This is the complete list of members for GDALRasterBand, including all inherited members.
AdviseRead(int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, char **papszOptions) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
AsMDArray() const | GDALRasterBand | |
BuildMetadataDomainList(char **papszList, int bCheckNonEmpty,...) CPL_NULL_TERMINATED | GDALMajorObject | protected |
BuildOverviews(const char *pszResampling, int nOverviews, const int *panOverviewList, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void *pProgressData, CSLConstList papszOptions) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
ComputeRasterMinMax(int bApproxOK, double *adfMinMax) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
ComputeStatistics(int bApproxOK, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean, double *pdfStdDev, GDALProgressFunc, void *pProgressData) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
CreateMaskBand(int nFlagsIn) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
DeleteNoDataValue() | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
DropCache() | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
Fill(double dfRealValue, double dfImaginaryValue=0) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
FlushBlock(int nXBlockOff, int nYBlockOff, int bWriteDirtyBlock=TRUE) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
FlushCache(bool bAtClosing=false) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
FromHandle(GDALRasterBandH hBand) | GDALRasterBand | inlinestatic |
GDALArrayBandBlockCache (defined in GDALRasterBand) | GDALRasterBand | friend |
GDALDataset (defined in GDALRasterBand) | GDALRasterBand | friend |
GDALHashSetBandBlockCache (defined in GDALRasterBand) | GDALRasterBand | friend |
GDALMajorObject() (defined in GDALMajorObject) | GDALMajorObject | |
GDALRasterBand() | GDALRasterBand | |
GDALRasterBand(int bForceCachedIO) | GDALRasterBand | explicit |
GDALRasterBlock (defined in GDALRasterBand) | GDALRasterBand | friend |
GetAccess() | GDALRasterBand | |
GetActualBlockSize(int nXBlockOff, int nYBlockOff, int *pnXValid, int *pnYValid) const | GDALRasterBand | |
GetBand() const | GDALRasterBand | |
GetBlockSize(int *pnXSize, int *pnYSize) const | GDALRasterBand | |
GetCategoryNames() | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetColorInterpretation() | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetColorTable() | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetDataCoverageStatus(int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nMaskFlagStop=0, double *pdfDataPct=nullptr) | GDALRasterBand | |
GetDataset() const | GDALRasterBand | |
GetDefaultHistogram(double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, int *pnBuckets, GUIntBig **ppanHistogram, int bForce, GDALProgressFunc, void *pProgressData) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetDefaultRAT() | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetDescription() const | GDALMajorObject | virtual |
GetHistogram(double dfMin, double dfMax, int nBuckets, GUIntBig *panHistogram, int bIncludeOutOfRange, int bApproxOK, GDALProgressFunc, void *pProgressData) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetIndexColorTranslationTo(GDALRasterBand *poReferenceBand, unsigned char *pTranslationTable=nullptr, int *pApproximateMatching=nullptr) | GDALRasterBand | |
GetLockedBlockRef(int nXBlockOff, int nYBlockOff, int bJustInitialize=FALSE) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetMaskBand() | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetMaskFlags() | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetMaskValueRange() const | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetMaximum(int *pbSuccess=nullptr) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetMetadata(const char *pszDomain="") | GDALMajorObject | virtual |
GetMetadataDomainList() | GDALMajorObject | virtual |
GetMetadataItem(const char *pszName, const char *pszDomain="") override | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetMinimum(int *pbSuccess=nullptr) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetMOFlags() const | GDALMajorObject | |
GetNoDataValue(int *pbSuccess=nullptr) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetNoDataValueAsInt64(int *pbSuccess=nullptr) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(int *pbSuccess=nullptr) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetOffset(int *pbSuccess=nullptr) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetOverview(int i) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetOverviewCount() | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetRasterDataType(void) const | GDALRasterBand | |
