MSSQLSpatial - Microsoft SQL Server Spatial Database

Driver short name


Build dependencies

ODBC library

This driver implements support for access to spatial tables in Microsoft SQL Server 2008+ which contains the geometry and geography data types to represent the geometry columns.

Driver capabilities

Supports Create()

This driver supports the GDALDriver::Create() operation

Supports Georeferencing

This driver supports georeferencing

Connecting to a database

To connect to a MSSQL datasource, use a connection string specifying the database name, with additional parameters as necessary. The connection strings must be prefixed with 'MSSQL:'.

In addition to the standard parameters of the ODBC driver connection string format the following custom parameters can also be used in the following syntax:

  • Tables=schema1.table1(geometry column1),schema2.table2(geometry column2): By using this parameter you can specify the subset of the layers to be used by the driver. If this parameter is not set, the layers are retrieved from the geometry_columns metadata table. You can omit specifying the schema and the geometry column portions of the syntax.

  • GeometryFormat=native|wkb|wkt|wkbzm: The desired format in which the geometries should be retrieved from the server. The default value is 'native' in this case the native SqlGeometry and SqlGeography serialization format is used. When using the 'wkb' or 'wkt' setting the geometry representation is converted to 'Well Known Binary' and 'Well Known Text' at the server. This conversion requires a significant overhead at the server and makes the feature access slower than using the native format. The wkbzm format can only be used with SQL Server 2012.

The parameter names are not case sensitive in the connection strings.

Specifying the Database parameter is required by the driver in order to select the proper database.

The connection may contain the optional Driver parameter if a custom SQL server driver should be loaded (like FreeTDS). The default is {SQL Server}.

Authentication is supported either through a trusted_conection or through username (UID) and password (PWD). As providing username and password on the commandline can be a security issue, login credentials can also be more securely stored in user defined environment variables MSSQLSPATIAL_UID and MSSQLSPATIAL_PWD.


If the user defines the environment variable MSSQLSPATIAL_LIST_ALL_TABLES=YES (and does not specify Tables= in the connection string), all regular user tables will be treated as layers. This option is useful if you want tables with with no spatial data

By default the MSSQL driver will only look for layers that are registered in the geometry_columns metadata table. If the user defines the environment variable MSSQLSPATIAL_USE_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS=NO then the driver will look for all user spatial tables found in the system catalog

SQL statements

The MS SQL Spatial driver passes SQL statements directly to MS SQL by default, rather than evaluating them internally when using the ExecuteSQL() call on the OGRDataSource, or the -sql command option to ogr2ogr. Attribute query expressions are also passed directly through to MSSQL. It's also possible to request the OGR MSSQL driver to handle SQL commands with the OGR SQL engine, by passing "OGRSQL" string to the ExecuteSQL() method, as the name of the SQL dialect.

The MSSQL driver in OGR supports the OGRLayer::StartTransaction(), OGRLayer::CommitTransaction() and OGRLayer::RollbackTransaction() calls in the normal SQL sense.

Creation Issues

This driver doesn't support creating new databases, you might want to use the Microsoft SQL Server Client Tools for this purpose, but it does allow creation of new layers within an existing database.

Layer Creation Options

Layer creation options can be specified in command-line tools using the syntax -lco <NAME>=<VALUE> or by providing the appropriate arguments to GDALDatasetCreateLayer() (C) or Dataset.CreateLayer (Python). The following layer creation options are supported:

  • GEOM_TYPE=[geometry​/​geography]: Defaults to geometry. The GEOM_TYPE layer creation option can be set to one of "geometry" or "geography". If this option is not specified the default value is "geometry". So as to create the geometry column with "geography" type, this parameter should be set "geography". In this case the layer must have a valid spatial reference of one of the geography coordinate systems defined in the sys.spatial_reference_systems SQL Server metadata table. Projected coordinate systems are not supported in this case.

  • OVERWRITE=[YES​/​NO]: This may be "YES" to force an existing layer of the desired name to be destroyed before creating the requested layer.

  • LAUNDER=[YES​/​NO]: Defaults to YES. This may be "YES" to force new fields created on this layer to have their field names "laundered" into a form more compatible with MSSQL. This converts to lower case and converts some special characters like "-" and "#" to "_". If "NO" exact names are preserved. If enabled the table (layer) name will also be laundered.

  • PRECISION=[YES​/​NO]: Defaults to YES. This may be "YES" to force new fields created on this layer to try and represent the width and precision information, if available using numeric(width,precision) or char(width) types. If "NO" then the types float, int and varchar will be used instead.

