RFC list
- RFC 1: Project Management Committee Guidelines
- RFC 2: Migration to OSGeo Subversion Repository
- RFC 3: GDAL Committer Guildlines
- RFC 4: Geolocation Arrays
- RFC 5: Unicode support in GDAL
- RFC 6: Geometry and Feature Style as OGR Special Fields
- RFC 7: Use VSILFILE for VSI*L Functions
- RFC 8: Developer Guidelines
- RFC 9: GDAL Paid Maintainer Guidelines
- RFC 10: OGR Open Parameters (not implemented)
- RFC 11: Fast Format Identification
- RFC 12: Improved File Management
- RFC 13: Improved Feature Insertion/Update/Delete Performance in Batch Mode
- RFC 14: Image Structure Metadata
- RFC 15: Band Masks
- RFC 16: OGR Thread Safety
- RFC 17: Python Namespaces
- RFC 18: OGR Style Support in C API
- RFC 19: Safer memory allocation in GDAL
- RFC 20: OGRSpatialReference Axis Support
- RFC 21: OGR SQL type cast and field name alias
- RFC 22: RPC Georeferencing
- RFC 23.1: Unicode support in OGR
- RFC 24: GDAL Progressive Data Support
- RFC 25: Fast Open (withdrawn)
- RFC 26: GDAL Block Cache Improvements
- RFC 27: Improved Supporting Data File Options
- RFC 28: OGR SQL Generalized Expressions
- RFC 29: OGR Set Ignored Fields
- RFC 30: Unicode Filenames
- RFC 31: OGR 64bit Integer Fields and FIDs
- RFC 32: gdallocationinfo utility
- RFC 33: GTiff - Fixing PixelIsPoint Interpretation
- RFC 34: License Policy Enforcement (not implemented)
- RFC 35: Delete, reorder and alter field definitions of OGR layers
- RFC 36: Allow specification of intended driver on GDALOpen (withdrawn)
- RFC 37: User data callbacks in CPLError
- RFC 38: OGR Faster Open (withdrawn)
- RFC 39: OGR Layer Algebra
- RFC 40: Improving performance of Raster Attribute Table implementation for large tables
- RFC 41 : Support for multiple geometry fields in OGR
- RFC 42: OGR Layer laundered field lookup
- RFC 43: GDALMajorObject::GetMetadataDomainList
- RFC 44: Add Parseable Output Formats for ogrinfo and gdalinfo
- RFC 45: GDAL datasets and raster bands as virtual memory mappings
- RFC 46: GDAL/OGR unification
- RFC 47: Per Dataset Caching and GDALRasterBand Multithreading (not implemented)
- RFC 48: Geographical networks support
- RFC 49: Curve geometries
- RFC 50: OGR field subtypes
- RFC 51: RasterIO() improvements : resampling and progress callback
- RFC 52: Strict OGR SQL quoting
- RFC 53: OGR not-null constraints and default values
- RFC 54: Dataset transactions
- RFC 55: Refined SetFeature() and DeleteFeature() semantics
- RFC 56: OFTTime/OFTDateTime millisecond accuracy
- RFC 57: 64-bit bucket counts for histograms
- RFC 58: Removing Dataset Nodata Value
- RFC 59.1 : GDAL/OGR utilities as a library
- RFC 59 : GDAL/OGR utilities as a library
- RFC 60 : Improved round-tripping in OGR
- RFC 61 : Support for measured geometries
- RFC 62 : Raster algebra
- RFC 63 : Sparse datasets improvements
- RFC 64: Triangle, Polyhedral surface and TIN
- RFC 65: RFC 7946 GeoJSON
- RFC 66 : OGR random layer read/write capabilities
- RFC 67 : Null values in OGR
- RFC 68: C++11 Compilation Mode
- RFC 69: C/C++ Code Formatting
- RFC 70: Guessing output format from output file name extension for utilities
- RFC 71: Migration to GitHub
- RFC 72: Update autotest suite to use pytest
- RFC 73: Integration of PROJ6 for WKT2, late binding capabilities, time-support and unified CRS database
- RFC 74: Migrate gdal.org to RTD-style Sphinx infrastructure
- RFC 75: Multidimensional arrays
- RFC 76: OGR Python drivers
- RFC 77: Drop Python 2 support in favour of Python 3.6
- RFC 78: gdal-utils package
- RFC 79: Listing of Service Providers on GDAL website
- RFC 80: NumFOCUS relationship and sponsorship program
- RFC 81: Support for coordinate epochs in geospatial formats
- RFC 83: guidelines for the use of GDAL project sponsorship
- RFC 84: Migrating build systems to CMake
- RFC 85: Policy regarding substantial code additions
- RFC 86: Column-oriented read API for vector layers
- RFC 87: Signed int8 data type for raster
- RFC 88: Use GoogleTest framework for C/C++ unit tests
- RFC 89: SQL logging callback
- RFC 90: Direct access to compressed raster data
- RFC 91: GDALDataset::Close() method
- RFC 92: WKB Only geometries (on hold)
- RFC 93: OGRLayer::UpdateFeature() method
- RFC 94: Numeric fields width/precision metadata
- RFC 95: Use standard C/C++ integer types (proposed, NOT adopted)
- RFC 96: Deferred C++ plugin loading
- RFC 97: OGRFeatureDefn, OGRFieldDefn and OGRGeomFieldDefn "sealing"
- RFC 98: Build requirements for GDAL 3.9
- RFC 99: Geometry coordinate precision
- RFC 101: Raster dataset read-only thread-safety