |
const char * | GDALRelationshipGetForwardPathLabel (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the label of the forward path for the relationship. | |
void | GDALRelationshipSetForwardPathLabel (GDALRelationshipH, const char *) |
Sets the label of the forward path for the relationship. | |
const char * | GDALRelationshipGetBackwardPathLabel (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the label of the backward path for the relationship. | |
void | GDALRelationshipSetBackwardPathLabel (GDALRelationshipH, const char *) |
Sets the label of the backward path for the relationship. | |
const char * | GDALRelationshipGetRelatedTableType (GDALRelationshipH) |
Get the type string of the related table. | |
void | GDALRelationshipSetRelatedTableType (GDALRelationshipH, const char *) |
Sets the type string of the related table. | |
void | GDALSetCacheMax (int nBytes) |
Set maximum cache memory. | |
int | GDALGetCacheMax (void) |
Get maximum cache memory. | |
int | GDALGetCacheUsed (void) |
Get cache memory used. | |
void | GDALSetCacheMax64 (GIntBig nBytes) |
Set maximum cache memory. | |
GIntBig | GDALGetCacheMax64 (void) |
Get maximum cache memory. | |
GIntBig | GDALGetCacheUsed64 (void) |
Get cache memory used. | |
int | GDALFlushCacheBlock (void) |
Try to flush one cached raster block. | |
CPLVirtualMem * | GDALDatasetGetVirtualMem (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int nBandCount, int *panBandMap, int nPixelSpace, GIntBig nLineSpace, GIntBig nBandSpace, size_t nCacheSize, size_t nPageSizeHint, int bSingleThreadUsage, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL dataset object. | |
CPLVirtualMem * | GDALRasterBandGetVirtualMem (GDALRasterBandH hBand, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int nPixelSpace, GIntBig nLineSpace, size_t nCacheSize, size_t nPageSizeHint, int bSingleThreadUsage, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL raster band object. | |
CPLVirtualMem * | GDALGetVirtualMemAuto (GDALRasterBandH hBand, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int *pnPixelSpace, GIntBig *pnLineSpace, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL raster band object. | |
CPLVirtualMem * | GDALDatasetGetTiledVirtualMem (GDALDatasetH hDS, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nTileXSize, int nTileYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int nBandCount, int *panBandMap, GDALTileOrganization eTileOrganization, size_t nCacheSize, int bSingleThreadUsage, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL dataset object, with tiling organization. | |
CPLVirtualMem * | GDALRasterBandGetTiledVirtualMem (GDALRasterBandH hBand, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nTileXSize, int nTileYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, size_t nCacheSize, int bSingleThreadUsage, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL rasterband object, with tiling organization. | |
GDALDatasetH | GDALCreatePansharpenedVRT (const char *pszXML, GDALRasterBandH hPanchroBand, int nInputSpectralBands, GDALRasterBandH *pahInputSpectralBands) |
Create a virtual pansharpened dataset. | |
CPLXMLNode * | GDALGetJPEG2000Structure (const char *pszFilename, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Dump the structure of a JPEG2000 file as a XML tree. | |
GDALDatasetH | GDALCreateMultiDimensional (GDALDriverH hDriver, const char *pszName, CSLConstList papszRootGroupOptions, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Create a new multidimensional dataset with this driver. | |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH | GDALExtendedDataTypeCreate (GDALDataType eType) |
Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_NUMERIC. | |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH | GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateString (size_t nMaxStringLength) |
Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_STRING. | |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH | GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateStringEx (size_t nMaxStringLength, GDALExtendedDataTypeSubType eSubType) |
Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_STRING. | |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH | GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateCompound (const char *pszName, size_t nTotalSize, size_t nComponents, const GDALEDTComponentH *comps) |
Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_COMPOUND. | |
void | GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease (GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT) |
Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALExtendedDataTypeH. | |
const char * | GDALExtendedDataTypeGetName (GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT) |
Return type name. | |
GDALExtendedDataTypeClass | GDALExtendedDataTypeGetClass (GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT) |
Return type class. | |
GDALDataType | GDALExtendedDataTypeGetNumericDataType (GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT) |
Return numeric data type (only valid when GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC) | |
size_t | GDALExtendedDataTypeGetSize (GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT) |
Return data type size in bytes. | |
size_t | GDALExtendedDataTypeGetMaxStringLength (GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT) |
Return the maximum length of a string in bytes. | |
GDALEDTComponentH * | GDALExtendedDataTypeGetComponents (GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT, size_t *pnCount) |
Return the components of the data type (only valid when GetClass() == GEDTC_COMPOUND) | |
void | GDALExtendedDataTypeFreeComponents (GDALEDTComponentH *components, size_t nCount) |
Free the return of GDALExtendedDataTypeGetComponents(). | |
int | GDALExtendedDataTypeCanConvertTo (GDALExtendedDataTypeH hSourceEDT, GDALExtendedDataTypeH hTargetEDT) |
Return whether this data type can be converted to the other one. | |
int | GDALExtendedDataTypeEquals (GDALExtendedDataTypeH hFirstEDT, GDALExtendedDataTypeH hSecondEDT) |
Return whether this data type is equal to another one. | |
GDALExtendedDataTypeSubType | GDALExtendedDataTypeGetSubType (GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT) |
Return the subtype of a type. | |
GDALEDTComponentH | GDALEDTComponentCreate (const char *pszName, size_t nOffset, GDALExtendedDataTypeH hType) |
Create a new GDALEDTComponent. | |
void | GDALEDTComponentRelease (GDALEDTComponentH hComp) |
Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALEDTComponentH. | |
const char * | GDALEDTComponentGetName (GDALEDTComponentH hComp) |
Return the name. | |
size_t | GDALEDTComponentGetOffset (GDALEDTComponentH hComp) |
Return the offset (in bytes) of the component in the compound data type. | |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH | GDALEDTComponentGetType (GDALEDTComponentH hComp) |
Return the data type of the component. | |
GDALGroupH | GDALDatasetGetRootGroup (GDALDatasetH hDS) |
Return the root GDALGroup of this dataset. | |
void | GDALGroupRelease (GDALGroupH hGroup) |
Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALGroupH. | |
const char * | GDALGroupGetName (GDALGroupH hGroup) |
Return the name of the group. | |
const char * | GDALGroupGetFullName (GDALGroupH hGroup) |
Return the full name of the group. | |
char ** | GDALGroupGetMDArrayNames (GDALGroupH hGroup, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return the list of multidimensional array names contained in this group. | |
GDALMDArrayH | GDALGroupOpenMDArray (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszMDArrayName, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Open and return a multidimensional array. | |
GDALMDArrayH | GDALGroupOpenMDArrayFromFullname (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszMDArrayName, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Open and return a multidimensional array from its fully qualified name. | |
GDALMDArrayH | GDALGroupResolveMDArray (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName, const char *pszStartingPoint, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Locate an array in a group and its subgroups by name. | |
char ** | GDALGroupGetGroupNames (GDALGroupH hGroup, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return the list of sub-groups contained in this group. | |
GDALGroupH | GDALGroupOpenGroup (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszSubGroupName, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Open and return a sub-group. | |
GDALGroupH | GDALGroupOpenGroupFromFullname (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszMDArrayName, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Open and return a sub-group from its fully qualified name. | |
char ** | GDALGroupGetVectorLayerNames (GDALGroupH hGroup, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return the list of layer names contained in this group. | |
OGRLayerH | GDALGroupOpenVectorLayer (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszVectorLayerName, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Open and return a vector layer. | |
GDALDimensionH * | GDALGroupGetDimensions (GDALGroupH hGroup, size_t *pnCount, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return the list of dimensions contained in this group and used by its arrays. | |
GDALAttributeH | GDALGroupGetAttribute (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName) |
Return an attribute by its name. | |
GDALAttributeH * | GDALGroupGetAttributes (GDALGroupH hGroup, size_t *pnCount, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return the list of attributes contained in this group. | |
CSLConstList | GDALGroupGetStructuralInfo (GDALGroupH hGroup) |
Return structural information on the group. | |
GDALGroupH | GDALGroupCreateGroup (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszSubGroupName, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Create a sub-group within a group. | |
bool | GDALGroupDeleteGroup (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Delete a sub-group from a group. | |
GDALDimensionH | GDALGroupCreateDimension (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName, const char *pszType, const char *pszDirection, GUInt64 nSize, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Create a dimension within a group. | |
GDALMDArrayH | GDALGroupCreateMDArray (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName, size_t nDimensions, GDALDimensionH *pahDimensions, GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Create a multidimensional array within a group. | |
bool | GDALGroupDeleteMDArray (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Delete an array from a group. | |
GDALAttributeH | GDALGroupCreateAttribute (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName, size_t nDimensions, const GUInt64 *panDimensions, GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Create a attribute within a group. | |
bool | GDALGroupDeleteAttribute (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszName, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Delete an attribute from a group. | |
bool | GDALGroupRename (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszNewName) |
Rename the group. | |
GDALGroupH | GDALGroupSubsetDimensionFromSelection (GDALGroupH hGroup, const char *pszSelection, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return a virtual group whose one dimension has been subset according to a selection. | |
void | GDALMDArrayRelease (GDALMDArrayH hMDArray) |
Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALMDArray. | |
const char * | GDALMDArrayGetName (GDALMDArrayH hArray) |
Return array name. | |
const char * | GDALMDArrayGetFullName (GDALMDArrayH hArray) |
Return array full name. | |
GUInt64 | GDALMDArrayGetTotalElementsCount (GDALMDArrayH hArray) |
Return the total number of values in the array. | |
size_t | GDALMDArrayGetDimensionCount (GDALMDArrayH hArray) |
Return the number of dimensions. | |
GDALDimensionH * | GDALMDArrayGetDimensions (GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t *pnCount) |
Return the dimensions of the array. | |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH | GDALMDArrayGetDataType (GDALMDArrayH hArray) |
Return the data type. | |
int | GDALMDArrayRead (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride, GDALExtendedDataTypeH bufferDatatype, void *pDstBuffer, const void *pDstBufferAllocStart, size_t nDstBufferllocSize) |
Read part or totality of a multidimensional array. | |
int | GDALMDArrayWrite (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count, const GInt64 *arrayStep, const GPtrDiff_t *bufferStride, GDALExtendedDataTypeH bufferDatatype, const void *pSrcBuffer, const void *psrcBufferAllocStart, size_t nSrcBufferllocSize) |
Write part or totality of a multidimensional array. | |
int | GDALMDArrayAdviseRead (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count) |
Advise driver of upcoming read requests. | |
int | GDALMDArrayAdviseReadEx (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const GUInt64 *arrayStartIdx, const size_t *count, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Advise driver of upcoming read requests. | |
GDALAttributeH | GDALMDArrayGetAttribute (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const char *pszName) |
Return an attribute by its name. | |
GDALAttributeH * | GDALMDArrayGetAttributes (GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t *pnCount, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return the list of attributes contained in this array. | |
GDALAttributeH | GDALMDArrayCreateAttribute (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const char *pszName, size_t nDimensions, const GUInt64 *panDimensions, GDALExtendedDataTypeH hEDT, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Create a attribute within an array. | |
bool | GDALMDArrayDeleteAttribute (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const char *pszName, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Delete an attribute from an array. | |
bool | GDALMDArrayResize (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const GUInt64 *panNewDimSizes, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Resize an array to new dimensions. | |
const void * | GDALMDArrayGetRawNoDataValue (GDALMDArrayH hArray) |
Return the nodata value as a "raw" value. | |
double | GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsDouble (GDALMDArrayH hArray, int *pbHasNoDataValue) |
Return the nodata value as a double. | |
int64_t | GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsInt64 (GDALMDArrayH hArray, int *pbHasNoDataValue) |
Return the nodata value as a Int64. | |
uint64_t | GDALMDArrayGetNoDataValueAsUInt64 (GDALMDArrayH hArray, int *pbHasNoDataValue) |
Return the nodata value as a UInt64. | |
int | GDALMDArraySetRawNoDataValue (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const void *) |
Set the nodata value as a "raw" value. | |
int | GDALMDArraySetNoDataValueAsDouble (GDALMDArrayH hArray, double dfNoDataValue) |
Set the nodata value as a double. | |
int | GDALMDArraySetNoDataValueAsInt64 (GDALMDArrayH hArray, int64_t nNoDataValue) |
Set the nodata value as a Int64. | |
int | GDALMDArraySetNoDataValueAsUInt64 (GDALMDArrayH hArray, uint64_t nNoDataValue) |
Set the nodata value as a UInt64. | |
int | GDALMDArraySetScale (GDALMDArrayH hArray, double dfScale) |
Set the scale value to apply to raw values. | |
int | GDALMDArraySetScaleEx (GDALMDArrayH hArray, double dfScale, GDALDataType eStorageType) |
Set the scale value to apply to raw values. | |
double | GDALMDArrayGetScale (GDALMDArrayH hArray, int *pbHasValue) |
Get the scale value to apply to raw values. | |
double | GDALMDArrayGetScaleEx (GDALMDArrayH hArray, int *pbHasValue, GDALDataType *peStorageType) |
Get the scale value to apply to raw values. | |
int | GDALMDArraySetOffset (GDALMDArrayH hArray, double dfOffset) |
Set the scale value to apply to raw values. | |
int | GDALMDArraySetOffsetEx (GDALMDArrayH hArray, double dfOffset, GDALDataType eStorageType) |
Set the scale value to apply to raw values. | |
double | GDALMDArrayGetOffset (GDALMDArrayH hArray, int *pbHasValue) |
Get the scale value to apply to raw values. | |
double | GDALMDArrayGetOffsetEx (GDALMDArrayH hArray, int *pbHasValue, GDALDataType *peStorageType) |
Get the scale value to apply to raw values. | |
GUInt64 * | GDALMDArrayGetBlockSize (GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t *pnCount) |
Return the "natural" block size of the array along all dimensions. | |
int | GDALMDArraySetUnit (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const char *) |
Set the variable unit. | |
const char * | GDALMDArrayGetUnit (GDALMDArrayH hArray) |
Return the array unit. | |
int | GDALMDArraySetSpatialRef (GDALMDArrayH, OGRSpatialReferenceH) |
Assign a spatial reference system object to the array. | |
OGRSpatialReferenceH | GDALMDArrayGetSpatialRef (GDALMDArrayH hArray) |
Return the spatial reference system object associated with the array. | |
size_t * | GDALMDArrayGetProcessingChunkSize (GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t *pnCount, size_t nMaxChunkMemory) |
Return an optimal chunk size for read/write operations, given the natural block size and memory constraints specified. | |
CSLConstList | GDALMDArrayGetStructuralInfo (GDALMDArrayH hArray) |
Return structural information on the array. | |
GDALMDArrayH | GDALMDArrayGetView (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const char *pszViewExpr) |
Return a view of the array using slicing or field access. | |
GDALMDArrayH | GDALMDArrayTranspose (GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t nNewAxisCount, const int *panMapNewAxisToOldAxis) |
Return a view of the array whose axis have been reordered. | |
GDALMDArrayH | GDALMDArrayGetUnscaled (GDALMDArrayH hArray) |
Return an array that is the unscaled version of the current one. | |
GDALMDArrayH | GDALMDArrayGetMask (GDALMDArrayH hArray, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return an array that is a mask for the current array. | |
GDALDatasetH | GDALMDArrayAsClassicDataset (GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t iXDim, size_t iYDim) |
Return a view of this array as a "classic" GDALDataset (ie 2D) | |
GDALDatasetH | GDALMDArrayAsClassicDatasetEx (GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t iXDim, size_t iYDim, GDALGroupH hRootGroup, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return a view of this array as a "classic" GDALDataset (ie 2D) | |
