Dutch Kadaster LV BAG 2.0 Extract

Added in version 3.2.

Driver short name


Build dependencies


This driver can read XML files in the LV BAG 2.0 extract format as provided by the Dutch Kadaster BAG products. All LV BAG 2.0 extract products are supported. The driver supports all BAG layers including those introduced in BAG 2.0.

The driver is only available if GDAL/OGR is compiled against the Expat library.

Each extract XML file is presented as a single OGR layer. The layers are georeferenced in their native (EPSG:28992) SRS.

More information about the LV BAG 2.0 can be found at https://www.kadaster.nl/zakelijk/producten/adressen-en-gebouwen/bag-2.0-extract

LV BAG model definitions are available at https://developer.kadaster.nl/schemas/-/categories/4119958

Note 1 : The earlier BAG 1.0 extract is not supported by this driver.

Note 2 : The driver will only read ST (Standaard Levering) extract files. Mutation ML (Mutatie Levering) files are not supported.

Open options

The following open options can be specified (typically with the -oo name=value parameters of ogrinfo or ogr2ogr):

  • AUTOCORRECT_INVALID_DATA=[YES​/​NO]: Defaults to NO. Whether or not the driver must try to adjust the data if a feature contains invalid or corrupted data. This typically includes fixing invalid geometries (with GEOS >= 3.8.0), dates, object status etc.

  • LEGACY_ID=[YES​/​NO]: Defaults to NO. Format the BAG identifiers compatible with BAG 1.0.

VSI Virtual File System API support

The driver supports reading from files managed by VSI Virtual File System API, which include "regular" files, as well as files in the /vsizip/ domain. See examples below.

Driver capabilities

Supports VirtualIO

This driver supports virtual I/O operations (/vsimem/, etc.)


  • The ogr2ogr utility can be used to dump the results of a LV BAG extract to WGS84 in GeoJSON:

    ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f GeoJSON output.json 9999PND01012020_000001.xml
  • How to dump contents of extract file as OGR sees it:

    ogrinfo -ro 9999PND01012020_000001.xml
  • Insert repaired features from LV BAG extract archive into PostgreSQL as WGS84 geometries. The table 'pand' will be created with the features from 9999PND18122019.zip. The database instance (lvbag) must already exist, and the table 'pand' must not already exist.

    ogr2ogr -oo AUTOCORRECT_INVALID_DATA=YES -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f PostgreSQL PG:dbname=lvbag /vsizip/9999PND18122019.zip
  • Load a LV BAG extract directory into Postgres:

    ogr2ogr \
      -f "PostgreSQL" PG:dbname="my_database" \
      9999PND18122019/ \
      -nln "name_of_new_table"
  • Create GeoPackage from 'Nummeraanduiding' dataset:

    ogr2ogr \
      -f "GPKG" nummeraanduiding.gpkg \

See Also