GeoConcept text export

Driver short name


Driver built-in by default

This driver is built-in by default

GeoConcept text export files should be available for writing and reading.

The OGR GeoConcept driver treats a single GeoConcept file within a directory as a dataset comprising layers. GeoConcept files extensions are .txt or .gxt.

Currently the GeoConcept driver only supports multi-polygons, lines and points.

Driver capabilities

Supports Create()

This driver supports the GDALDriver::Create() operation

Supports Georeferencing

This driver supports georeferencing

Supports VirtualIO

This driver supports virtual I/O operations (/vsimem/, etc.)

GeoConcept Text File Format (gxt)

GeoConcept is a GIS developed by the Company GeoConcept SA.

It's an object oriented GIS, where the features are named « objects », and feature types are named « type/subtype » (class allowing inheritance).

Among its import/export formats, it proposes a simple text format named gxt. A gxt file may contain objects from several type/subtype.

GeoConcept text export files should be available for writing and reading.

The OGR GeoConcept driver treats a single GeoConcept file within a directory as a dataset comprising layers. GeoConcept files extensions are .txt or .gxt.

Currently the GeoConcept driver only supports multi-polygons, lines and points.

Creation Issues

The GeoConcept driver treats a GeoConcept file (.txt or .gxt) as a dataset.

GeoConcept files can store multiple kinds of geometry (one by layer), even if a GeoConcept layer can only have one kind of geometry.

Note this makes it very difficult to translate a mixed geometry layer from another format into GeoConcept format using ogr2ogr, since ogr2ogr has no support for separating out geometries from a source layer.

GeoConcept sub-type is treated as OGR feature. The name of a layer is therefore the concatenation of the GeoConcept type name, '.' and GeoConcept sub-type name.

GeoConcept type definition (.gct files) are used for creation only.

GeoConcept feature fields definition are stored in an associated .gct file, and so fields suffer a number of limitations (FIXME) :

  • Attribute names are not limited in length.

  • Only Integer, Real and String field types are supported. The various list, and other field types cannot be created for the moment (they exist in the GeoConcept model, but are not yet supported by the GeoConcept driver).

The OGR GeoConcept driver does not support deleting features.

Dataset Creation Options

Dataset creation options can be specified in command-line tools using the syntax -dsco <NAME>=<VALUE> or by providing the appropriate arguments to GDALCreate() (C) or Driver.Create (Python). The following dataset creation options are supported:

  • EXTENSION=[TXT​/​GXT]: indicates the GeoConcept export file extension. TXT was used by earlier releases of GeoConcept. GXT is currently used.

  • CONFIG=<filename>: the GCT file describe the GeoConcept types definitions : In this file, every line must start with //# followed by a keyword. Lines starting with // are comments.

    It is important to note that a GeoConcept export file can hold different types and associated sub-types.

    • configuration section : the GCT file starts with //#SECTION CONFIG and ends with //#ENDSECTION CONFIG. All the configuration is enclosed within these marks.

    • map section : purely for documentation at the time of writing this document. This section starts with //#SECTION MAP and ends with //#ENDSECTION MAP.

    • type section : this section defines a class of features. A type has a name (keyword Name) and an ID (keyword ID). A type holds sub-types and fields. This section starts with //#SECTION TYPE and ends with //#ENDSECTION TYPE.

      • sub-type section : this sub-section defines a kind og features within a class. A sub-type has a name (keyword Name), an ID (keyword ID), a type of geometry (keyword Kind) and a dimension. The following types of geometry are supported : POINT, LINE, POLYGON. The current release of this driver does not support the TEXT geometry. The dimension can be 2D, 3DM or 3D. A sub-type holds fields. This section starts with //#SECTION SUBTYPE and ends with //#ENDSECTION SUBTYPE.

        • fields section : defines user fields. A field has a name (keyword Name), an ID (keyword ID), a type (keyword Kind). The following types of fields are supported : INT, REAL, MEMO, CHOICE, DATE, TIME, LENGTH, AREA. This section starts with //#SECTION FIELD and ends with //#ENDSECTION FIELD.

      • field section : defines type fields. See above.

    • field section : defines general fields. Out of these, the following rules apply :

      • private field names start with a '@' : the private fields are Identifier, Class, Subclass, Name, NbFields, X, Y, XP, YP, Graphics, Angle.