CPLErr | GDALMDArrayGetStatistics (GDALMDArrayH hArray, GDALDatasetH, int bApproxOK, int bForce, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean, double *pdfStdDev, GUInt64 *pnValidCount, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData) |
Fetch statistics. | |
int | GDALMDArrayComputeStatistics (GDALMDArrayH hArray, GDALDatasetH, int bApproxOK, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean, double *pdfStdDev, GUInt64 *pnValidCount, GDALProgressFunc, void *pProgressData) |
Compute statistics. | |
int | GDALMDArrayComputeStatisticsEx (GDALMDArrayH hArray, GDALDatasetH, int bApproxOK, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean, double *pdfStdDev, GUInt64 *pnValidCount, GDALProgressFunc, void *pProgressData, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Compute statistics. | |
GDALMDArrayH | GDALMDArrayGetResampled (GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t nNewDimCount, const GDALDimensionH *pahNewDims, GDALRIOResampleAlg resampleAlg, OGRSpatialReferenceH hTargetSRS, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return an array that is a resampled / reprojected view of the current array. | |
GDALMDArrayH | GDALMDArrayGetGridded (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const char *pszGridOptions, GDALMDArrayH hXArray, GDALMDArrayH hYArray, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return a gridded array from scattered point data, that is from an array whose last dimension is the indexing variable of X and Y arrays. | |
GDALMDArrayH * | GDALMDArrayGetCoordinateVariables (GDALMDArrayH hArray, size_t *pnCount) |
Return coordinate variables. | |
GDALMDArrayH * | GDALMDArrayGetMeshGrid (const GDALMDArrayH *pahInputArrays, size_t nCountInputArrays, size_t *pnCountOutputArrays, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Return a list of multidimensional arrays from a list of one-dimensional arrays. | |
void | GDALReleaseArrays (GDALMDArrayH *arrays, size_t nCount) |
Free the return of GDALMDArrayGetCoordinateVariables() | |
int | GDALMDArrayCache (GDALMDArrayH hArray, CSLConstList papszOptions) |
Cache the content of the array into an auxiliary filename. | |
bool | GDALMDArrayRename (GDALMDArrayH hArray, const char *pszNewName) |
Rename the array. | |
GDALRasterAttributeTableH | GDALCreateRasterAttributeTableFromMDArrays (GDALRATTableType eTableType, int nArrays, const GDALMDArrayH *ahArrays, const GDALRATFieldUsage *paeUsages) |
Return a virtual Raster Attribute Table from several GDALMDArray's. | |
void | GDALAttributeRelease (GDALAttributeH hAttr) |
Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALAttribute. | |
void | GDALReleaseAttributes (GDALAttributeH *attributes, size_t nCount) |
Free the return of GDALGroupGetAttributes() or GDALMDArrayGetAttributes() | |
const char * | GDALAttributeGetName (GDALAttributeH hAttr) |
Return the name of the attribute. | |
const char * | GDALAttributeGetFullName (GDALAttributeH hAttr) |
Return the full name of the attribute. | |
GUInt64 | GDALAttributeGetTotalElementsCount (GDALAttributeH hAttr) |
Return the total number of values in the attribute. | |
size_t | GDALAttributeGetDimensionCount (GDALAttributeH hAttr) |
Return the number of dimensions. | |
GUInt64 * | GDALAttributeGetDimensionsSize (GDALAttributeH hAttr, size_t *pnCount) |
Return the dimension sizes of the attribute. | |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH | GDALAttributeGetDataType (GDALAttributeH hAttr) |
Return the data type. | |
GByte * | GDALAttributeReadAsRaw (GDALAttributeH hAttr, size_t *pnSize) |
Return the raw value of an attribute. | |
void | GDALAttributeFreeRawResult (GDALAttributeH hAttr, GByte *raw, size_t nSize) |
Free the return of GDALAttributeAsRaw() | |
const char * | GDALAttributeReadAsString (GDALAttributeH hAttr) |
Return the value of an attribute as a string. | |
int | GDALAttributeReadAsInt (GDALAttributeH hAttr) |
Return the value of an attribute as a integer. | |
int64_t | GDALAttributeReadAsInt64 (GDALAttributeH hAttr) |
Return the value of an attribute as a int64_t. | |
double | GDALAttributeReadAsDouble (GDALAttributeH hAttr) |
Return the value of an attribute as a double. | |
char ** | GDALAttributeReadAsStringArray (GDALAttributeH hAttr) |
Return the value of an attribute as an array of strings. | |
int * | GDALAttributeReadAsIntArray (GDALAttributeH hAttr, size_t *pnCount) |
Return the value of an attribute as an array of integers. | |
int64_t * | GDALAttributeReadAsInt64Array (GDALAttributeH hAttr, size_t *pnCount) |
Return the value of an attribute as an array of int64_t. | |
double * | GDALAttributeReadAsDoubleArray (GDALAttributeH hAttr, size_t *pnCount) |
Return the value of an attribute as an array of doubles. | |
int | GDALAttributeWriteRaw (GDALAttributeH hAttr, const void *, size_t) |
Write an attribute from raw values expressed in GetDataType() | |
int | GDALAttributeWriteString (GDALAttributeH hAttr, const char *) |
Write an attribute from a string value. | |
int | GDALAttributeWriteStringArray (GDALAttributeH hAttr, CSLConstList) |
Write an attribute from an array of strings. | |
int | GDALAttributeWriteInt (GDALAttributeH hAttr, int) |
Write an attribute from a integer value. | |
int | GDALAttributeWriteIntArray (GDALAttributeH hAttr, const int *, size_t) |
Write an attribute from an array of int. | |
int | GDALAttributeWriteInt64 (GDALAttributeH hAttr, int64_t) |
Write an attribute from an int64_t value. | |
int | GDALAttributeWriteInt64Array (GDALAttributeH hAttr, const int64_t *, size_t) |
Write an attribute from an array of int64_t. | |
int | GDALAttributeWriteDouble (GDALAttributeH hAttr, double) |
Write an attribute from a double value. | |
int | GDALAttributeWriteDoubleArray (GDALAttributeH hAttr, const double *, size_t) |
Write an attribute from an array of double. | |
bool | GDALAttributeRename (GDALAttributeH hAttr, const char *pszNewName) |
Rename the attribute. | |
void | GDALDimensionRelease (GDALDimensionH hDim) |
Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALDimension. | |
void | GDALReleaseDimensions (GDALDimensionH *dims, size_t nCount) |
Free the return of GDALGroupGetDimensions() or GDALMDArrayGetDimensions() | |
const char * | GDALDimensionGetName (GDALDimensionH hDim) |
Return dimension name. | |
const char * | GDALDimensionGetFullName (GDALDimensionH hDim) |
Return dimension full name. | |
const char * | GDALDimensionGetType (GDALDimensionH hDim) |
Return dimension type. | |
const char * | GDALDimensionGetDirection (GDALDimensionH hDim) |
Return dimension direction. | |
GUInt64 | GDALDimensionGetSize (GDALDimensionH hDim) |
Return the size, that is the number of values along the dimension. | |
GDALMDArrayH | GDALDimensionGetIndexingVariable (GDALDimensionH hDim) |
Return the variable that is used to index the dimension (if there is one). | |
int | GDALDimensionSetIndexingVariable (GDALDimensionH hDim, GDALMDArrayH hArray) |
Set the variable that is used to index the dimension. | |
bool | GDALDimensionRename (GDALDimensionH hDim, const char *pszNewName) |
Rename the dimension. | |
Public (C callable) GDAL entry points.
#define GCI_IR_End 29 |
Value indicating the end of the range for color interpretations belonging to the InfraRed (IR) domain.
All constants of the GDALColorInterp enumeration in the IR domain are in the [GCI_IR_Start, GCI_IR_End] range.
#define GCI_IR_Start 20 |
Value indicating the start of the range for color interpretations belonging to the InfraRed (IR) domain.
All constants of the GDALColorInterp enumeration in the IR domain are in the [GCI_IR_Start, GCI_IR_End] range.
#define GCI_SAR_End 39 |
Value indicating the end of the range for color interpretations belonging to the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) domain.
All constants of the GDALColorInterp enumeration in the SAR domain are in the [GCI_SAR_Start, GCI_SAR_End] range.
#define GCI_SAR_Start 30 |
Value indicating the start of the range for color interpretations belonging to the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) domain.
All constants of the GDALColorInterp enumeration in the SAR domain are in the [GCI_SAR_Start, GCI_SAR_End] range.
#define GDAL_CHECK_VERSION | ( | pszCallingComponentName | ) |
Helper macro for GDALCheckVersion()
Flag returned by GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() when there is (potentially) data in the queried window.
Flag returned by GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() when there is nodata in the queried window.
This is typically identified by the concept of missing block in formats that supports it. Can be combined with the binary or operator with GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA
Flag returned by GDALGetDataCoverageStatus() when the driver does not implement GetDataCoverageStatus().
This flag should be returned together with GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA
Capability set by drivers which support storing/retrieving coordinate epoch for dynamic CRS.
Capability set by a driver that implements the Create() API.
If GDAL_DCAP_CREATE is set, but GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY not, a generic CreateCopy() implementation is available and will use the Create() API of the driver. So to test if some CreateCopy() implementation is available, generic or specialize, test for both GDAL_DCAP_CREATE and GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY.
Capability set by a driver that can create fields.
Capability set by a driver that can create layers.
Capability set by a driver that implements the CreateMultiDimensional() API.
Capability set by drivers for formats which support creating table relationships.
Capability set by a driver that implements the CreateCopy() API.
If GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY is not defined, but GDAL_DCAP_CREATE is set, a generic CreateCopy() implementation is available and will use the Create() API of the driver. So to test if some CreateCopy() implementation is available, generic or specialize, test for both GDAL_DCAP_CREATE and GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY.
Capability set by a driver that implements the CreateCopy() API, but with multidimensional raster as input and output.
Capability set by a driver that can support curved geometries.
Capability set by a driver that can create fields with DEFAULT values.
Capability set by a driver that can delete fields.
Capability set by a driver that can delete layers.
Capability set by drivers for formats which support deleting table relationships.
Capability set by drivers which support either reading or writing feature styles.
Consider using the more granular GDAL_DCAP_FEATURE_STYLES_READ or GDAL_DCAP_FEATURE_STYLES_WRITE capabilities instead.
Capability set by drivers which support reading feature styles.
Capability set by drivers which support writing feature styles.
Capability set by drivers for formats which support reading field domains.
Capability set by drivers whose FlushCache() implementation returns a dataset that can be opened afterwards and seen in a consistent state, without requiring the dataset on which FlushCache() has been called to be closed.
Capability set by a driver having geographical network model capability.
Capability set by drivers which honor the OGRCoordinatePrecision settings of geometry fields at layer creation and/or for OGRLayer::CreateGeomField().
Note that while those drivers honor the settings at feature writing time, they might not be able to store the precision settings in layer metadata, hence on reading it might not be possible to recover the precision with which coordinates have been written.
Capability set by a driver that can support measured geometries.
Capability set by a driver that supports multidimensional data.
Capability set by drivers for formats which support multiple vector layers.
Note: some GDAL drivers expose "virtual" layer support while the underlying formats themselves do not. This capability is only set for drivers of formats which have a native concept of multiple vector layers (such as GeoPackage).
Capability set by a non-spatial driver having no support for geometries.
E.g. non-spatial vector drivers (e.g. spreadsheet format drivers) do not support geometries, and accordingly will have this capability present.
Capability set by a driver that can create fields with NOT NULL constraint.
Capability set by a driver that can create geometry fields with NOT NULL constraint.
Capability set by a driver having raster capability.
Capability set by drivers for formats which support reading table relationships.
Capability set by drivers for formats which support renaming vector layers.
Capability set by a driver that can reorder fields.
Capability set by a driver that can create fields with UNIQUE constraint.
Capability set by drivers for formats which support updating existing table relationships.
Capability set by a driver having vector capability.
Capability set by a driver that implements the VectorTranslateFrom() API.
Capability set by a driver that can support the Z dimension for geometries.
Value for GDALDimension::GetType() specifying the X axis of a horizontal CRS.
Value for GDALDimension::GetType() specifying the Y axis of a horizontal CRS.
Value for GDALDimension::GetType() specifying a parametric axis.
Value for GDALDimension::GetType() specifying a temporal axis.
Value for GDALDimension::GetType() specifying a vertical axis.
List of (space separated) flags supported by the OGRLayer::AlterFieldDefn() API.
Supported values are "Name", "Type", "WidthPrecision", "Nullable", "Default", "Unique", "Domain", "AlternativeName" and "Comment", corresponding respectively to the ALTER_NAME_FLAG, ALTER_TYPE_FLAG, ALTER_WIDTH_PRECISION_FLAG, ALTER_NULLABLE_FLAG, ALTER_DEFAULT_FLAG, ALTER_UNIQUE_FLAG, ALTER_DOMAIN_FLAG, ALTER_ALTERNATIVE_NAME_FLAG and ALTER_COMMENT_FLAG flags.
Note that advertizing one of these flags doesn't necessarily mean that all modifications of the corresponding property can be made. For example, altering the field type may be restricted by the current type of the field, etc.
List of (space separated) flags supported by the OGRLayer::AlterGeomFieldDefn() API.
Supported values are "Name", "Type", "Nullable", "SRS", "CoordinateEpoch", corresponding respectively to the ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_NAME_FLAG, ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_TYPE_FLAG, ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_NULLABLE_FLAG, ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_SRS_FLAG, ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_SRS_COORD_EPOCH_FLAG flags. Note that advertizing one of these flags doesn't necessarily mean that all modifications of the corresponding property can be made. For example, altering the geometry type may be restricted by the type of the geometries in the field, or changing the nullable state to non-nullable is not possible if null geometries are present, etc.
Connection prefix to provide as the file name of the open function.
Typically set for non-file based drivers. Generally used with open options.
List of (space separated) capability flags supported by the CreateField() API.
Supported values are:
List of (space separated) field domain types supported by the AddFieldDomain() API.
Supported values are Coded, Range and Glob, corresponding to the OGRFieldDomainType::OFDT_CODED, OGRFieldDomainType::OFDT_RANGE, and OGRFieldDomainType::OFDT_GLOB field domain types respectively.
List of (space separated) vector field sub-types supported by the CreateField() API.
List of (space separated) vector field types supported by the CreateField() API.
List of (space separated) extensions handled by the driver.
List of (space separated) flags which reflect the geometry handling behavior of a driver.
Supported values are currently:
List of (space separated) field names which are considered illegal by the driver and should not be used when creating/altering fields.
XML snippet with multidimensional array creation options.
XML snippet with multidimensional array open options.
XML snippet with multidimensional attribute creation options.
XML snippet with multidimensional dataset creation options.
XML snippet with multidimensional dimension creation options.
XML snippet with multidimensional group creation options.
Capability set by a vector driver that supports field width and precision.
This capability reflects that a vector driver includes the decimal separator in the field width of fields of type OFTReal.
See GDAL_DMD_NUMERIC_FIELD_WIDTH_INCLUDES_SIGN for a related capability flag.
Capability set by a vector driver that supports field width and precision.
This capability reflects that a vector driver includes the sign in the field width of fields of type OFTReal.
XML snippet with open options.
List of (space separated) flags indicating the features of relationships are supported by the driver.
Supported values are:
List of (space separated) standard related table types which are recognised by the driver.
See GDALRelationshipGetRelatedTableType/GDALRelationshipSetRelatedTableType
Capability set by a driver that exposes Subdatasets.
This capability reflects that a raster driver supports child layers, such as NetCDF or multi-table raster Geopackages.
See GDAL_DCAP_MULTIPLE_VECTOR_LAYERS for a similar capability flag for vector drivers.
List of (space separated) SQL dialects supported by the driver.
The default SQL dialect for the driver will always be the first listed value.
Standard values are:
Other dialect values may also be present for some drivers (for some of them, the query string to use might not even by SQL but a dedicated query language). For further details on their interpretation, see the documentation for the respective driver.
#define GDAL_OF_ALL 0x00 |
Use a array-based storage strategy for cached blocks.
Used by GDALOpenEx().
Let GDAL decide if a array-based or hashset-based storage strategy for cached blocks must be used.
Used by GDALOpenEx().
#define GDAL_OF_GNM 0x08 |
Use a hashset-based storage strategy for cached blocks.
Used by GDALOpenEx().
#define GDAL_OF_INTERNAL 0x80 |
Open as internal dataset.
Such dataset isn't registered in the global list of opened dataset. Cannot be used with GDAL_OF_SHARED.
Used by GDALOpenEx().
#define GDAL_OF_RASTER 0x02 |
#define GDAL_OF_READONLY 0x00 |
#define GDAL_OF_SHARED 0x20 |
#define GDAL_OF_THREAD_SAFE 0x800 |
Open in thread-safe mode.
Used by GDALOpenEx().
