
The GDAL project distributes GDAL as source code and Containers only. Binaries produced by others are available for a variety of platforms and package managers.

Source Code

Current Release

Past Releases

Links to Past Releases are also available.

Development Source

The main repository for GDAL is located on GitHub at

You can obtain a copy of the active source code by issuing the following command

git clone

Additional information is available about Build requirements and Building GDAL from source.

Maintenance policy

The GDAL upstream team only maintains the branch on which the latest release has been done, with bugfixes releases issued roughly every 2 months. So, for example, during the development phase of GDAL 3.10.0, GDAL 3.9.x bugfixes releases are done based on the release/3.9 branch, but not older branches (GDAL 3.8.x or older).


In this section we list a number of the binary distributions of GDAL all of which should have fully reproducible open source build recipes.

Note that the maintainers of those distributions are generally not the maintainers of the GDAL sources, so please report any issue specific to those builds through their own support channels.


Windows builds are available via Conda Forge (64-bit only). See the Conda or pixi section for more detailed information. GDAL is also distributed by GISInternals and OSGeo4W and through the NuGet and vcpkg package managers.


Packages are available for Debian, Alpine, Fedora, and other distributions.

Mac OS

GDAL packages are available on Homebrew.


GDAL can be installed using vcpkg. You may also refer to vcpkg Android support for general instructions.

For example to install default configuration for the arm64-android target:

git clone
cd vcpkg
./  # ./bootstrap-vcpkg.bat for Windows
./vcpkg integrate install
export ANDROID_NDK_HOME=/path/to/android_ndk_home  # to adapt
./vcpkg search gdal --featurepackages  # list optional features
./vcpkg install gdal:arm64-android  # install with default configuration
./vcpkg install gdal[poppler,netcdf]:arm64-android  # install with Poppler and netdf support

Cross-Platform Package Managers


Conda can be used on multiple platforms (Windows, macOS, and Linux) to install software packages and manage environments. Conda packages for GDAL are available through conda-forge.

Latest version: Conda badge

conda install [-c channel] [package...]

GDAL is available as several subpackages:

To install the gdal package (Python bindings and utilities), and libgdal-core:

conda install -c conda-forge gdal

To install the libgdal meta-package with all available drivers, but libgdal-arrow-parquet:

conda install -c conda-forge libgdal

To install the Arrow and Parquet drivers as plugins:

conda install -c conda-forge libgdal-arrow-parquet
GDAL master Conda builds

GDAL master builds are available in the gdal-master channel. They are based on dependencies from the conda-forge channel.

First, install mamba into the base environment, create a dedicated gdal_master_env environment, and then activate the dedicated gdal_master_env environment.

conda update -n base -c conda-forge conda
conda install -n base --override-channels -c conda-forge mamba 'python_abi=*=*cp*'
conda create --name gdal_master_env
conda activate gdal_master_env

Then install GDAL from the gdal-master channel:

mamba install -c gdal-master gdal
mamba install -c gdal-master libgdal-arrow-parquet # if you need the Arrow and Parquet drivers


Pixi is a package management tool for developers. It allows the developer to install libraries and applications in a reproducible way. Packages for GDAL are available through the conda-forge channel.

If you want to be able to use GDAL as part of a project:

pixi init name-of-project
cd name-of-project
pixi add gdal libgdal-core
pixi add libgdal-arrow-parquet # if you need the Arrow and Parquet drivers
pixi shell

Pixi supports using tools like GDAL and OGR globally, similar to conda's base environment, without having to use an activate command:

pixi global install gdal libgdal-core
pixi global install libgdal-arrow-parquet # if you need the Arrow and Parquet drivers


The GDAL port in the vcpkg dependency manager is kept up to date by Microsoft team members and community contributors. You can download and install GDAL using the vcpkg as follows:

git clone
cd vcpkg
./  # ./bootstrap-vcpkg.bat for Windows
./vcpkg integrate install
./vcpkg search gdal --featurepackages  # list optional features
./vcpkg install gdal  # install with default configuration
./vcpkg install gdal[poppler,netcdf]  # install with Poppler and netdf support

If the version is out of date, please create an issue or pull request on the vcpkg repository.


Spack is a package management tool designed to support multiple versions and configurations of software on a wide variety of platforms and environments. It was designed for large supercomputing centers. Spack builds packages from sources, and allows tweaking their configurations.

You can find information about GDAL in Spack at

For the default GDAL build with a reduced number of drivers:

git clone -c feature.manyFiles=true
cd spack/bin
./spack install gdal

For a build with netcdf driver enabled:

./spack install gdal +netcdf


Docker images with nightly builds of GDAL master and tagged releases are available at GitHub Container registry.

Information on the content of the different configurations can be found at


Besides being included when downloading the software, the documentation is also available independently as a PDF file, and a ZIP of individual HTML pages for offline browsing. (The ZIP also includes the PDF.) The documentation reflects the latest state of the development branch of the software.