      • some private field are mandatory (they must appear in the configuration) : Identifier, Class, Subclass, Name, X, Y.

      • If the sub-type is linear (LINE), then the following fields must be declared XP, YP.

      • If the sub-type is linear or polygonal (LINE, POLY), then Graphics must be declared.

      • If the sub-type is ponctual or textual (POINT, TEXT), the Angle may be declared.

      When this option is not used, the driver manage types and sub-types name based on either the layer name or on the use of -nln option.

Layer Creation Options

Layer creation options can be specified in command-line tools using the syntax -lco <NAME>=<VALUE> or by providing the appropriate arguments to GDALDatasetCreateLayer() (C) or Dataset.CreateLayer (Python). The following layer creation options are supported:

  • FEATURETYPE=<TYPE.SUBTYPE>: defines the feature to be created. The TYPE corresponds to one of the Name found in the GCT file for a type section. The SUBTYPE corresponds to one of the Name found in the GCT file for a sub-type section within the previous type section.

At the present moment, coordinates are written with 2 decimals for Cartesian spatial reference systems (including height) or with 9 decimals for geographical spatial reference systems.


Example of a .gct file :

//# Name=SCAN1000-TILES-LAMB93
//# Unit=m
//# Precision=1000
//# Name=TILE
//# ID=10
//# Name=TILE
//# ID=100
//# Kind=POLYGON
//# 3D=2D
//# Name=IDSEL
//# ID=101
//# Kind=TEXT
//# Name=NOM
//# ID=102
//# Kind=TEXT
//# ID=103
//# Kind=INT
//# Name=@Identifier
//# ID=-1
//# Kind=INT
//# Name=@Class
//# ID=-2
//# Kind=CHOICE
//# Name=@Subclass
//# ID=-3
//# Kind=CHOICE
//# Name=@Name
//# ID=-4
//# Kind=TEXT
//# Name=@X
//# ID=-5
//# Kind=REAL
//# Name=@Y
//# ID=-6
//# Kind=REAL
//# Name=@Graphics
//# ID=-7
//# Kind=REAL

Example of a GeoConcept text export :

//$DELIMITER "    "
//$UNIT Distance=m
//$SYSCOORD {Type: 2001}
//$FIELDS Class=TILE;Subclass=TILE;Kind=4;Fields=Private#Identifier    Private#Class    Private#Subclass    Private#Name    Private#NbFields    IDSEL    NOM    WITHDATA    Private#X    Private#Y    Private#Graphics
-1    TILE    TILE    TILE    3    000-2007-0050-7130-LAMB93    0    50000.00     7130000.00    4    600000.00     7130000.00    600000.00     6580000.00    50000.00     6580000.00    50000.00     7130000.00
-1    TILE    TILE    TILE    3    000-2007-0595-7130-LAMB93    0    595000.00    7130000.00    4    1145000.00    7130000.00    1145000.00    6580000.00    595000.00    6580000.00    595000.00    7130000.00
-1    TILE    TILE    TILE    3    000-2007-0595-6585-LAMB93    0    595000.00    6585000.00    4    1145000.00    6585000.00    1145000.00    6035000.00    595000.00    6035000.00    595000.00    6585000.00
-1    TILE    TILE    TILE    3    000-2007-1145-6250-LAMB93    0    1145000.00   6250000.00    4    1265000.00    6250000.00    1265000.00    6030000.00    1145000.00   6030000.00    1145000.00   6250000.00
-1    TILE    TILE    TILE    3    000-2007-0050-6585-LAMB93    0    50000.00     6585000.00    4    600000.00     6585000.00    600000.00     6035000.00    50000.00     6035000.00    50000.00     6585000.00

Example of use :

Creating a GeoConcept export file :
ogr2ogr -f "Geoconcept" -a_srs "+init=IGNF:LAMB93" -dsco EXTENSION=txt -dsco CONFIG=tile_schema.gct tile.gxt tile.shp -lco FEATURETYPE=TILE.TILE
Appending new features to an existing GeoConcept export file :
ogr2ogr -f "Geoconcept" -update -append tile.gxt tile.shp -nln TILE.TILE
Translating a GeoConcept export file layer into MapInfo file :
ogr2ogr -f "MapInfo File" -dsco FORMAT=MIF tile.mif tile.gxt TILE.TILE

See Also