#define GDAL_OF_UPDATE 0x01 |
#define GDAL_OF_VECTOR 0x04 |
#define GDAL_OF_VERBOSE_ERROR 0x40 |
#define INIT_RASTERIO_EXTRA_ARG | ( | s | ) |
Macro to initialize an instance of GDALRasterIOExtraArg structure.
typedef CPLErr(* GDALDerivedPixelFunc) (void **papoSources, int nSources, void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eSrcType, GDALDataType eBufType, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace) |
Type of functions to pass to GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFunc.
typedef CPLErr(* GDALDerivedPixelFuncWithArgs) (void **papoSources, int nSources, void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eSrcType, GDALDataType eBufType, int nPixelSpace, int nLineSpace, CSLConstList papszFunctionArgs) |
Type of functions to pass to GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFuncWithArgs.
typedef void(* GDALQueryLoggerFunc) (const char *pszSQL, const char *pszError, int64_t lNumRecords, int64_t lExecutionTimeMilliseconds, void *pQueryLoggerArg) |
Type of functions to pass to GDALDatasetSetQueryLoggerFunc.
typedef void* GDALRelationshipH |
Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALRelationship class.
typedef struct GDALSubdatasetInfo* GDALSubdatasetInfoH |
Opaque type used for the C bindings of the C++ GDALSubdatasetInfo class.
typedef void(* GDALVRTProcessedDatasetFuncFree) (const char *pszFuncName, void *pUserData, VRTPDWorkingDataPtr pWorkingData) |
Free function to pass to GDALVRTRegisterProcessedDatasetFunc.
pszFuncName | Function name. Must be unique and not null. |
pUserData | User data. May be nullptr. Must remain valid during the lifetime of GDAL. |
pWorkingData | Value of the *ppWorkingData output parameter of GDALVRTProcessedDatasetFuncInit. |
typedef CPLErr(* GDALVRTProcessedDatasetFuncInit) (const char *pszFuncName, void *pUserData, CSLConstList papszFunctionArgs, int nInBands, GDALDataType eInDT, double *padfInNoData, int *pnOutBands, GDALDataType *peOutDT, double **ppadfOutNoData, const char *pszVRTPath, VRTPDWorkingDataPtr *ppWorkingData) |
Initialization function to pass to GDALVRTRegisterProcessedDatasetFunc.
This initialization function is called for each step of a VRTProcessedDataset that uses the related algorithm. The initialization function returns the output data type, output band count and potentially initializes a working structure, typically parsing arguments.
pszFuncName | Function name. Must be unique and not null. | |
pUserData | User data. May be nullptr. Must remain valid during the lifetime of GDAL. | |
papszFunctionArgs | Function arguments as a list of key=value pairs. | |
nInBands | Number of input bands. | |
eInDT | Input data type. | |
[in,out] | padfInNoData | Array of nInBands values for the input nodata value. The init function may also override them. |
[in,out] | pnOutBands | Pointer whose value must be set to the number of output bands. This will be set to 0 by the caller when calling the function, unless this is the final step, in which case it will be initialized with the number of expected output bands. |
[out] | peOutDT | Pointer whose value must be set to the output data type. |
[in,out] | ppadfOutNoData | Pointer to an array of *pnOutBands values for the output nodata value that the function must set. For non-final steps, *ppadfOutNoData will be nullptr and it is the responsibility of the function to CPLMalloc()'ate it. If this is the final step, it will be already allocated and initialized with the expected nodata values from the output dataset (if the init function need to reallocate it, it must use CPLRealloc()) |
pszVRTPath | Directory of the VRT | |
[out] | ppWorkingData | Pointer whose value must be set to a working structure, or nullptr. |
typedef CPLErr(* GDALVRTProcessedDatasetFuncProcess) (const char *pszFuncName, void *pUserData, VRTPDWorkingDataPtr pWorkingData, CSLConstList papszFunctionArgs, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, const void *pInBuffer, size_t nInBufferSize, GDALDataType eInDT, int nInBands, const double *padfInNoData, void *pOutBuffer, size_t nOutBufferSize, GDALDataType eOutDT, int nOutBands, const double *padfOutNoData, double dfSrcXOff, double dfSrcYOff, double dfSrcXSize, double dfSrcYSize, const double adfSrcGT[], const char *pszVRTPath, CSLConstList papszExtra) |
Processing function to pass to GDALVRTRegisterProcessedDatasetFunc.
pszFuncName | Function name. Must be unique and not null. |
pUserData | User data. May be nullptr. Must remain valid during the lifetime of GDAL. |
pWorkingData | Value of the *ppWorkingData output parameter of GDALVRTProcessedDatasetFuncInit. |
papszFunctionArgs | Function arguments as a list of key=value pairs. |
nBufXSize | Width in pixels of pInBuffer and pOutBuffer |
nBufYSize | Height in pixels of pInBuffer and pOutBuffer |
pInBuffer | Input buffer. It is pixel-interleaved (i.e. R00,G00,B00,R01,G01,B01, etc.) |
nInBufferSize | Size in bytes of pInBuffer |
eInDT | Data type of pInBuffer |
nInBands | Number of bands in pInBuffer. |
padfInNoData | Input nodata values. |
pOutBuffer | Output buffer. It is pixel-interleaved (i.e. R00,G00,B00,R01,G01,B01, etc.) |
nOutBufferSize | Size in bytes of pOutBuffer |
eOutDT | Data type of pOutBuffer |
nOutBands | Number of bands in pOutBuffer. |
padfOutNoData | Input nodata values. |
dfSrcXOff | Source X coordinate in pixel of the top-left of the region |
dfSrcYOff | Source Y coordinate in pixel of the top-left of the region |
dfSrcXSize | Width in pixels of the region |
dfSrcYSize | Height in pixels of the region |
adfSrcGT | Source geotransform |
pszVRTPath | Directory of the VRT |
papszExtra | Extra arguments (unused for now) |
enum GDALAccess |
enum GDALColorInterp |
Types of color interpretation for raster bands.
For spectral bands, the wavelength ranges are indicative only, and may vary depending on sensors. The CENTRAL_WAVELENGTH_UM and FWHM_UM metadata items in the IMAGERY metadata domain of the raster band, when present, will give more accurate characteristics.
Values belonging to the IR domain are in the [GCI_IR_Start, GCI_IR_End] range. Values belonging to the SAR domain are in the [GCI_SAR_Start, GCI_SAR_End] range.
Values between GCI_PanBand to GCI_SAR_Reserved_2 have been added in GDAL 3.10.
enum GDALDataType |
Pixel data types
Enumeration giving the class of a GDALExtendedDataType.
Enumerator | |
GEDTC_NUMERIC | Numeric value. Based on GDALDataType enumeration |
GEDTC_STRING | String value. |
GEDTC_COMPOUND | Compound data type. |
Enumeration giving the subtype of a GDALExtendedDataType.
Enumerator | |
GEDTST_JSON | JSon. Only applies to GEDTC_STRING |
enum GDALPaletteInterp |
Types of color interpretations for a GDALColorTable.
Enumerator | |
GPI_Gray | Grayscale (in GDALColorEntry.c1) |
GPI_RGB | Red, Green, Blue and Alpha in (in c1, c2, c3 and c4) |
GPI_CMYK | Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black (in c1, c2, c3 and c4) |
GPI_HLS | Hue, Lightness and Saturation (in c1, c2, and c3) |
enum GDALRATFieldType |
enum GDALRATFieldUsage |
Field usage of raster attribute table.
enum GDALRATTableType |
enum GDALRelationshipType |
enum GDALRIOResampleAlg |
RasterIO() resampling method.
enum GDALRWFlag |
enum GDALTileOrganization |
! Enumeration to describe the tile organization
CPLErr GDALAddBand | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDataset, |
GDALDataType | eType, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
Add a band to a dataset.
CPLErr GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFunc | ( | const char * | pszName, |
GDALDerivedPixelFunc | pfnNewFunction | ||
) |
This adds a pixel function to the global list of available pixel functions for derived bands.
Pixel functions must be registered in this way before a derived band tries to access data.
Derived bands are stored with only the name of the pixel function that it will apply, and if a pixel function matching the name is not found the IRasterIO() call will do nothing.
pszName | Name used to access pixel function |
pfnNewFunction | Pixel function associated with name. An existing pixel function registered with the same name will be replaced with the new one. |
CPLErr GDALAddDerivedBandPixelFuncWithArgs | ( | const char * | pszName, |
GDALDerivedPixelFuncWithArgs | pfnNewFunction, | ||
const char * | pszMetadata | ||
) |
This adds a pixel function to the global list of available pixel functions for derived bands.
Pixel functions must be registered in this way before a derived band tries to access data.
Derived bands are stored with only the name of the pixel function that it will apply, and if a pixel function matching the name is not found the IRasterIO() call will do nothing.
pszName | Name used to access pixel function |
pfnNewFunction | Pixel function associated with name. An existing pixel function registered with the same name will be replaced with the new one. |
pszMetadata | Pixel function metadata (not currently implemented) |
double GDALAdjustValueToDataType | ( | GDALDataType | eDT, |
double | dfValue, | ||
int * | pbClamped, | ||
int * | pbRounded | ||
) |
Adjust a value to the output data type.
Adjustment consist in clamping to minimum/maximum values of the data type and rounding for integral types.
eDT | target data type. |
dfValue | value to adjust. |
pbClamped | pointer to a integer(boolean) to indicate if clamping has been made, or NULL |
pbRounded | pointer to a integer(boolean) to indicate if rounding has been made, or NULL |
void GDALAllRegister | ( | void | ) |
Register all known configured GDAL drivers.
This function will drive any of the following that are configured into GDAL. See raster list and vector full list
This function should generally be called once at the beginning of the application.
void GDALApplyGeoTransform | ( | const double * | padfGeoTransform, |
double | dfPixel, | ||
double | dfLine, | ||
double * | pdfGeoX, | ||
double * | pdfGeoY | ||
) |
Apply GeoTransform to x/y coordinate.
Applies the following computation, converting a (pixel, line) coordinate into a georeferenced (geo_x, geo_y) location.
padfGeoTransform | Six coefficient GeoTransform to apply. |
dfPixel | Input pixel position. |
dfLine | Input line position. |
pdfGeoX | output location where geo_x (easting/longitude) location is placed. |
pdfGeoY | output location where geo_y (northing/latitude) location is placed. |
GDALAsyncStatusType GDALARGetNextUpdatedRegion | ( | GDALAsyncReaderH | hARIO, |
double | dfTimeout, | ||
int * | pnBufXOff, | ||
int * | pnBufYOff, | ||
int * | pnBufXSize, | ||
int * | pnBufYSize | ||
) |
Get async IO update.
Provide an opportunity for an asynchronous IO request to update the image buffer and return an indication of the area of the buffer that has been updated.
The dfTimeout parameter can be used to wait for additional data to become available. The timeout does not limit the amount of time this method may spend actually processing available data.
The following return status are possible.
This is the same as GDALAsyncReader::GetNextUpdatedRegion()
hARIO | handle to the async reader. |
dfTimeout | the number of seconds to wait for additional updates. Use -1 to wait indefinitely, or zero to not wait at all if there is no data available. |
pnBufXOff | location to return the X offset of the area of the request buffer that has been updated. |
pnBufYOff | location to return the Y offset of the area of the request buffer that has been updated. |
pnBufXSize | location to return the X size of the area of the request buffer that has been updated. |
pnBufYSize | location to return the Y size of the area of the request buffer that has been updated. |
int GDALARLockBuffer | ( | GDALAsyncReaderH | hARIO, |
double | dfTimeout | ||
) |
Lock image buffer.
Locks the image buffer passed into GDALDataset::BeginAsyncReader(). This is useful to ensure the image buffer is not being modified while it is being used by the application. UnlockBuffer() should be used to release this lock when it is no longer needed.
This is the same as GDALAsyncReader::LockBuffer()
hARIO | handle to async reader. |
dfTimeout | the time in seconds to wait attempting to lock the buffer. -1.0 to wait indefinitely and 0 to not wait at all if it can't be acquired immediately. Default is -1.0 (infinite wait). |
void GDALARUnlockBuffer | ( | GDALAsyncReaderH | hARIO | ) |
Unlock image buffer.
Releases a lock on the image buffer previously taken with LockBuffer().
This is the same as GDALAsyncReader::UnlockBuffer()
hARIO | handle to async reader. |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH GDALAttributeGetDataType | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr | ) |
Return the data type.
The return must be freed with GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease().
size_t GDALAttributeGetDimensionCount | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr | ) |
Return the number of dimensions.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAbstractMDArray::GetDimensionCount()
GUInt64 * GDALAttributeGetDimensionsSize | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
size_t * | pnCount | ||
) |
Return the dimension sizes of the attribute.
The returned array must be freed with CPLFree()
hAttr | Attribute. |
pnCount | Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL. |
const char * GDALAttributeGetFullName | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr | ) |
Return the full name of the attribute.
The returned pointer is valid until hAttr is released.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::GetFullName().
const char * GDALAttributeGetName | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr | ) |
Return the name of the attribute.
The returned pointer is valid until hAttr is released.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::GetName().
GUInt64 GDALAttributeGetTotalElementsCount | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr | ) |
Return the total number of values in the attribute.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAbstractMDArray::GetTotalElementsCount()
double GDALAttributeReadAsDouble | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr | ) |
Return the value of an attribute as a double.
This function will only return the first element if there are several.
It can fail if its value can not be converted to double.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsDouble()
double * GDALAttributeReadAsDoubleArray | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
size_t * | pnCount | ||
) |
Return the value of an attribute as an array of doubles.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsDoubleArray()
hAttr | Attribute |
pnCount | Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL. |
int GDALAttributeReadAsInt | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr | ) |
Return the value of an attribute as a integer.
This function will only return the first element if there are several.
It can fail if its value can not be converted to integer.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsInt()
int64_t GDALAttributeReadAsInt64 | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr | ) |
Return the value of an attribute as a int64_t.
This function will only return the first element if there are several.
It can fail if its value can not be converted to integer.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsInt64()
int64_t * GDALAttributeReadAsInt64Array | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
size_t * | pnCount | ||
) |
Return the value of an attribute as an array of int64_t.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsInt64Array()
hAttr | Attribute |
pnCount | Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL. |
int * GDALAttributeReadAsIntArray | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
size_t * | pnCount | ||
) |
Return the value of an attribute as an array of integers.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsIntArray()
hAttr | Attribute |
pnCount | Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL. |
GByte * GDALAttributeReadAsRaw | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
size_t * | pnSize | ||
) |
Return the raw value of an attribute.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsRaw().
The returned buffer must be freed with GDALAttributeFreeRawResult()
hAttr | Attribute. |
pnSize | Pointer to the number of bytes returned. Must NOT be NULL. |
const char * GDALAttributeReadAsString | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr | ) |
Return the value of an attribute as a string.
The returned string should not be freed, and its lifetime does not excess a next call to ReadAsString() on the same object, or the deletion of the object itself.
This function will only return the first element if there are several.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsString()
char ** GDALAttributeReadAsStringArray | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr | ) |
Return the value of an attribute as an array of strings.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::ReadAsStringArray()
The return value must be freed with CSLDestroy().
void GDALAttributeRelease | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr | ) |
Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALAttribute.
Note: when applied on a object coming from a driver, this does not destroy the object in the file, database, etc...
bool GDALAttributeRename | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
const char * | pszNewName | ||
) |
Rename the attribute.
This is not implemented by all drivers.
Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAbstractMDArray::Rename()
int GDALAttributeWriteDouble | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
double | dfVal | ||
) |
Write an attribute from a double value.
Type conversion will be performed if needed. If the attribute contains multiple values, only the first one will be updated.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::Write(double);
hAttr | Attribute |
dfVal | Value. |
int GDALAttributeWriteDoubleArray | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
const double * | padfValues, | ||
size_t | nCount | ||
) |
Write an attribute from an array of double.
Type conversion will be performed if needed.
Exactly GetTotalElementsCount() strings must be provided
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::Write(const double *, size_t)
hAttr | Attribute |
padfValues | Array of double. |
nCount | Should be equal to GetTotalElementsCount(). |
int GDALAttributeWriteInt | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
int | nVal | ||
) |
Write an attribute from a integer value.
Type conversion will be performed if needed. If the attribute contains multiple values, only the first one will be updated.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::WriteInt()
hAttr | Attribute |
nVal | Value. |
int GDALAttributeWriteInt64 | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
int64_t | nVal | ||
) |
Write an attribute from an int64_t value.
Type conversion will be performed if needed. If the attribute contains multiple values, only the first one will be updated.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::WriteLong()
hAttr | Attribute |
nVal | Value. |
int GDALAttributeWriteInt64Array | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
const int64_t * | panValues, | ||
size_t | nCount | ||
) |
Write an attribute from an array of int64_t.
Type conversion will be performed if needed.
Exactly GetTotalElementsCount() strings must be provided
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::Write(const int64_t *, size_t)
hAttr | Attribute |
panValues | Array of int64_t. |
nCount | Should be equal to GetTotalElementsCount(). |
int GDALAttributeWriteIntArray | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
const int * | panValues, | ||
size_t | nCount | ||
) |
Write an attribute from an array of int.
Type conversion will be performed if needed.