GetRasterSampleOverview(GUIntBig) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetScale(int *pbSuccess=nullptr) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetStatistics(int bApproxOK, int bForce, double *pdfMin, double *pdfMax, double *pdfMean, double *padfStdDev) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetSuggestedBlockAccessPattern() const | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetUnitType() | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetVirtualMemAuto(GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int *pnPixelSpace, GIntBig *pnLineSpace, char **papszOptions) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
GetXSize() const | GDALRasterBand | |
GetYSize() const | GDALRasterBand | |
HasArbitraryOverviews() | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
IGetDataCoverageStatus(int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nMaskFlagStop, double *pdfDataPct) | GDALRasterBand | protectedvirtual |
InterpolateAtPoint(double dfPixel, double dfLine, GDALRIOResampleAlg eInterpolation, double *pdfRealValue, double *pdfImagValue=nullptr) const | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
IRasterIO(GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, GSpacing nPixelSpace, GSpacing nLineSpace, GDALRasterIOExtraArg *psExtraArg) | GDALRasterBand | protectedvirtual |
IReadBlock(int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff, void *pData)=0 | GDALRasterBand | protectedpure virtual |
IsMaskBand() const | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
IWriteBlock(int nBlockXOff, int nBlockYOff, void *pData) | GDALRasterBand | protectedvirtual |
RasterIO(GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, void *pData, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, GSpacing nPixelSpace, GSpacing nLineSpace, GDALRasterIOExtraArg *psExtraArg) | GDALRasterBand | |
ReadBlock(int nXBlockOff, int nYBlockOff, void *pImage) | GDALRasterBand | |
ReadRaster(T *pData, size_t nArrayEltCount=0, double dfXOff=0, double dfYOff=0, double dfXSize=0, double dfYSize=0, size_t nBufXSize=0, size_t nBufYSize=0, GDALRIOResampleAlg eResampleAlg=GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress=nullptr, void *pProgressData=nullptr) const | GDALRasterBand | |
ReadRaster(std::vector< T > &vData, double dfXOff=0, double dfYOff=0, double dfXSize=0, double dfYSize=0, size_t nBufXSize=0, size_t nBufYSize=0, GDALRIOResampleAlg eResampleAlg=GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress=nullptr, void *pProgressData=nullptr) const | GDALRasterBand | |
ReportError(CPLErr eErrClass, CPLErrorNum err_no, const char *fmt,...) const CPL_PRINT_FUNC_FORMAT(4 | GDALRasterBand | |
SetCategoryNames(char **papszNames) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetColorInterpretation(GDALColorInterp eColorInterp) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetColorTable(GDALColorTable *poCT) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetDefaultHistogram(double dfMin, double dfMax, int nBuckets, GUIntBig *panHistogram) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetDefaultRAT(const GDALRasterAttributeTable *poRAT) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetDescription(const char *) | GDALMajorObject | virtual |
SetMetadata(char **papszMetadata, const char *pszDomain) override | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetMetadataItem(const char *pszName, const char *pszValue, const char *pszDomain) override | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetMOFlags(int nFlagsIn) | GDALMajorObject | |
SetNoDataValue(double dfNoData) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetNoDataValueAsInt64(int64_t nNoData) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetNoDataValueAsUInt64(uint64_t nNoData) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetOffset(double dfNewOffset) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetScale(double dfNewScale) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetStatistics(double dfMin, double dfMax, double dfMean, double dfStdDev) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
SetUnitType(const char *pszNewValue) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
ToHandle(GDALRasterBand *poBand) | GDALRasterBand | inlinestatic |
GDALMajorObject::ToHandle(GDALMajorObject *poMajorObject) | GDALMajorObject | inlinestatic |
TryGetLockedBlockRef(int nXBlockOff, int nYBlockYOff) | GDALRasterBand | virtual |
WriteBlock(int nXBlockOff, int nYBlockOff, void *pImage) | GDALRasterBand | |
~GDALMajorObject() (defined in GDALMajorObject) | GDALMajorObject | virtual |
~GDALRasterBand() override | GDALRasterBand |