  • DIM=[2​/​3]: Defaults to 3. Control the dimension of the layer.

  • GEOMETRY_NAME=value: Defaults to ogr_geometry. Set the name of geometry column in the new table.

  • SCHEMA=value: Set name of schema for new table. If this parameter is not supported the default schema "dbo" is used.

  • SRID=value: Set the spatial reference id of the new table explicitly. The corresponding entry should already be added to the spatial_ref_sys metadata table. If this parameter is not set the SRID is derived from the authority code of source layer SRS.

  • SPATIAL_INDEX=[YES​/​NO]: Defaults to YES. Boolean flag to enable/disable the automatic creation of a spatial index on the newly created layers.

  • UPLOAD_GEOM_FORMAT=[wkb​/​wkt]: Specify the geometry format (wkb or wkt) when creating or modifying features.

  • FID=ogr_fid: Name of the FID column to create.

  • FID64=[YES​/​NO]: Defaults to NO. Specifies whether to create the FID column with bigint type to handle 64bit wide ids.

  • GEOMETRY_NULLABLE=[YES​/​NO]: Defaults to YES. Specifies whether the values of the geometry column can be NULL.

  • EXTRACT_SCHEMA_FROM_LAYER_NAME=[YES​/​NO]: Defaults to YES. Can be set to NO to avoid considering the dot character as the separator between the schema and the table name.

Configuration options

Configuration options can be specified in command-line tools using the syntax --config <NAME>=<VALUE> or using functions such as CPLSetConfigOption() (C) or gdal.config_options (Python). The following configuration options are available:

  • MSSQLSPATIAL_USE_BCP=value: Enable bulk insert when adding features. This option requires to to compile GDAL against a bulk copy enabled ODBC driver like SQL Server Native Client 11.0. To specify a BCP supported driver in the connection string, use the driver parameter, like DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0}. If GDAL is compiled against SQL Server Native Client 10.0 or 11.0 the driver is selected automatically not requiring to specify that in the connection string. If GDAL is compiled against SQL Server Native Client 10.0 or 11.0 the default setting of this parameter is TRUE, otherwise the parameter is ignored by the driver.

  • MSSQLSPATIAL_BCP_SIZE=value: Defaults to 1000. Specifies the bulk insert batch size. The larger value makes the insert faster, but consumes more memory.

  • MSSQLSPATIAL_OGR_FID=value: Defaults to ogr_fid. Override FID column name.

  • MSSQLSPATIAL_ALWAYS_OUTPUT_FID=[YES​/​NO]: Defaults to NO. Always retrieve the FID value of the recently created feature (even if it is not a true IDENTITY column).

  • MSSQLSPATIAL_SHOW_FID_COLUMN=[YES​/​NO]: Defaults to NO. Force to display the FID columns as a feature attribute.

  • MSSQLSPATIAL_USE_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS=[YES​/​NO]: Defaults to YES. Use/create geometry_columns metadata table in the database.

  • MSSQLSPATIAL_LIST_ALL_TABLES=[YES​/​NO]: Defaults to NO. Use mssql catalog to list available layers.

  • MSSQLSPATIAL_USE_GEOMETRY_VALIDATION=[YES​/​NO]: (GDAL >= 3.0) Let the driver detect the geometries which would trigger run time errors at MSSQL server. The driver tries to correct these geometries before submitting that to the server.

Transaction support

The driver implements transactions at the dataset level, per RFC 54: Dataset transactions


Creating a layer from an OGR data source

ogr2ogr -overwrite -f MSSQLSpatial "MSSQL:server=.\MSSQLSERVER2008;database=geodb;trusted_connection=yes" ""

ogr2ogr -overwrite -f MSSQLSpatial "MSSQL:server=;database=TestDB;UID=SA;PWD=DummyPassw0rd" "rivers.gpkg"

Connecting to a layer and dump the contents

ogrinfo -al "MSSQL:server=.\MSSQLSERVER2008;database=geodb;tables=rivers;trusted_connection=yes"

ogrinfo -al "MSSQL:server=;database=TestDB;driver=ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server;UID=SA;PWD=DummyPassw0rd"

Connecting with username/password

ogrinfo -al   MSSQL:server=.\MSSQLSERVER2008;database=geodb;trusted_connection=no;UID=user;PWD=pwd

Connecting with username/password stored in environment variables

ogrinfo -al   MSSQL:server=.\MSSQLSERVER2008;database=geodb;trusted_connection=no