Exactly GetTotalElementsCount() strings must be provided
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::Write(const int *, size_t)
hAttr | Attribute |
panValues | Array of int. |
nCount | Should be equal to GetTotalElementsCount(). |
int GDALAttributeWriteRaw | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
const void * | pabyValue, | ||
size_t | nLength | ||
) |
Write an attribute from raw values expressed in GetDataType()
The values should be provided in the type of GetDataType() and there should be exactly GetTotalElementsCount() of them. If GetDataType() is a string, each value should be a char* pointer.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::Write(const void*, size_t).
hAttr | Attribute |
pabyValue | Buffer of nLen bytes. |
nLength | Size of pabyValue in bytes. Should be equal to GetTotalElementsCount() * GetDataType().GetSize() |
int GDALAttributeWriteString | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
const char * | pszVal | ||
) |
Write an attribute from a string value.
Type conversion will be performed if needed. If the attribute contains multiple values, only the first one will be updated.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::Write(const char*)
hAttr | Attribute |
pszVal | Pointer to a string. |
int GDALAttributeWriteStringArray | ( | GDALAttributeH | hAttr, |
CSLConstList | papszValues | ||
) |
Write an attribute from an array of strings.
Type conversion will be performed if needed.
Exactly GetTotalElementsCount() strings must be provided
This is the same as the C++ method GDALAttribute::Write(CSLConstList)
hAttr | Attribute |
papszValues | Array of strings. |
GDALAsyncReaderH GDALBeginAsyncReader | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
int | nXOff, | ||
int | nYOff, | ||
int | nXSize, | ||
int | nYSize, | ||
void * | pBuf, | ||
int | nBufXSize, | ||
int | nBufYSize, | ||
GDALDataType | eBufType, | ||
int | nBandCount, | ||
int * | panBandMap, | ||
int | nPixelSpace, | ||
int | nLineSpace, | ||
int | nBandSpace, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
Sets up an asynchronous data request.
This method establish an asynchronous raster read request for the indicated window on the dataset into the indicated buffer. The parameters for windowing, buffer size, buffer type and buffer organization are similar to those for GDALDataset::RasterIO(); however, this call only launches the request and filling the buffer is accomplished via calls to GetNextUpdatedRegion() on the return GDALAsyncReader session object.
Once all processing for the created session is complete, or if no further refinement of the request is required, the GDALAsyncReader object should be destroyed with the GDALDataset::EndAsyncReader() method.
Note that the data buffer (pData) will potentially continue to be updated as long as the session lives, but it is not deallocated when the session (GDALAsyncReader) is destroyed with EndAsyncReader(). It should be deallocated by the application at that point.
Additional information on asynchronous IO in GDAL may be found at:
This method is the same as the C++ GDALDataset::BeginAsyncReader() method.
hDS | handle to the dataset object. |
nXOff | The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. |
nYOff | The line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. |
nXSize | The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. |
nYSize | The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. |
pBuf | The buffer into which the data should be read. This buffer must contain at least nBufXSize * nBufYSize * nBandCount words of type eBufType. It is organized in left to right,top to bottom pixel order. Spacing is controlled by the nPixelSpace, and nLineSpace parameters. |
nBufXSize | the width of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written. |
nBufYSize | the height of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written. |
eBufType | the type of the pixel values in the pData data buffer. The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the GDALRasterBand data type as needed. |
nBandCount | the number of bands being read or written. |
panBandMap | the list of nBandCount band numbers being read/written. Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be NULL to select the first nBandCount bands. |
nPixelSpace | The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in pData to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted (0) the size of the datatype eBufType is used. |
nLineSpace | The byte offset from the start of one scanline in pData to the start of the next. If defaulted the size of the datatype eBufType * nBufXSize is used. |
nBandSpace | the byte offset from the start of one bands data to the start of the next. If defaulted (zero) the value will be nLineSpace * nBufYSize implying band sequential organization of the data buffer. |
papszOptions | Driver specific control options in a string list or NULL. Consult driver documentation for options supported. |
CPLErr GDALBuildOverviews | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDataset, |
const char * | pszResampling, | ||
int | nOverviews, | ||
const int * | panOverviewList, | ||
int | nListBands, | ||
const int * | panBandList, | ||
GDALProgressFunc | pfnProgress, | ||
void * | pProgressData | ||
) |
Build raster overview(s)
CPLErr GDALBuildOverviewsEx | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDataset, |
const char * | pszResampling, | ||
int | nOverviews, | ||
const int * | panOverviewList, | ||
int | nListBands, | ||
const int * | panBandList, | ||
GDALProgressFunc | pfnProgress, | ||
void * | pProgressData, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
int GDALCheckVersion | ( | int | nVersionMajor, |
int | nVersionMinor, | ||
const char * | pszCallingComponentName | ||
) |
Return TRUE if GDAL library version at runtime matches nVersionMajor.nVersionMinor.
The purpose of this method is to ensure that calling code will run with the GDAL version it is compiled for. It is primarily intended for external plugins.
nVersionMajor | Major version to be tested against |
nVersionMinor | Minor version to be tested against |
pszCallingComponentName | If not NULL, in case of version mismatch, the method will issue a failure mentioning the name of the calling component. |
GDALColorTableH GDALCloneColorTable | ( | GDALColorTableH | hTable | ) |
Make a copy of a color table.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::Clone()
CPLErr GDALClose | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Close GDAL dataset.
For non-shared datasets (opened with GDALOpen()) the dataset is closed using the C++ "delete" operator, recovering all dataset related resources. For shared datasets (opened with GDALOpenShared()) the dataset is dereferenced, and closed only if the referenced count has dropped below 1.
hDS | The dataset to close. May be cast from a "GDALDataset *". |
void GDALComposeGeoTransforms | ( | const double * | padfGT1, |
const double * | padfGT2, | ||
double * | padfGTOut | ||
) |
Compose two geotransforms.
The resulting geotransform is the equivalent to padfGT1 and then padfGT2 being applied to a point.
padfGT1 | the first geotransform, six values. |
padfGT2 | the second geotransform, six values. |
padfGTOut | the output geotransform, six values, may safely be the same array as padfGT1 or padfGT2. |
CPLErr GDALComputeBandStats | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hSrcBand, |
int | nSampleStep, | ||
double * | pdfMean, | ||
double * | pdfStdDev, | ||
GDALProgressFunc | pfnProgress, | ||
void * | pProgressData | ||
) |
hSrcBand | undocumented. |
nSampleStep | Step between scanlines used to compute statistics. When nSampleStep is equal to 1, all scanlines will be processed. |
pdfMean | undocumented. |
pdfStdDev | undocumented. |
pfnProgress | undocumented. |
pProgressData | undocumented. |
CPLErr GDALComputeRasterMinMax | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int | bApproxOK, | ||
double | adfMinMax[2] | ||
) |
Compute the min/max values for a band.
CPLErr GDALComputeRasterStatistics | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int | bApproxOK, | ||
double * | pdfMin, | ||
double * | pdfMax, | ||
double * | pdfMean, | ||
double * | pdfStdDev, | ||
GDALProgressFunc | pfnProgress, | ||
void * | pProgressData | ||
) |
Compute image statistics.
void GDALCopyBits | ( | const GByte * | pabySrcData, |
int | nSrcOffset, | ||
int | nSrcStep, | ||
GByte * | pabyDstData, | ||
int | nDstOffset, | ||
int | nDstStep, | ||
int | nBitCount, | ||
int | nStepCount | ||
) |
Bitwise word copying.
A function for moving sets of partial bytes around. Loosely speaking this is a bitwise analog to GDALCopyWords().
It copies nStepCount "words" where each word is nBitCount bits long. The nSrcStep and nDstStep are the number of bits from the start of one word to the next (same as nBitCount if they are packed). The nSrcOffset and nDstOffset are the offset into the source and destination buffers to start at, also measured in bits.
All bit offsets are assumed to start from the high order bit in a byte (i.e. most significant bit first). Currently this function is not very optimized, but it may be improved for some common cases in the future as needed.
pabySrcData | the source data buffer. |
nSrcOffset | the offset (in bits) in pabySrcData to the start of the first word to copy. |
nSrcStep | the offset in bits from the start one source word to the start of the next. |
pabyDstData | the destination data buffer. |
nDstOffset | the offset (in bits) in pabyDstData to the start of the first word to copy over. |
nDstStep | the offset in bits from the start one word to the start of the next. |
nBitCount | the number of bits in a word to be copied. |
nStepCount | the number of words to copy. |
CPLErr GDALCopyDatasetFiles | ( | GDALDriverH | hDriver, |
const char * | pszNewName, | ||
const char * | pszOldName | ||
) |
Copy the files of a dataset.
void GDALCopyWords | ( | const void * | pSrcData, |
GDALDataType | eSrcType, | ||
int | nSrcPixelStride, | ||
void * | pDstData, | ||
GDALDataType | eDstType, | ||
int | nDstPixelStride, | ||
int | nWordCount | ||
) |
Copy pixel words from buffer to buffer.
void GDALCopyWords64 | ( | const void * | pSrcData, |
GDALDataType | eSrcType, | ||
int | nSrcPixelStride, | ||
void * | pDstData, | ||
GDALDataType | eDstType, | ||
int | nDstPixelStride, | ||
GPtrDiff_t | nWordCount | ||
) |
Copy pixel words from buffer to buffer.
This function is used to copy pixel word values from one memory buffer to another, with support for conversion between data types, and differing step factors. The data type conversion is done using the following rules:
No assumptions are made about the source or destination words occurring on word boundaries. It is assumed that all values are in native machine byte order.
pSrcData | Pointer to source data to be converted. |
eSrcType | the source data type (see GDALDataType enum) |
nSrcPixelStride | Source pixel stride (i.e. distance between 2 words), in bytes |
pDstData | Pointer to buffer where destination data should go |
eDstType | the destination data type (see GDALDataType enum) |
nDstPixelStride | Destination pixel stride (i.e. distance between 2 words), in bytes |
nWordCount | number of words to be copied |
GDALDatasetH GDALCreate | ( | GDALDriverH | hDriver, |
const char * | pszFilename, | ||
int | nXSize, | ||
int | nYSize, | ||
int | nBands, | ||
GDALDataType | eBandType, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
Create a new dataset with this driver.
void GDALCreateColorRamp | ( | GDALColorTableH | hTable, |
int | nStartIndex, | ||
const GDALColorEntry * | psStartColor, | ||
int | nEndIndex, | ||
const GDALColorEntry * | psEndColor | ||
) |
Create color ramp.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::CreateColorRamp()
GDALColorTableH GDALCreateColorTable | ( | GDALPaletteInterp | eInterp | ) |
Construct a new color table.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::GDALColorTable()
GDALDatasetH GDALCreateCopy | ( | GDALDriverH | hDriver, |
const char * | pszFilename, | ||
GDALDatasetH | hSrcDS, | ||
int | bStrict, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions, | ||
GDALProgressFunc | pfnProgress, | ||
void * | pProgressData | ||
) |
Create a copy of a dataset.
CPLErr GDALCreateDatasetMaskBand | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
int | nFlags | ||
) |
Adds a mask band to the dataset.
GDALDriverH GDALCreateDriver | ( | void | ) |
Create a GDALDriver.
Creates a driver in the GDAL heap.
CPLErr GDALCreateMaskBand | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int | nFlags | ||
) |
Adds a mask band to the current band.
GDALDatasetH GDALCreateMultiDimensional | ( | GDALDriverH | hDriver, |
const char * | pszName, | ||
CSLConstList | papszRootGroupOptions, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
Create a new multidimensional dataset with this driver.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDriver::CreateMultiDimensional().
GDALDatasetH GDALCreatePansharpenedVRT | ( | const char * | pszXML, |
GDALRasterBandH | hPanchroBand, | ||
int | nInputSpectralBands, | ||
GDALRasterBandH * | pahInputSpectralBands | ||
) |
Create a virtual pansharpened dataset.
This function will create a virtual pansharpened dataset.
Note that no reference will be taken on the passed bands. Consequently, they or their dataset to which they belong to must be kept open until this virtual pansharpened dataset is closed.
The returned dataset will have no associated filename for itself. If you want to write the virtual dataset description to a file, use the GDALSetDescription() function (or SetDescription() method) on the dataset to assign a filename before it is closed.
pszXML | Pansharpened VRT XML where <SpectralBand> elements have no explicit SourceFilename and SourceBand. The spectral bands in the XML will be assigned the successive values of the pahInputSpectralBands array. Must not be NULL. |
hPanchroBand | Panchromatic band. Must not be NULL. |
nInputSpectralBands | Number of input spectral bands. Must be greater than zero. |
pahInputSpectralBands | Array of nInputSpectralBands spectral bands. |
GDALRasterAttributeTableH GDALCreateRasterAttributeTable | ( | void | ) |
Construct empty table.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDefaultRasterAttributeTable::GDALDefaultRasterAttributeTable()
GDALRasterAttributeTableH GDALCreateRasterAttributeTableFromMDArrays | ( | GDALRATTableType | eTableType, |
int | nArrays, | ||
const GDALMDArrayH * | ahArrays, | ||
const GDALRATFieldUsage * | paeUsages | ||
) |
Return a virtual Raster Attribute Table from several GDALMDArray's.
All arrays must be single-dimensional and be indexed by the same dimension.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALCreateRasterAttributeTableFromMDArrays().
eTableType | RAT table type |
nArrays | Number of elements in ahArrays parameter |
ahArrays | Array of nArrays GDALMDArray's (none of them should be nullptr) |
paeUsages | Array of nArray GDALRATFieldUsage, or nullptr to use defaults |
OGRErr GDALDatasetAbortSQL | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Abort any SQL statement running in the data store.
This function can be safely called from any thread (pending that the dataset object is still alive). Driver implementations will make sure that it can be called in a thread-safe way.
This might not be implemented by all drivers. At time of writing, only SQLite, GPKG and PG drivers implement it
This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::AbortSQL()
hDS | the dataset handle. |
bool GDALDatasetAddFieldDomain | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
OGRFieldDomainH | hFieldDomain, | ||
char ** | ppszFailureReason | ||
) |
Add a field domain to the dataset.
Only a few drivers will support this operation, and some of them might only support it only for some types of field domains. At the time of writing (GDAL 3.3), only the Memory and GeoPackage drivers support this operation. A dataset having at least some support for this operation should report the ODsCAddFieldDomain dataset capability.
Anticipated failures will not be emitted through the CPLError() infrastructure, but will be reported in the ppszFailureReason output parameter.
hDS | Dataset handle. |
hFieldDomain | The domain definition. Contrary to the C++ version, the passed object is copied. |
ppszFailureReason | Output parameter. Will contain an error message if an error occurs (*ppszFailureReason to be freed with CPLFree). May be NULL. |
bool GDALDatasetAddRelationship | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
GDALRelationshipH | hRelationship, | ||
char ** | ppszFailureReason | ||
) |
Add a relationship to the dataset.
Only a few drivers will support this operation, and some of them might only support it only for some types of relationships.
A dataset having at least some support for this operation should report the GDsCAddRelationship dataset capability.
Anticipated failures will not be emitted through the CPLError() infrastructure, but will be reported in the failureReason output parameter.
When adding a many-to-many relationship (GDALRelationshipCardinality::GRC_MANY_TO_MANY), it is possible to omit the mapping table name (see GDALRelationshipGetMappingTableName) to instruct the driver to create an appropriately named and structured mapping table. Some dataset formats require particular naming conventions and field structures for the mapping table, and delegating the construction of the mapping table to the driver will avoid these pitfalls.
hDS | Dataset handle. |
hRelationship | The relationship definition. Contrary to the C++ version, the passed object is copied. |
ppszFailureReason | Output parameter. Will contain an error message if an error occurs (*ppszFailureReason to be freed with CPLFree). May be NULL. |
CPLErr GDALDatasetAdviseRead | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
int | nXOff, | ||
int | nYOff, | ||
int | nXSize, | ||
int | nYSize, | ||
int | nBufXSize, | ||
int | nBufYSize, | ||
GDALDataType | eDT, | ||
int | nBandCount, | ||
int * | panBandMap, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
Advise driver of upcoming read requests.
void GDALDatasetClearStatistics | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
OGRErr GDALDatasetCommitTransaction | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
For datasources which support transactions, CommitTransaction commits a transaction.
If no transaction is active, or the commit fails, will return OGRERR_FAILURE. Datasources which do not support transactions will always return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION.
Depending on drivers, this may or may not abort layer sequential readings that are active.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::CommitTransaction()
OGRLayerH GDALDatasetCopyLayer | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
OGRLayerH | hSrcLayer, | ||
const char * | pszNewName, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
Duplicate an existing layer.
This function creates a new layer, duplicate the field definitions of the source layer and then duplicate each features of the source layer. The papszOptions argument can be used to control driver specific creation options. These options are normally documented in the format specific documentation. The source layer may come from another dataset.
