Package org.gdal.ogr
Provides the classes necessary to handle OGR vector datasources.
This package provides the classes for the Driver, DataSource, Layer, Feature, Geometry... objects that are used for handling OGR vector datasources.
Interface Summary Interface Description ogrConstants -
Class Summary Class Description DataSource This class represents a data source.Driver Class Driver is an uninstanciable class providing various methods to represents an operational format driver.Feature A simple feature, including geometry and attributes.FeatureDefn Definition of a feature class or feature layer.FieldDefn Definition of an attribute of a FeatureDefn.FieldDomain Definition of a field domain.GeomCoordinatePrecision Geometry Abstract base class for all geometry classes.GeomFieldDefn GeomTransformer Layer This class represents a layer of simple features, with access methods.ogr Class ogr is an uninstanciable class providing various utility functions as static methods.ogrJNI PreparedGeometry ProgressCallback Class used to report progression of long operations.StyleTable SWIGTYPE_p_CPLErr TermProgressCallback Class used for simple progress report to terminal.