| ogr_api.h |
| C API and defines for OGRFeature, OGRGeometry, and OGRDataSource related classes.
| ogr_core.h |
| Core portability services for cross-platform OGR code.
| ogr_expat.h |
| ogr_feature.h |
| Simple feature classes.
| ogr_featurestyle.h |
| Simple feature style classes.
| ogr_geo_utils.h |
| ogr_geocoding.h |
| C API for geocoding client.
| ogr_geomcoordinateprecision.h |
| ogr_geometry.h |
| Simple feature geometry classes.
| ogr_geos.h |
| ogr_libs.h |
| ogr_p.h |
| ogr_proj_p.h |
| ogr_recordbatch.h |
| ogr_sfcgal.h |
| ogr_spatialref.h |
| Coordinate systems services.
| ogr_srs_api.h |
| C spatial reference system services and defines.
| ogr_srs_cf1.h |
| ogr_srs_esri_names.h |
| ogr_swq.h |
| ogr_wkb.h |
| ogr_xerces.h |
| ogr_xerces_headers.h |
| ograpispy.h |
| OGR C API spy.
| ogresrijsongeometry.h |
| ogrgeojsongeometry.h |
| ogrgeojsonwriter.h |
| ogrlibjsonutils.h |
| ogrmitabspatialref.h |
| ogrpgeogeometry.h |
| ogrvrtgeometrytypes.h |