This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::CopyLayer()
hDS | the dataset handle. |
hSrcLayer | source layer. |
pszNewName | the name of the layer to create. |
papszOptions | a StringList of name=value options. Options are driver specific. |
CPLErr GDALDatasetCopyWholeRaster | ( | GDALDatasetH | hSrcDS, |
GDALDatasetH | hDstDS, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions, | ||
GDALProgressFunc | pfnProgress, | ||
void * | pProgressData | ||
) |
Copy all dataset raster data.
This function copies the complete raster contents of one dataset to another similarly configured dataset. The source and destination dataset must have the same number of bands, and the same width and height. The bands do not have to have the same data type.
This function is primarily intended to support implementation of driver specific CreateCopy() functions. It implements efficient copying, in particular "chunking" the copy in substantial blocks and, if appropriate, performing the transfer in a pixel interleaved fashion.
Currently the only papszOptions value supported are :
More options may be supported in the future.
hSrcDS | the source dataset |
hDstDS | the destination dataset |
papszOptions | transfer hints in "StringList" Name=Value format. |
pfnProgress | progress reporting function. |
pProgressData | callback data for progress function. |
OGRLayerH GDALDatasetCreateLayer | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
const char * | pszName, | ||
OGRSpatialReferenceH | hSpatialRef, | ||
OGRwkbGeometryType | eGType, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
This function attempts to create a new layer on the dataset with the indicated name, coordinate system, geometry type.
The papszOptions argument can be used to control driver specific creation options. These options are normally documented in the format specific documentation.
This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::CreateLayer().
hDS | the dataset handle |
pszName | the name for the new layer. This should ideally not match any existing layer on the datasource. |
hSpatialRef | the coordinate system to use for the new layer, or NULL if no coordinate system is available. |
eGType | the geometry type for the layer. Use wkbUnknown if there are no constraints on the types geometry to be written. |
papszOptions | a StringList of name=value options. Options are driver specific. |
OGRLayerH GDALDatasetCreateLayerFromGeomFieldDefn | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
const char * | pszName, | ||
OGRGeomFieldDefnH | hGeomFieldDefn, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
This function attempts to create a new layer on the dataset with the indicated name and geometry field.
When poGeomFieldDefn is not null, most drivers should honor poGeomFieldDefn->GetType() and poGeomFieldDefn->GetSpatialRef(). Drivers that honor poGeomFieldDefn->GetCoordinatePrecision() will declare the GDAL_DCAP_HONOR_GEOM_COORDINATE_PRECISION capability. Drivers may honor poGeomFieldDefn->GetNameRef() and poGeomFieldDefn->IsNullable(), but there are very few currently.
Note that even if a geometry coordinate precision is set and a driver honors the GDAL_DCAP_HONOR_GEOM_COORDINATE_PRECISION capability, geometries passed to OGRLayer::CreateFeature() and OGRLayer::SetFeature() are assumed to be compatible with the coordinate precision. That is they are assumed to be valid once their coordinates are rounded to it. If it might not be the case, the user may set the OGR_APPLY_GEOM_SET_PRECISION configuration option before calling CreateFeature() or SetFeature() to force the OGRGeometry::SetPrecision() method to be called on the passed geometries.
The papszOptions argument can be used to control driver specific creation options. These options are normally documented in the format specific documentation.
This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::CreateLayer().
hDS | the dataset handle |
pszName | the name for the new layer. This should ideally not match any existing layer on the datasource. |
hGeomFieldDefn | the geometry field definition. May be NULL to indicate a non-spatial file (or if adding geometry fields later with OGR_L_CreateGeomField() for drivers supporting that interface). |
papszOptions | a StringList of name=value options. Options are driver specific. |
bool GDALDatasetDeleteFieldDomain | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
const char * | pszName, | ||
char ** | ppszFailureReason | ||
) |
Removes a field domain from the dataset.
Only a few drivers will support this operation.
At the time of writing (GDAL 3.5), only the Memory and GeoPackage drivers support this operation. A dataset having at least some support for this operation should report the ODsCDeleteFieldDomain dataset capability.
Anticipated failures will not be emitted through the CPLError() infrastructure, but will be reported in the ppszFailureReason output parameter.
hDS | Dataset handle. |
pszName | The domain name. |
ppszFailureReason | Output parameter. Will contain an error message if an error occurs (*ppszFailureReason to be freed with CPLFree). May be NULL. |
OGRErr GDALDatasetDeleteLayer | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
int | iLayer | ||
) |
Delete the indicated layer from the datasource.
If this function is supported the ODsCDeleteLayer capability will test TRUE on the GDALDataset.
This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::DeleteLayer().
hDS | the dataset handle. |
iLayer | the index of the layer to delete. |
bool GDALDatasetDeleteRelationship | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
const char * | pszName, | ||
char ** | ppszFailureReason | ||
) |
Removes a relationship from the dataset.
Only a few drivers will support this operation.
A dataset having at least some support for this operation should report the GDsCDeleteRelationship dataset capability.
Anticipated failures will not be emitted through the CPLError() infrastructure, but will be reported in the ppszFailureReason output parameter.
hDS | Dataset handle. |
pszName | The relationship name. |
ppszFailureReason | Output parameter. Will contain an error message if an error occurs (*ppszFailureReason to be freed with CPLFree). May be NULL. |
OGRLayerH GDALDatasetExecuteSQL | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
const char * | pszStatement, | ||
OGRGeometryH | hSpatialFilter, | ||
const char * | pszDialect | ||
) |
Execute an SQL statement against the data store.
The result of an SQL query is either NULL for statements that are in error, or that have no results set, or an OGRLayer pointer representing a results set from the query. Note that this OGRLayer is in addition to the layers in the data store and must be destroyed with ReleaseResultSet() before the dataset is closed (destroyed).
This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::ExecuteSQL()
For more information on the SQL dialect supported internally by OGR review the OGR SQL document. Some drivers (i.e. Oracle and PostGIS) pass the SQL directly through to the underlying RDBMS.
Starting with OGR 1.10, the SQLITE dialect can also be used.
hDS | the dataset handle. |
pszStatement | the SQL statement to execute. |
hSpatialFilter | geometry which represents a spatial filter. Can be NULL. |
pszDialect | allows control of the statement dialect. If set to NULL, the OGR SQL engine will be used, except for RDBMS drivers that will use their dedicated SQL engine, unless OGRSQL is explicitly passed as the dialect. Starting with OGR 1.10, the SQLITE dialect can also be used. |
char ** GDALDatasetGetCompressionFormats | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
int | nXOff, | ||
int | nYOff, | ||
int | nXSize, | ||
int | nYSize, | ||
int | nBandCount, | ||
const int * | panBandList | ||
) |
Return the compression formats that can be natively obtained for the window of interest and requested bands.
For example, a tiled dataset may be able to return data in a compressed format if the window of interest matches exactly a tile. For some formats, drivers may also be able to merge several tiles together (not currently implemented though).
Each format string is a pseudo MIME type, whose first part can be passed as the pszFormat argument of ReadCompressedData(), with additional parameters specified as key=value with a semi-colon separator.
The amount and types of optional parameters passed after the MIME type is format dependent, and driver dependent (some drivers might not be able to return those extra information without doing a rather costly processing).
For example, a driver might return "JPEG;frame_type=SOF0_baseline;" "bit_depth=8;num_components=3;subsampling=4:2:0;colorspace=YCbCr", and consequently "JPEG" can be passed as the pszFormat argument of ReadCompressedData(). For JPEG, implementations can use the GDALGetCompressionFormatForJPEG() helper method to generate a string like above from a JPEG codestream.
Several values might be returned. For example, the JPEGXL driver will return "JXL", but also potentially "JPEG" if the JPEGXL codestream includes a JPEG reconstruction box.
In the general case this method will return an empty list.
This is the same as C++ method GDALDataset::GetCompressionFormats().
hDS | Dataset handle. |
nXOff | The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. |
nYOff | The line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. |
nXSize | The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. |
nYSize | The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. |
nBandCount | the number of bands being requested. |
panBandList | the list of nBandCount band numbers. Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be NULL to select the first nBandCount bands. |
OGRFieldDomainH GDALDatasetGetFieldDomain | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
const char * | pszName | ||
) |
Get a field domain from its name.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetFieldDomain().
hDS | Dataset handle. |
pszName | Name of field domain. |
char ** GDALDatasetGetFieldDomainNames | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
Returns a list of the names of all field domains stored in the dataset.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetFieldDomainNames().
hDS | Dataset handle. |
papszOptions | Driver specific options determining how attributes should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior. |
OGRLayerH GDALDatasetGetLayer | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
int | iLayer | ||
) |
Fetch a layer by index.
The returned layer remains owned by the GDALDataset and should not be deleted by the application.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetLayer()
hDS | the dataset handle. |
iLayer | a layer number between 0 and GetLayerCount()-1. |
OGRLayerH GDALDatasetGetLayerByName | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
const char * | pszName | ||
) |
Fetch a layer by name.
The returned layer remains owned by the GDALDataset and should not be deleted by the application.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetLayerByName()
hDS | the dataset handle. |
pszName | the layer name of the layer to fetch. |
int GDALDatasetGetLayerCount | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Get the number of layers in this dataset.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetLayerCount()
hDS | the dataset handle. |
OGRFeatureH GDALDatasetGetNextFeature | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
OGRLayerH * | phBelongingLayer, | ||
double * | pdfProgressPct, | ||
GDALProgressFunc | pfnProgress, | ||
void * | pProgressData | ||
) |
Fetch the next available feature from this dataset.
This method is intended for the few drivers where OGR_L_GetNextFeature() is not efficient, but in general OGR_L_GetNextFeature() is a more natural API.
The returned feature becomes the responsibility of the caller to delete with OGRFeature::DestroyFeature().
Depending on the driver, this method may return features from layers in a non sequential way. This is what may happen when the ODsCRandomLayerRead capability is declared (for example for the OSM and GMLAS drivers). When datasets declare this capability, it is strongly advised to use GDALDataset::GetNextFeature() instead of OGRLayer::GetNextFeature(), as the later might have a slow, incomplete or stub implementation.
The default implementation, used by most drivers, will however iterate over each layer, and then over each feature within this layer.
This method takes into account spatial and attribute filters set on layers that will be iterated upon.
The ResetReading() method can be used to start at the beginning again.
Depending on drivers, this may also have the side effect of calling OGRLayer::GetNextFeature() on the layers of this dataset.
This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetNextFeature()
hDS | dataset handle. |
phBelongingLayer | a pointer to a OGRLayer* variable to receive the layer to which the object belongs to, or NULL. It is possible that the output of *ppoBelongingLayer to be NULL despite the feature not being NULL. |
pdfProgressPct | a pointer to a double variable to receive the percentage progress (in [0,1] range), or NULL. On return, the pointed value might be negative if determining the progress is not possible. |
pfnProgress | a progress callback to report progress (for GetNextFeature() calls that might have a long duration) and offer cancellation possibility, or NULL |
pProgressData | user data provided to pfnProgress, or NULL |
GDALRelationshipH GDALDatasetGetRelationship | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
const char * | pszName | ||
) |
Get a relationship from its name.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetRelationship().
hDS | Dataset handle. |
pszName | Name of relationship. |
char ** GDALDatasetGetRelationshipNames | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
Returns a list of the names of all relationships stored in the dataset.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetRelationshipNames().
hDS | Dataset handle. |
papszOptions | Driver specific options determining how relationships should be retrieved. Pass nullptr for default behavior. |
GDALGroupH GDALDatasetGetRootGroup | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Return the root GDALGroup of this dataset.
Only valid for multidimensional datasets.
The returned value must be freed with GDALGroupRelease().
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetRootGroup().
OGRStyleTableH GDALDatasetGetStyleTable | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Returns dataset style table.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::GetStyleTable()
hDS | the dataset handle |
CPLVirtualMem * GDALDatasetGetTiledVirtualMem | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
GDALRWFlag | eRWFlag, | ||
int | nXOff, | ||
int | nYOff, | ||
int | nXSize, | ||
int | nYSize, | ||
int | nTileXSize, | ||
int | nTileYSize, | ||
GDALDataType | eBufType, | ||
int | nBandCount, | ||
int * | panBandMap, | ||
GDALTileOrganization | eTileOrganization, | ||
size_t | nCacheSize, | ||
int | bSingleThreadUsage, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL dataset object, with tiling organization.
Only supported on Linux for now.
This method allows creating a virtual memory object for a region of one or more GDALRasterBands from this dataset. The content of the virtual memory object is automatically filled from dataset content when a virtual memory page is first accessed, and it is released (or flushed in case of a "dirty" page) when the cache size limit has been reached.
Contrary to GDALDatasetGetVirtualMem(), pixels will be organized by tiles instead of scanlines. Different ways of organizing pixel within/across tiles can be selected with the eTileOrganization parameter.
If nXSize is not a multiple of nTileXSize or nYSize is not a multiple of nTileYSize, partial tiles will exists at the right and/or bottom of the region of interest. Those partial tiles will also have nTileXSize * nTileYSize dimension, with padding pixels.
The pointer to access the virtual memory object is obtained with CPLVirtualMemGetAddr(). It remains valid until CPLVirtualMemFree() is called. CPLVirtualMemFree() must be called before the dataset object is destroyed.
If p is such a pointer and base_type the C type matching eBufType, for default values of spacing parameters, the element of image coordinates (x, y) (relative to xOff, yOff) for band b can be accessed with:
where nTilesPerRow = ceil(nXSize / nTileXSize) nTilesPerCol = ceil(nYSize / nTileYSize) nTilesCount = nTilesPerRow * nTilesPerCol tile_number(x,y) = (y / nTileYSize) * nTilesPerRow + (x / nTileXSize) offset_in_tile(x,y) = (y % nTileYSize) * nTileXSize + (x % nTileXSize) tile_size = nTileXSize * nTileYSize
Note that for a single band request, all tile organizations are equivalent.
Note that the mechanism used to transparently fill memory pages when they are accessed is the same (but in a controlled way) than what occurs when a memory error occurs in a program. Debugging software will generally interrupt program execution when that happens. If needed, CPLVirtualMemPin() can be used to avoid that by ensuring memory pages are allocated before being accessed.
The size of the region that can be mapped as a virtual memory object depends on hardware and operating system limitations. On Linux AMD64 platforms, the maximum value is 128 TB. On Linux x86 platforms, the maximum value is 2 GB.
Data type translation is automatically done if the data type (eBufType) of the buffer is different than that of the GDALRasterBand.
hDS | Dataset object |
eRWFlag | Either GF_Read to read a region of data, or GF_Write to write a region of data. |
nXOff | The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. |
nYOff | The line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. |
nXSize | The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. |
nYSize | The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. |
nTileXSize | the width of the tiles. |
nTileYSize | the height of the tiles. |
eBufType | the type of the pixel values in the data buffer. The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the GDALRasterBand data type as needed. |
nBandCount | the number of bands being read or written. |
panBandMap | the list of nBandCount band numbers being read/written. Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be NULL to select the first nBandCount bands. |
eTileOrganization | tile organization. |
nCacheSize | size in bytes of the maximum memory that will be really allocated (must ideally fit into RAM) |
bSingleThreadUsage | set to TRUE if there will be no concurrent threads that will access the virtual memory mapping. This can optimize performance a bit. If set to FALSE, CPLVirtualMemDeclareThread() must be called. |
papszOptions | NULL terminated list of options. Unused for now. |
CPLVirtualMem * GDALDatasetGetVirtualMem | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
GDALRWFlag | eRWFlag, | ||
int | nXOff, | ||
int | nYOff, | ||
int | nXSize, | ||
int | nYSize, | ||
int | nBufXSize, | ||
int | nBufYSize, | ||
GDALDataType | eBufType, | ||
int | nBandCount, | ||
int * | panBandMap, | ||
int | nPixelSpace, | ||
GIntBig | nLineSpace, | ||
GIntBig | nBandSpace, | ||
size_t | nCacheSize, | ||
size_t | nPageSizeHint, | ||
int | bSingleThreadUsage, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
Create a CPLVirtualMem object from a GDAL dataset object.
Only supported on Linux for now.
This method allows creating a virtual memory object for a region of one or more GDALRasterBands from this dataset. The content of the virtual memory object is automatically filled from dataset content when a virtual memory page is first accessed, and it is released (or flushed in case of a "dirty" page) when the cache size limit has been reached.
The pointer to access the virtual memory object is obtained with CPLVirtualMemGetAddr(). It remains valid until CPLVirtualMemFree() is called. CPLVirtualMemFree() must be called before the dataset object is destroyed.
If p is such a pointer and base_type the C type matching eBufType, for default values of spacing parameters, the element of image coordinates (x, y) (relative to xOff, yOff) for band b can be accessed with ((base_type*)p)[x + y * nBufXSize + (b-1)*nBufXSize*nBufYSize].
Note that the mechanism used to transparently fill memory pages when they are accessed is the same (but in a controlled way) than what occurs when a memory error occurs in a program. Debugging software will generally interrupt program execution when that happens. If needed, CPLVirtualMemPin() can be used to avoid that by ensuring memory pages are allocated before being accessed.
The size of the region that can be mapped as a virtual memory object depends on hardware and operating system limitations. On Linux AMD64 platforms, the maximum value is 128 TB. On Linux x86 platforms, the maximum value is 2 GB.
Data type translation is automatically done if the data type (eBufType) of the buffer is different than that of the GDALRasterBand.
Image decimation / replication is currently not supported, i.e. if the size of the region being accessed (nXSize x nYSize) is different from the buffer size (nBufXSize x nBufYSize).
The nPixelSpace, nLineSpace and nBandSpace parameters allow reading into or writing from various organization of buffers. Arbitrary values for the spacing parameters are not supported. Those values must be multiple of the size of thebuffer data type, and must be either band sequential organization (typically nPixelSpace = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eBufType), nLineSpace = nPixelSpace * nBufXSize, nBandSpace = nLineSpace * nBufYSize), or pixel-interleaved organization (typically nPixelSpace = nBandSpace * nBandCount, nLineSpace = nPixelSpace * nBufXSize, nBandSpace = GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes(eBufType))
hDS | Dataset object |
eRWFlag | Either GF_Read to read a region of data, or GF_Write to write a region of data. |
nXOff | The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. |
nYOff | The line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. |
nXSize | The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. |
nYSize | The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. |
nBufXSize | the width of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written. |
nBufYSize | the height of the buffer image into which the desired region is to be read, or from which it is to be written. |
eBufType | the type of the pixel values in the data buffer. The pixel values will automatically be translated to/from the GDALRasterBand data type as needed. |
nBandCount | the number of bands being read or written. |
panBandMap | the list of nBandCount band numbers being read/written. Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be NULL to select the first nBandCount bands. |
nPixelSpace | The byte offset from the start of one pixel value in the buffer to the start of the next pixel value within a scanline. If defaulted (0) the size of the datatype eBufType is used. |
nLineSpace | The byte offset from the start of one scanline in the buffer to the start of the next. If defaulted (0) the size of the datatype eBufType * nBufXSize is used. |
nBandSpace | the byte offset from the start of one bands data to the start of the next. If defaulted (0) the value will be nLineSpace * nBufYSize implying band sequential organization of the data buffer. |
nCacheSize | size in bytes of the maximum memory that will be really allocated (must ideally fit into RAM) |
nPageSizeHint | hint for the page size. Must be a multiple of the system page size, returned by CPLGetPageSize(). Minimum value is generally 4096. Might be set to 0 to let the function determine a default page size. |
bSingleThreadUsage | set to TRUE if there will be no concurrent threads that will access the virtual memory mapping. This can optimize performance a bit. If set to FALSE, CPLVirtualMemDeclareThread() must be called. |
papszOptions | NULL terminated list of options. Unused for now. |
int GDALDatasetIsLayerPrivate | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
int | iLayer | ||
) |
Returns true if the layer at the specified index is deemed a private or system table, or an internal detail only.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::IsLayerPrivate()
hDS | the dataset handle. |
iLayer | a layer number between 0 and GetLayerCount()-1. |
bool GDALDatasetIsThreadSafe | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
int | nScopeFlags, | ||
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
Return whether this dataset, and its related objects (typically raster bands), can be called for the intended scope.
Note that in the current implementation, nScopeFlags should be set to GDAL_OF_RASTER, as thread-safety is limited to read-only operations and excludes operations on vector layers (OGRLayer) or multidimensional API (GDALGroup, GDALMDArray, etc.)
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::IsThreadSafe().
hDS | Source dataset |
nScopeFlags | Intended scope of use. Only GDAL_OF_RASTER is supported currently. |
papszOptions | Options. None currently. |
CPLErr GDALDatasetRasterIO | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
GDALRWFlag | eRWFlag, | ||
int | nXOff, | ||
int | nYOff, | ||
int | nXSize, | ||
int | nYSize, | ||
void * | pData, | ||
int | nBufXSize, | ||
int | nBufYSize, | ||
GDALDataType | eBufType, | ||
int | nBandCount, | ||
const int * | panBandMap, | ||
int | nPixelSpace, | ||
int | nLineSpace, | ||
int | nBandSpace | ||
) |
Read/write a region of image data from multiple bands.
Use GDALDatasetRasterIOEx() if 64 bit spacings or extra arguments (resampling resolution, progress callback, etc. are needed)
Note: before GDAL 3.10, panBandMap type was "int*", and not "const int*"
CPLErr GDALDatasetRasterIOEx | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
GDALRWFlag | eRWFlag, | ||
int | nXOff, | ||
int | nYOff, | ||
int | nXSize, | ||
int | nYSize, | ||
void * | pData, | ||
int | nBufXSize, | ||
int | nBufYSize, | ||
GDALDataType | eBufType, | ||
int | nBandCount, | ||
const int * | panBandMap, | ||
GSpacing | nPixelSpace, | ||
GSpacing | nLineSpace, | ||
GSpacing | nBandSpace, | ||
GDALRasterIOExtraArg * | psExtraArg | ||
) |
Read/write a region of image data from multiple bands.
Note: before GDAL 3.10, panBandMap type was "int*", and not "const int*"
CPLErr GDALDatasetReadCompressedData | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
const char * | pszFormat, | ||
int | nXOff, | ||
int | nYOff, | ||
int | nXSize, | ||
int | nYSize, | ||
int | nBandCount, | ||
const int * | panBandList, | ||
void ** | ppBuffer, | ||
size_t * | pnBufferSize, | ||
char ** | ppszDetailedFormat | ||
) |
Return the compressed content that can be natively obtained for the window of interest and requested bands.
For example, a tiled dataset may be able to return data in compressed format if the window of interest matches exactly a tile. For some formats, drivers may also be example to merge several tiles together (not currently implemented though).
The implementation should make sure that the content returned forms a valid standalone file. For example, for the GeoTIFF implementation of this method, when extracting a JPEG tile, the method will automatically adds the content of the JPEG Huffman and/or quantization tables that might be stored in the TIFF JpegTables tag, and not in tile data itself.
In the general case this method will return CE_Failure.
This is the same as C++ method GDALDataset:ReadCompressedData().
hDS | Dataset handle. |
pszFormat | Requested compression format (e.g. "JPEG", "WEBP", "JXL"). This is the MIME type of one of the values returned by GetCompressionFormats(). The format string is designed to potentially include at a later point key=value optional parameters separated by a semi-colon character. At time of writing, none are implemented. ReadCompressedData() implementations should verify optional parameters and return CE_Failure if they cannot support one of them. |
nXOff | The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the left side. |
nYOff | The line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be accessed. This would be zero to start from the top. |
nXSize | The width of the region of the band to be accessed in pixels. |
nYSize | The height of the region of the band to be accessed in lines. |
nBandCount | the number of bands being requested. |
panBandList | the list of nBandCount band numbers. Note band numbers are 1 based. This may be NULL to select the first nBandCount bands. |
ppBuffer | Pointer to a buffer to store the compressed data or nullptr. If ppBuffer is not nullptr, then pnBufferSize should also not be nullptr. If ppBuffer is not nullptr, and *ppBuffer is not nullptr, then the provided buffer will be filled with the compressed data, provided that pnBufferSize and *pnBufferSize are not nullptr, and *pnBufferSize, indicating the size of *ppBuffer, is sufficiently large to hold the data. If ppBuffer is not nullptr, but *ppBuffer is nullptr, then the method will allocate *ppBuffer using VSIMalloc(), and thus the caller is responsible to free it with VSIFree(). If ppBuffer is nullptr, then the compressed data itself will not be returned, but *pnBufferSize will be updated with an upper bound of the size that would be necessary to hold it (if pnBufferSize != nullptr). |
pnBufferSize | Output buffer size, or nullptr. If ppBuffer != nullptr && *ppBuffer != nullptr, then pnBufferSize should be != nullptr and *pnBufferSize contain the size of *ppBuffer. If the method is successful, *pnBufferSize will be updated with the actual size used. |
ppszDetailedFormat | Pointer to an output string, or nullptr. If ppszDetailedFormat is not nullptr, then, on success, the method will allocate a new string in *ppszDetailedFormat (to be freed with VSIFree()) *ppszDetailedFormat might contain strings like "JPEG;frame_type=SOF0_baseline;bit_depth=8;num_components=3;" "subsampling=4:2:0;colorspace=YCbCr" or simply the MIME type. The string will contain at least as much information as what GetCompressionFormats() returns, and potentially more when ppBuffer != nullptr. |
void GDALDatasetReleaseResultSet | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
OGRLayerH | hLayer | ||
) |
Release results of ExecuteSQL().
This function should only be used to deallocate OGRLayers resulting from an ExecuteSQL() call on the same GDALDataset. Failure to deallocate a results set before destroying the GDALDataset may cause errors.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::ReleaseResultSet()
hDS | the dataset handle. |
hLayer | the result of a previous ExecuteSQL() call. |
void GDALDatasetResetReading | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Reset feature reading to start on the first feature.
This affects GDALDatasetGetNextFeature().
Depending on drivers, this may also have the side effect of calling OGR_L_ResetReading() on the layers of this dataset.
This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::ResetReading()
hDS | dataset handle |
OGRErr GDALDatasetRollbackTransaction | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
For datasources which support transactions, RollbackTransaction will roll back a datasource to its state before the start of the current transaction.
If no transaction is active, or the rollback fails, will return OGRERR_FAILURE. Datasources which do not support transactions will always return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::RollbackTransaction().
bool GDALDatasetSetQueryLoggerFunc | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
GDALQueryLoggerFunc | pfnQueryLoggerFunc, | ||
void * | poQueryLoggerArg | ||
) |
Sets the SQL query logger callback.
When supported by the driver, the callback will be called with the executed SQL text, the error message, the execution time in milliseconds, the number of records fetched/affected and the client status data.
A value of -1 in the execution time or in the number of records indicates that the values are unknown.
hDS | Dataset handle. |
pfnQueryLoggerFunc | Callback function |
poQueryLoggerArg | Opaque client status data |
void GDALDatasetSetStyleTable | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
OGRStyleTableH | hStyleTable | ||
) |
Set dataset style table.
This function operate exactly as GDALDatasetSetStyleTableDirectly() except that it assumes ownership of the passed table.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::SetStyleTable()
hDS | the dataset handle |
hStyleTable | style table handle to set |
void GDALDatasetSetStyleTableDirectly | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
OGRStyleTableH | hStyleTable | ||
) |
Set dataset style table.
This function operate exactly as GDALDatasetSetStyleTable() except that it assumes ownership of the passed table.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::SetStyleTableDirectly()
hDS | the dataset handle |
hStyleTable | style table handle to set |
OGRErr GDALDatasetStartTransaction | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
int | bForce | ||
) |
For datasources which support transactions, StartTransaction creates a transaction.
If starting the transaction fails, will return OGRERR_FAILURE. Datasources which do not support transactions will always return OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION.
Nested transactions are not supported.
All changes done after the start of the transaction are definitely applied in the datasource if CommitTransaction() is called. They may be canceled by calling RollbackTransaction() instead.
At the time of writing, transactions only apply on vector layers.
Datasets that support transactions will advertise the ODsCTransactions capability. Use of transactions at dataset level is generally preferred to transactions at layer level, whose scope is rarely limited to the layer from which it was started.
In case StartTransaction() fails, neither CommitTransaction() or RollbackTransaction() should be called.
If an error occurs after a successful StartTransaction(), the whole transaction may or may not be implicitly canceled, depending on drivers. (e.g. the PG driver will cancel it, SQLite/GPKG not). In any case, in the event of an error, an explicit call to RollbackTransaction() should be done to keep things balanced.
By default, when bForce is set to FALSE, only "efficient" transactions will be attempted. Some drivers may offer an emulation of transactions, but sometimes with significant overhead, in which case the user must explicitly allow for such an emulation by setting bForce to TRUE. Drivers that offer emulated transactions should advertise the ODsCEmulatedTransactions capability (and not ODsCTransactions).
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::StartTransaction()
hDS | the dataset handle. |
bForce | can be set to TRUE if an emulation, possibly slow, of a transaction mechanism is acceptable. |
int GDALDatasetTestCapability | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
const char * | pszCap | ||
) |
Test if capability is available.
One of the following dataset capability names can be passed into this function, and a TRUE or FALSE value will be returned indicating whether or not the capability is available for this object.
ODsCCreateLayer: True if this datasource can create new layers.
ODsCDeleteLayer: True if this datasource can delete existing layers.
ODsCCreateGeomFieldAfterCreateLayer: True if the layers of this datasource support CreateGeomField() just after layer creation.
ODsCCurveGeometries: True if this datasource supports curve geometries.
ODsCTransactions: True if this datasource supports (efficient) transactions.
ODsCEmulatedTransactions: True if this datasource supports transactions through emulation.
ODsCRandomLayerRead: True if this datasource has a dedicated GetNextFeature() implementation, potentially returning features from layers in a non sequential way.
ODsCRandomLayerWrite: True if this datasource supports calling CreateFeature() on layers in a non sequential way.
The #define macro forms of the capability names should be used in preference to the strings themselves to avoid misspelling.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::TestCapability()
hDS | the dataset handle. |
pszCap | the capability to test. |
bool GDALDatasetUpdateFieldDomain | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
OGRFieldDomainH | hFieldDomain, | ||
char ** | ppszFailureReason | ||
) |
Updates an existing field domain by replacing its definition.
The existing field domain with matching name will be replaced.
Only a few drivers will support this operation, and some of them might only support it only for some types of field domains. At the time of writing (GDAL 3.5), only the Memory driver supports this operation. A dataset having at least some support for this operation should report the ODsCUpdateFieldDomain dataset capability.
Anticipated failures will not be emitted through the CPLError() infrastructure, but will be reported in the failureReason output parameter.
hDS | Dataset handle. |
hFieldDomain | The domain definition. Contrary to the C++ version, the passed object is copied. |
ppszFailureReason | Output parameter. Will contain an error message if an error occurs (*ppszFailureReason to be freed with CPLFree). May be NULL. |
bool GDALDatasetUpdateRelationship | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
GDALRelationshipH | hRelationship, | ||
char ** | ppszFailureReason | ||
) |
Updates an existing relationship by replacing its definition.
The existing relationship with matching name will be replaced.
Only a few drivers will support this operation, and some of them might only support it only for some types of relationships. A dataset having at least some support for this operation should report the GDsCUpdateRelationship dataset capability.
Anticipated failures will not be emitted through the CPLError() infrastructure, but will be reported in the failureReason output parameter.
hDS | Dataset handle. |
hRelationship | The relationship definition. Contrary to the C++ version, the passed object is copied. |
ppszFailureReason | Output parameter. Will contain an error message if an error occurs (*ppszFailureReason to be freed with CPLFree). May be NULL. |
int GDALDataTypeIsComplex | ( | GDALDataType | eDataType | ) |
Is data type complex?
int GDALDataTypeIsConversionLossy | ( | GDALDataType | eTypeFrom, |
GDALDataType | eTypeTo | ||
) |
Is conversion from eTypeFrom to eTypeTo potentially lossy.
eTypeFrom | input datatype |
eTypeTo | output datatype |
int GDALDataTypeIsFloating | ( | GDALDataType | eDataType | ) |
Is data type floating? (might be complex)
int GDALDataTypeIsInteger | ( | GDALDataType | eDataType | ) |
Is data type integer? (might be complex)
int GDALDataTypeIsSigned | ( | GDALDataType | eDataType | ) |
Is data type signed?
GDALDataType GDALDataTypeUnion | ( | GDALDataType | eType1, |
GDALDataType | eType2 | ||
) |
Return the smallest data type that can fully express both input data types.
eType1 | first data type. |
eType2 | second data type. |
GDALDataType GDALDataTypeUnionWithValue | ( | GDALDataType | eDT, |
double | dfValue, | ||
int | bComplex | ||
) |
Union a data type with the one found for a value.
eDT | the first data type |
dfValue | the value for which to find a data type and union with eDT |
bComplex | if the value is complex |
double GDALDecToPackedDMS | ( | double | dfDec | ) |
Convert decimal degrees into packed DMS value (DDDMMMSSS.SS).
See CPLDecToPackedDMS().
void GDALDeinitGCPs | ( | int | nCount, |
GDAL_GCP * | psGCP | ||
) |
De-initialize an array of GCPs (initialized with GDALInitGCPs())
nCount | number of GCPs in psGCP |
psGCP | array of GCPs of size nCount. |
void GDALDeinterleave | ( | const void * | pSourceBuffer, |
GDALDataType | eSourceDT, | ||
int | nComponents, | ||
void ** | ppDestBuffer, | ||
GDALDataType | eDestDT, | ||
size_t | nIters | ||
) |
Copy values from a pixel-interleave buffer to multiple per-component buffers.
In pseudo-code
for(size_t i = 0; i < nIters; ++i) for(int iComp = 0; iComp < nComponents; iComp++ ) ppDestBuffer[iComp][i] = pSourceBuffer[nComponents * i + iComp]
The implementation is optimized for a few cases, like de-interleaving of 3 or 4-components Byte buffers.
CPLErr GDALDeleteDataset | ( | GDALDriverH | hDriver, |
const char * | pszFilename | ||
) |
Delete named dataset.
CPLErr GDALDeleteRasterNoDataValue | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
int GDALDereferenceDataset | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDataset | ) |
Subtract one from dataset reference count.
void GDALDeregisterDriver | ( | GDALDriverH | hDriver | ) |
Deregister the passed driver.
void GDALDestroy | ( | void | ) |
Finalize GDAL/OGR library.
This function calls GDALDestroyDriverManager() and OGRCleanupAll() and finalize Thread Local Storage variables.
Prior to GDAL 2.4.0, this function should normally be explicitly called by application code if GDAL is dynamically linked (but that does not hurt), since it was automatically called through the unregistration mechanisms of dynamic library loading.
Since GDAL 2.4.0, this function may be called by application code, since it is no longer called automatically, on non-MSVC builds, due to ordering problems with respect to automatic destruction of global C++ objects.
Note: no GDAL/OGR code should be called after this call!
void GDALDestroyColorTable | ( | GDALColorTableH | hTable | ) |
Destroys a color table.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::~GDALColorTable()
void GDALDestroyDriver | ( | GDALDriverH | hDriver | ) |
Destroy a GDALDriver.
This is roughly equivalent to deleting the driver, but is guaranteed to take place in the GDAL heap. It is important this that function not be called on a driver that is registered with the GDALDriverManager.
hDriver | the driver to destroy. |
void GDALDestroyDriverManager | ( | void | ) |
Destroy the driver manager.
Incidentally unloads all managed drivers.
NOTE: This function is not thread safe. It should not be called while other threads are actively using GDAL.
void GDALDestroyRasterAttributeTable | ( | GDALRasterAttributeTableH | hRAT | ) |
Destroys a RAT.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRasterAttributeTable::~GDALRasterAttributeTable()
void GDALDestroyRelationship | ( | GDALRelationshipH | hRelationship | ) |
Destroys a relationship.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALRelationship::~GDALRelationship()
void GDALDestroySubdatasetInfo | ( | GDALSubdatasetInfoH | hInfo | ) |
Destroys a GDALSubdatasetInfo object.
hInfo | Pointer to GDALSubdatasetInfo object |
Destroys a GDALSubdatasetInfo object.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALSubdatasetInfo::~GDALSubdatasetInfo()
const char * GDALDimensionGetDirection | ( | GDALDimensionH | hDim | ) |
Return dimension direction.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::GetDirection()
const char * GDALDimensionGetFullName | ( | GDALDimensionH | hDim | ) |
Return dimension full name.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::GetFullName()
GDALMDArrayH GDALDimensionGetIndexingVariable | ( | GDALDimensionH | hDim | ) |
Return the variable that is used to index the dimension (if there is one).
This is the array, typically one-dimensional, describing the values taken by the dimension.
The returned value should be freed with GDALMDArrayRelease().
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::GetIndexingVariable()
const char * GDALDimensionGetName | ( | GDALDimensionH | hDim | ) |
Return dimension name.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::GetName()
GUInt64 GDALDimensionGetSize | ( | GDALDimensionH | hDim | ) |
Return the size, that is the number of values along the dimension.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::GetSize()
const char * GDALDimensionGetType | ( | GDALDimensionH | hDim | ) |
Return dimension type.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::GetType()
void GDALDimensionRelease | ( | GDALDimensionH | hDim | ) |
Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALDimension.
Note: when applied on a object coming from a driver, this does not destroy the object in the file, database, etc...
bool GDALDimensionRename | ( | GDALDimensionH | hDim, |
const char * | pszNewName | ||
) |
Rename the dimension.
This is not implemented by all drivers.
Drivers known to implement it: MEM, netCDF.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::Rename()
int GDALDimensionSetIndexingVariable | ( | GDALDimensionH | hDim, |
GDALMDArrayH | hArray | ||
) |
Set the variable that is used to index the dimension.
This is the array, typically one-dimensional, describing the values taken by the dimension.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALDimension::SetIndexingVariable()
CPLErr GDALDropCache | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Drop all write cached data.
CPLErr GDALDropRasterCache | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
int GDALDumpOpenDatasets | ( | FILE * | fp | ) |
List open datasets.
Dumps a list of all open datasets (shared or not) to the indicated text file (may be stdout or stderr). This function is primarily intended to assist in debugging "dataset leaks" and reference counting issues. The information reported includes the dataset name, referenced count, shared status, driver name, size, and band count.
Duplicate an array of GCPs.
The return must be freed with GDALDeinitGCPs() followed by CPLFree()
nCount | number of GCPs in psGCP |
pasGCPList | array of GCPs of size nCount. |
GDALEDTComponentH GDALEDTComponentCreate | ( | const char * | pszName, |
size_t | nOffset, | ||
GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hType | ||
) |
Create a new GDALEDTComponent.
The returned value must be freed with GDALEDTComponentRelease().
This is the same as the C++ constructor GDALEDTComponent::GDALEDTComponent().
const char * GDALEDTComponentGetName | ( | GDALEDTComponentH | hComp | ) |
Return the name.
The returned pointer is valid until hComp is released.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALEDTComponent::GetName().
size_t GDALEDTComponentGetOffset | ( | GDALEDTComponentH | hComp | ) |
Return the offset (in bytes) of the component in the compound data type.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALEDTComponent::GetOffset().
GDALExtendedDataTypeH GDALEDTComponentGetType | ( | GDALEDTComponentH | hComp | ) |
Return the data type of the component.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALEDTComponent::GetType().
void GDALEDTComponentRelease | ( | GDALEDTComponentH | hComp | ) |
Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALEDTComponentH.
Note: when applied on a object coming from a driver, this does not destroy the object in the file, database, etc...
void GDALEndAsyncReader | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
GDALAsyncReaderH | hAsyncReaderH | ||
) |
End asynchronous request.
This method destroys an asynchronous io request and recovers all resources associated with it.
This method is the same as the C++ method GDALDataset::EndAsyncReader().
hDS | handle to the dataset object. |
hAsyncReaderH | handle returned by GDALBeginAsyncReader() |
int GDALExtendedDataTypeCanConvertTo | ( | GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hSourceEDT, |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hTargetEDT | ||
) |
Return whether this data type can be converted to the other one.
This is the same as the C function GDALExtendedDataType::CanConvertTo()
hSourceEDT | Source data type for the conversion being considered. |
hTargetEDT | Target data type for the conversion being considered. |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH GDALExtendedDataTypeCreate | ( | GDALDataType | eType | ) |
Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_NUMERIC.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::Create()
The returned handle should be freed with GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease().
eType | Numeric data type. |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateCompound | ( | const char * | pszName, |
size_t | nTotalSize, | ||
size_t | nComponents, | ||
const GDALEDTComponentH * | comps | ||
) |
Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_COMPOUND.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::Create(const std::string&, size_t, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<GDALEDTComponent>>&&)
The returned handle should be freed with GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease().
pszName | Type name. |
nTotalSize | Total size of the type in bytes. Should be large enough to store all components. |
nComponents | Number of components in comps array. |
comps | Components. |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateString | ( | size_t | nMaxStringLength | ) |
Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_STRING.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::CreateString()
The returned handle should be freed with GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease().
GDALExtendedDataTypeH GDALExtendedDataTypeCreateStringEx | ( | size_t | nMaxStringLength, |
GDALExtendedDataTypeSubType | eSubType | ||
) |
Return a new GDALExtendedDataType of class GEDTC_STRING.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::CreateString()
The returned handle should be freed with GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease().
int GDALExtendedDataTypeEquals | ( | GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hFirstEDT, |
GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hSecondEDT | ||
) |
Return whether this data type is equal to another one.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::operator==()
hFirstEDT | First data type. |
hSecondEDT | Second data type. |
void GDALExtendedDataTypeFreeComponents | ( | GDALEDTComponentH * | components, |
size_t | nCount | ||
) |
Free the return of GDALExtendedDataTypeGetComponents().
components | return value of GDALExtendedDataTypeGetComponents() |
nCount | *pnCount value returned by GDALExtendedDataTypeGetComponents() |
GDALExtendedDataTypeClass GDALExtendedDataTypeGetClass | ( | GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hEDT | ) |
Return type class.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetClass()
GDALEDTComponentH * GDALExtendedDataTypeGetComponents | ( | GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hEDT, |
size_t * | pnCount | ||
) |
Return the components of the data type (only valid when GetClass() == GEDTC_COMPOUND)
The returned array and its content must be freed with GDALExtendedDataTypeFreeComponents(). If only the array itself needs to be freed, CPLFree() should be called (and GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease() on individual array members).
This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetComponents()
hEDT | Data type |
pnCount | Pointer to the number of values returned. Must NOT be NULL. |
size_t GDALExtendedDataTypeGetMaxStringLength | ( | GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hEDT | ) |
Return the maximum length of a string in bytes.
0 indicates unknown/unlimited string.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetMaxStringLength()
const char * GDALExtendedDataTypeGetName | ( | GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hEDT | ) |
Return type name.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetName()
GDALDataType GDALExtendedDataTypeGetNumericDataType | ( | GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hEDT | ) |
Return numeric data type (only valid when GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC)
This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetNumericDataType()
size_t GDALExtendedDataTypeGetSize | ( | GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hEDT | ) |
Return data type size in bytes.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetSize()
GDALExtendedDataTypeSubType GDALExtendedDataTypeGetSubType | ( | GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hEDT | ) |
Return the subtype of a type.
This is the same as the C++ method GDALExtendedDataType::GetSubType()
hEDT | Data type. |
void GDALExtendedDataTypeRelease | ( | GDALExtendedDataTypeH | hEDT | ) |
Release the GDAL in-memory object associated with a GDALExtendedDataTypeH.
Note: when applied on a object coming from a driver, this does not destroy the object in the file, database, etc...
int GDALExtractRPCInfoV2 | ( | CSLConstList | papszMD, |
GDALRPCInfoV2 * | psRPC | ||
) |
Extract RPC info from metadata, and apply to an RPCInfo structure.
The inverse of this function is RPCInfoV2ToMD() in alg/gdal_rpc.cpp
papszMD | Dictionary of metadata representing RPC |
psRPC | (output) Pointer to structure to hold the RPC values. |
CPLErr GDALFillRaster | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
double | dfRealValue, | ||
double | dfImaginaryValue | ||
) |
Fill this band with a constant value.
GDALDataType GDALFindDataType | ( | int | nBits, |
int | bSigned, | ||
int | bFloating, | ||
int | bComplex | ||
) |
Finds the smallest data type able to support the given requirements.
nBits | number of bits necessary |
bSigned | if negative values are necessary |
bFloating | if non-integer values necessary |
bComplex | if complex values are necessary |
GDALDataType GDALFindDataTypeForValue | ( | double | dValue, |
int | bComplex | ||
) |
Finds the smallest data type able to support the provided value.
dValue | value to support |
bComplex | is the value complex |
CPLErr GDALFlushCache | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Flush all write cached data to disk.
int GDALFlushCacheBlock | ( | void | ) |
Try to flush one cached raster block.
This function will search the first unlocked raster block and will flush it to release the associated memory.
CPLErr GDALFlushRasterCache | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Flush raster data cache.
int GDALGCPsToGeoTransform | ( | int | nGCPCount, |
const GDAL_GCP * | pasGCPs, | ||
double * | padfGeoTransform, | ||
int | bApproxOK | ||
) |
Generate Geotransform from GCPs.
Given a set of GCPs perform first order fit as a geotransform.
Due to imprecision in the calculations the fit algorithm will often return non-zero rotational coefficients even if given perfectly non-rotated inputs. A special case has been implemented for corner corner coordinates given in TL, TR, BR, BL order. So when using this to get a geotransform from 4 corner coordinates, pass them in this order.
Starting with GDAL 2.2.2, if bApproxOK = FALSE, the GDAL_GCPS_TO_GEOTRANSFORM_APPROX_OK configuration option will be read. If set to YES, then bApproxOK will be overridden with TRUE. Starting with GDAL 2.2.2, when exact fit is asked, the GDAL_GCPS_TO_GEOTRANSFORM_APPROX_THRESHOLD configuration option can be set to give the maximum error threshold in pixel. The default is 0.25.
nGCPCount | the number of GCPs being passed in. |
pasGCPs | the list of GCP structures. |
padfGeoTransform | the six double array in which the affine geotransformation will be returned. |
bApproxOK | If FALSE the function will fail if the geotransform is not essentially an exact fit (within 0.25 pixel) for all GCPs. |
int GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor | ( | int | nArgc, |
char *** | ppapszArgv, | ||
int | nOptions | ||
) |
General utility option processing.
This function is intended to provide a variety of generic commandline options for all GDAL commandline utilities. It takes care of the following commandline options:
–version: report version of GDAL in use. –build: report build info about GDAL in use. –license: report GDAL license info. –formats: report all format drivers configured. Can be used with -json since 3.10 –format [format]: report details of one format driver. –optfile filename: expand an option file into the argument list. –config key value: set system configuration option. –config key=value: set system configuration option (since GDAL 3.9) –debug [on/off/value]: set debug level. –mempreload dir: preload directory contents into /vsimem –pause: Pause for user input (allows time to attach debugger) –locale [locale]: Install a locale using setlocale() (debugging) –help-general: report detailed help on general options.
The argument array is replaced "in place" and should be freed with CSLDestroy() when no longer needed. The typical usage looks something like the following. Note that the formats should be registered so that the –formats and –format options will work properly.
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) { GDALAllRegister();
argc = GDALGeneralCmdLineProcessor( argc, &argv, 0 ); if( argc < 1 ) exit( -argc );
nArgc | number of values in the argument list. |
ppapszArgv | pointer to the argument list array (will be updated in place). |
nOptions | a or-able combination of GDAL_OF_RASTER and GDAL_OF_VECTOR to determine which drivers should be displayed by –formats. If set to 0, GDAL_OF_RASTER is assumed. |
int GDALGetAccess | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Return access flag.
CPLErr GDALGetActualBlockSize | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int | nXBlockOff, | ||
int | nYBlockOff, | ||
int * | pnXValid, | ||
int * | pnYValid | ||
) |
Retrieve the actual block size for a given block offset.
GDALAsyncStatusType GDALGetAsyncStatusTypeByName | ( | const char * | pszName | ) |
Get AsyncStatusType by symbolic name.
Returns a data type corresponding to the given symbolic name. This function is opposite to the GDALGetAsyncStatusTypeName().
pszName | string containing the symbolic name of the type. |
const char * GDALGetAsyncStatusTypeName | ( | GDALAsyncStatusType | eAsyncStatusType | ) |
Get name of AsyncStatus data type.
Returns a symbolic name for the AsyncStatus data type. This is essentially the enumerated item name with the GARIO_ prefix removed. So GARIO_COMPLETE returns "COMPLETE". The returned strings are static strings and should not be modified or freed by the application. These strings are useful for reporting datatypes in debug statements, errors and other user output.
eAsyncStatusType | type to get name of. |
GDALDatasetH GDALGetBandDataset | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Fetch the owning dataset handle.
int GDALGetBandNumber | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Fetch the band number.
void GDALGetBlockSize | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int * | pnXSize, | ||
int * | pnYSize | ||
) |
Fetch the "natural" block size of this band.
int GDALGetCacheMax | ( | void | ) |
Get maximum cache memory.
Gets the maximum amount of memory available to the GDALRasterBlock caching system for caching GDAL read/write imagery.
The first type this function is called, it will read the GDAL_CACHEMAX configuration option to initialize the maximum cache memory. Starting with GDAL 2.1, the value can be expressed as x% of the usable physical RAM (which may potentially be used by other processes). Otherwise it is expected to be a value in MB.
This function cannot return a value higher than 2 GB. Use GDALGetCacheMax64() to get a non-truncated value.
GIntBig GDALGetCacheMax64 | ( | void | ) |
Get maximum cache memory.
Gets the maximum amount of memory available to the GDALRasterBlock caching system for caching GDAL read/write imagery.
The first type this function is called, it will read the GDAL_CACHEMAX configuration option to initialize the maximum cache memory. Starting with GDAL 2.1, the value can be expressed as x% of the usable physical RAM (which may potentially be used by other processes). Otherwise it is expected to be a value in MB.
int GDALGetCacheUsed | ( | void | ) |
Get cache memory used.
GIntBig GDALGetCacheUsed64 | ( | void | ) |
Get cache memory used.
const GDALColorEntry * GDALGetColorEntry | ( | GDALColorTableH | hTable, |
int | i | ||
) |
Fetch a color entry from table.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::GetColorEntry()
int GDALGetColorEntryAsRGB | ( | GDALColorTableH | hTable, |
int | i, | ||
GDALColorEntry * | poEntry | ||
) |
Fetch a table entry in RGB format.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::GetColorEntryAsRGB().
int GDALGetColorEntryCount | ( | GDALColorTableH | hTable | ) |
Get number of color entries in table.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::GetColorEntryCount()
GDALColorInterp GDALGetColorInterpretationByName | ( | const char * | pszName | ) |
Get color interpretation by symbolic name.
Returns a color interpretation corresponding to the given symbolic name. This function is opposite to the GDALGetColorInterpretationName().
pszName | string containing the symbolic name of the color interpretation. |
const char * GDALGetColorInterpretationName | ( | GDALColorInterp | eInterp | ) |
Get name of color interpretation.
Returns a symbolic name for the color interpretation. This is derived from the enumerated item name with the GCI_ prefix removed, but there are some variations. So GCI_GrayIndex returns "Gray" and GCI_RedBand returns "Red". The returned strings are static strings and should not be modified or freed by the application.
eInterp | color interpretation to get name of. |
int GDALGetDataCoverageStatus | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int | nXOff, | ||
int | nYOff, | ||
int | nXSize, | ||
int | nYSize, | ||
int | nMaskFlagStop, | ||
double * | pdfDataPct | ||
) |
Get the coverage status of a sub-window of the raster.
Returns whether a sub-window of the raster contains only data, only empty blocks or a mix of both. This function can be used to determine quickly if it is worth issuing RasterIO / ReadBlock requests in datasets that may be sparse.
Empty blocks are blocks that are generally not physically present in the file, and when read through GDAL, contain only pixels whose value is the nodata value when it is set, or whose value is 0 when the nodata value is not set.
The query is done in an efficient way without reading the actual pixel values. If not possible, or not implemented at all by the driver, GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED | GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA will be returned.
The values that can be returned by the function are the following, potentially combined with the binary or operator :
Note that GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA might have false positives and should be interpreted more as hint of potential presence of data. For example if a GeoTIFF file is created with blocks filled with zeroes (or set to the nodata value), instead of using the missing block mechanism, GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA will be returned. On the contrary, GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_EMPTY should have no false positives.
The nMaskFlagStop should be generally set to 0. It can be set to a binary-or'ed mask of the above mentioned values to enable a quick exiting of the function as soon as the computed mask matches the nMaskFlagStop. For example, you can issue a request on the whole raster with nMaskFlagStop = GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_EMPTY. As soon as one missing block is encountered, the function will exit, so that you can potentially refine the requested area to find which particular region(s) have missing blocks.
hBand | raster band |
nXOff | The pixel offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be queried. This would be zero to start from the left side. |
nYOff | The line offset to the top left corner of the region of the band to be queried. This would be zero to start from the top. |
nXSize | The width of the region of the band to be queried in pixels. |
nYSize | The height of the region of the band to be queried in lines. |
nMaskFlagStop | 0, or a binary-or'ed mask of possible values GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED, GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_DATA and GDAL_DATA_COVERAGE_STATUS_EMPTY. As soon as the computation of the coverage matches the mask, the computation will be stopped. *pdfDataPct will not be valid in that case. |
pdfDataPct | Optional output parameter whose pointed value will be set to the (approximate) percentage in [0,100] of pixels in the queried sub-window that have valid values. The implementation might not always be able to compute it, in which case it will be set to a negative value. |
GDALDriverH GDALGetDatasetDriver | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDataset | ) |
Fetch the driver to which this dataset relates.
GDALDataType GDALGetDataTypeByName | ( | const char * | pszName | ) |
Get data type by symbolic name.
Returns a data type corresponding to the given symbolic name. This function is opposite to the GDALGetDataTypeName().
pszName | string containing the symbolic name of the type. |
const char * GDALGetDataTypeName | ( | GDALDataType | eDataType | ) |
Get name of data type.
Returns a symbolic name for the data type. This is essentially the the enumerated item name with the GDT_ prefix removed. So GDT_Byte returns "Byte". The returned strings are static strings and should not be modified or freed by the application. These strings are useful for reporting datatypes in debug statements, errors and other user output.
eDataType | type to get name of. |
int GDALGetDataTypeSize | ( | GDALDataType | eDataType | ) |
Get data type size in bits.
Returns the size of a GDT_* type in bits, not bytes!
Use GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes() for bytes. Use GDALGetDataTypeSizeBits() for bits.
eDataType | type, such as GDT_Byte. |
int GDALGetDataTypeSizeBits | ( | GDALDataType | eDataType | ) |
Get data type size in bits.
Returns the size of a GDT_* type in bits, not bytes! Use GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes() for bytes.
eDataType | type, such as GDT_Byte. |
int GDALGetDataTypeSizeBytes | ( | GDALDataType | eDataType | ) |
Get data type size in bytes.
Returns the size of a GDT_* type in bytes. In contrast, GDALGetDataTypeSize() returns the size in bits.
eDataType | type, such as GDT_Byte. |
CPLErr GDALGetDefaultHistogram | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
double * | pdfMin, | ||
double * | pdfMax, | ||
int * | pnBuckets, | ||
int ** | ppanHistogram, | ||
int | bForce, | ||
GDALProgressFunc | pfnProgress, | ||
void * | pProgressData | ||
) |
Fetch default raster histogram.
Use GDALGetRasterHistogramEx() instead to get correct counts for values exceeding 2 billion.
CPLErr GDALGetDefaultHistogramEx | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
double * | pdfMin, | ||
double * | pdfMax, | ||
int * | pnBuckets, | ||
GUIntBig ** | ppanHistogram, | ||
int | bForce, | ||
GDALProgressFunc | pfnProgress, | ||
void * | pProgressData | ||
) |
GDALRasterAttributeTableH GDALGetDefaultRAT | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Fetch default Raster Attribute Table.
const char * GDALGetDescription | ( | GDALMajorObjectH | hObject | ) |
Fetch object description.
GDALDriverH GDALGetDriver | ( | int | iDriver | ) |
Fetch driver by index.
GDALDriverH GDALGetDriverByName | ( | const char * | pszName | ) |
Fetch a driver based on the short name.
int GDALGetDriverCount | ( | void | ) |
Fetch the number of registered drivers.
const char * GDALGetDriverCreationOptionList | ( | GDALDriverH | hDriver | ) |
Return the list of creation options of the driver.
Return the list of creation options of the driver used by Create() and CreateCopy() as an XML string
hDriver | the handle of the driver |
const char * GDALGetDriverHelpTopic | ( | GDALDriverH | hDriver | ) |
Return the URL to the help that describes the driver.
That URL is relative to the GDAL documentation directory.
For the GeoTIFF driver, this is "frmt_gtiff.html"
hDriver | the handle of the driver |
const char * GDALGetDriverLongName | ( | GDALDriverH | hDriver | ) |
Return the long name of a driver.
For the GeoTIFF driver, this is "GeoTIFF"
hDriver | the handle of the driver |
const char * GDALGetDriverShortName | ( | GDALDriverH | hDriver | ) |
Return the short name of a driver.
This is the string that can be passed to the GDALGetDriverByName() function.
For the GeoTIFF driver, this is "GTiff"
hDriver | the handle of the driver |
char ** GDALGetFileList | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Fetch files forming dataset.
int GDALGetGCPCount | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Get number of GCPs.
const char * GDALGetGCPProjection | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Get output projection for GCPs.
const GDAL_GCP * GDALGetGCPs | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Fetch GCPs.
OGRSpatialReferenceH GDALGetGCPSpatialRef | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
CPLErr GDALGetGeoTransform | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
double * | padfTransform | ||
) |
Fetch the affine transformation coefficients.
void * GDALGetInternalHandle | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
const char * | pszRequest | ||
) |
Fetch a format specific internally meaningful handle.
CPLXMLNode * GDALGetJPEG2000Structure | ( | const char * | pszFilename, |
CSLConstList | papszOptions | ||
) |
Dump the structure of a JPEG2000 file as a XML tree.
pszFilename | filename. |
papszOptions | NULL terminated list of options, or NULL. Allowed options are BINARY_CONTENT=YES, TEXT_CONTENT=YES, CODESTREAM=YES, ALL=YES, JP2_BOXES=YES, CODESTREAM_MARKERS=list_of_marker_names_comma_separated, STOP_AT_SOD=YES, ALLOW_GET_FILE_SIZE=NO. |
GDALRasterBandH GDALGetMaskBand | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Return the mask band associated with the band.
int GDALGetMaskFlags | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Return the status flags of the mask band associated with the band.
char ** GDALGetMetadata | ( | GDALMajorObjectH | hObject, |
const char * | pszDomain | ||
) |
Fetch metadata.
char ** GDALGetMetadataDomainList | ( | GDALMajorObjectH | hObject | ) |
const char * GDALGetMetadataItem | ( | GDALMajorObjectH | hObject, |
const char * | pszName, | ||
const char * | pszDomain | ||
) |
Fetch single metadata item.
double GDALGetNoDataReplacementValue | ( | GDALDataType | dt, |
double | dfNoDataValue | ||
) |
Returns a replacement value for a nodata value or 0 if dfNoDataValue is out of range for the specified data type (dt).
For UInt64 and Int64 data type this function cannot reliably trusted because their nodata values might not always be representable exactly as a double, in particular the maximum absolute value for those types is 2^53.
The replacement value is a value that can be used in a computation whose result would match by accident the nodata value, whereas it is meant to be valid. For example, for a dataset with a nodata value of 0, when averaging -1 and 1, one would get normally a value of 0. The replacement nodata value can then be substituted to that 0 value to still get a valid value, as close as practical to the true value, while being different from the nodata value.
dt | Data type |
dfNoDataValue | The no data value |
GDALDataType GDALGetNonComplexDataType | ( | GDALDataType | eDataType | ) |
Return the base data type for the specified input.
If the input data type is complex this function returns the base type i.e. the data type of the real and imaginary parts (non-complex). If the input data type is already non-complex, then it is returned unchanged.
eDataType | type, such as GDT_CFloat32. |
void GDALGetOpenDatasets | ( | GDALDatasetH ** | ppahDSList, |
int * | pnCount | ||
) |
Fetch all open GDAL dataset handles.
char ** GDALGetOutputDriversForDatasetName | ( | const char * | pszDestDataset, |
int | nFlagRasterVector, | ||
bool | bSingleMatch, | ||
bool | bEmitWarning | ||
) |
Return a list of driver short names that are likely candidates for the provided output file name.
pszDestDataset | Output dataset name (might not exist). |
nFlagRasterVector | GDAL_OF_RASTER, GDAL_OF_VECTOR or binary-or'ed combination of both |
bSingleMatch | Whether a single match is desired, that is to say the returned list will contain at most one item, which will be the first driver in the order they are registered to match the output dataset name. Note that in this mode, if nFlagRasterVector==GDAL_OF_RASTER and pszDestDataset has no extension, GTiff will be selected. |
bEmitWarning | Whether a warning should be emitted when bSingleMatch is true and there are more than 2 candidates. |
GDALRasterBandH GDALGetOverview | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int | i | ||
) |
Fetch overview raster band object.
int GDALGetOverviewCount | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Return the number of overview layers available.
GDALPaletteInterp GDALGetPaletteInterpretation | ( | GDALColorTableH | hTable | ) |
Fetch palette interpretation.
This function is the same as the C++ method GDALColorTable::GetPaletteInterpretation()
const char * GDALGetPaletteInterpretationName | ( | GDALPaletteInterp | eInterp | ) |
Get name of palette interpretation.
Returns a symbolic name for the palette interpretation. This is the the enumerated item name with the GPI_ prefix removed. So GPI_Gray returns "Gray". The returned strings are static strings and should not be modified or freed by the application.
eInterp | palette interpretation to get name of. |
const char * GDALGetProjectionRef | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Fetch the projection definition string for this dataset.
int GDALGetRandomRasterSample | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int | nSamples, | ||
float * | pafSampleBuf | ||
) |
hBand | undocumented. |
nSamples | undocumented. |
pafSampleBuf | undocumented. |
GDALAccess GDALGetRasterAccess | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Find out if we have update permission for this band.
GDALRasterBandH GDALGetRasterBand | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
int | nBandId | ||
) |
Fetch a band object for a dataset.
int GDALGetRasterBandXSize | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Fetch XSize of raster.
int GDALGetRasterBandYSize | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Fetch YSize of raster.
char ** GDALGetRasterCategoryNames | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Fetch the list of category names for this raster.
GDALColorInterp GDALGetRasterColorInterpretation | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
How should this band be interpreted as color?
GDALColorTableH GDALGetRasterColorTable | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Fetch the color table associated with band.
int GDALGetRasterCount | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
Fetch the number of raster bands on this dataset.
GDALDataType GDALGetRasterDataType | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Fetch the pixel data type for this band.
CPLErr GDALGetRasterHistogram | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
double | dfMin, | ||
double | dfMax, | ||
int | nBuckets, | ||
int * | panHistogram, | ||
int | bIncludeOutOfRange, | ||
int | bApproxOK, | ||
GDALProgressFunc | pfnProgress, | ||
void * | pProgressData | ||
) |
Compute raster histogram.
Use GDALGetRasterHistogramEx() instead to get correct counts for values exceeding 2 billion.
CPLErr GDALGetRasterHistogramEx | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
double | dfMin, | ||
double | dfMax, | ||
int | nBuckets, | ||
GUIntBig * | panHistogram, | ||
int | bIncludeOutOfRange, | ||
int | bApproxOK, | ||
GDALProgressFunc | pfnProgress, | ||
void * | pProgressData | ||
) |
double GDALGetRasterMaximum | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int * | pbSuccess | ||
) |
Fetch the maximum value for this band.
double GDALGetRasterMinimum | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int * | pbSuccess | ||
) |
Fetch the minimum value for this band.
double GDALGetRasterNoDataValue | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int * | pbSuccess | ||
) |
Fetch the no data value for this band.
int64_t GDALGetRasterNoDataValueAsInt64 | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int * | pbSuccess | ||
) |
Fetch the no data value for this band.
This function should ONLY be called on rasters whose data type is GDT_Int64.
uint64_t GDALGetRasterNoDataValueAsUInt64 | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int * | pbSuccess | ||
) |
Fetch the no data value for this band.
This function should ONLY be called on rasters whose data type is GDT_UInt64.
double GDALGetRasterOffset | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int * | pbSuccess | ||
) |
Fetch the raster value offset.
GDALRasterBandH GDALGetRasterSampleOverview | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int | nDesiredSamples | ||
) |
Fetch best sampling overview.
Use GDALGetRasterSampleOverviewEx() to be able to specify more than 2 billion samples.
GDALRasterBandH GDALGetRasterSampleOverviewEx | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
GUIntBig | nDesiredSamples | ||
) |
double GDALGetRasterScale | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int * | pbSuccess | ||
) |
Fetch the raster value scale.
CPLErr GDALGetRasterStatistics | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand, |
int | bApproxOK, | ||
int | bForce, | ||
double * | pdfMin, | ||
double * | pdfMax, | ||
double * | pdfMean, | ||
double * | pdfStdDev | ||
) |
Fetch image statistics.
const char * GDALGetRasterUnitType | ( | GDALRasterBandH | hBand | ) |
Return raster unit type.
int GDALGetRasterXSize | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDataset | ) |
Fetch raster width in pixels.
int GDALGetRasterYSize | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDataset | ) |
Fetch raster height in pixels.
OGRSpatialReferenceH GDALGetSpatialRef | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS | ) |
GDALSubdatasetInfoH GDALGetSubdatasetInfo | ( | const char * | pszFileName | ) |
Returns a new GDALSubdatasetInfo object with methods to extract and manipulate subdataset information.
If the pszFileName argument is not recognized by any driver as a subdataset descriptor, NULL is returned. The returned object must be freed with GDALDestroySubdatasetInfo().
pszFileName | File name with subdataset information |
GDALDatasetH GDALGetThreadSafeDataset | ( | GDALDatasetH | hDS, |
int | nScopeFlags, | ||