Building documentation

Documentation overview

GDAL's documentation includes C and C++ API documentation built automatically from source comments using Doxygen and reStructuredText (rst) files containing manually-edited content.

Sphinx is used to combine the above components into a complete set of documentation in HTML, PDF, and other formats.

Sphinx and extensions used by GDAL can be installed by running python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt from the doc subdirectory.

Building documentation

Documentation can be generated with Makefile targets, from the doc subdirectory of the GDAL source repository (only on Unix systems).

The following targets are available:

  • html: build HTML documentation into the doc/build/html directory, where they can be viewed using a web browser.

  • man: build MAN pages into the doc/build/man directory.

  • latexpdf: build PDF documentation into the doc/build/pdf directory

  • doxygen: regenerate API Doxygen XML and HTML output, that is used by the html target. Doxygen content is not automatically rebuilt when source files are modified, hence this target must be explicitly run to refresh it.

  • doxygen_check_warnings: same as doxygen, but errors out when Doxygen emits a warning (the doxygen target is tolerant to Doxygen warnings). This can be useful to reproduce one of the continuous integration checks that verifies that there are no Doxygen warnings. Requires Doxygen >= 1.9.3 to be warning free.

  • spelling: runs spell checking on the documentation, covering as well as documentation generated from C/C++ API (Doxygen) and Python API. Words unknown to the spell checker but still considered valid should be added to the allow list in doc/source/spelling_wordlist.txt

  • clean: clean the doc/build directory.

It is also possible to run those targets as CMake targets. In that case, the output directory will be the doc/build subdirectory of the CMake build directory. To only clean the documentation, the clean_doc target can be invoked. Note: those CMake targets are only available if the CMake BUILD_DOCS=ON variable is set (it is set by default if build preconditions are met, that is if Doxygen, Sphinx and make are available)

To visualize documentation changes while editing, it may be useful to install the sphinx-autobuild python package. Once installed, running sphinx-autobuild -b html source build from the doc subdirectory will build documentation and serve it on a local web server at The pages served will be automatically refreshed as changes are made to underlying rst documentation files.

Python API documentation

Sphinx uses the autodoc extension to generate documentation for the Python API from Python function docstrings. To be correctly parsed by autodoc, docstrings should follow the numpydoc Style guide. Docstrings may be found in two locations. If the function was defined in Python (i.e., using a %pythoncode SWIG directive), then the docstring must be placed within the function definition. If the function is defined in C++ only, then the docstring should be placed in a separate file containing only docstrings (located in docs). Sphinx loads the Python bindings when generating documentation, so for it to see any changes the following steps must be completed:

  • rebuild the Python bindings from the build directory (cmake --build . --target python_binding)

  • make the updated Python bindings visible to Python, either by installing them, or by running scripts/ from the build directory

  • update the timestamp of the rst files associated with the page where the documentation appears (e.g., touch doc/source/api/python/osgeo.ogr.rst)

Sphinx RST Style guide

This section contains syntax rules, tips, and tricks for using Sphinx and reStructuredText. For more information, please see this comprehensive guide to reStructuredText, as well as the Sphinx reStructuredText Primer.

Basic markup

A reStructuredText document is written in plain text. Without the need for complex formatting, one can be composed simply, just like one would any plain text document. For basic formatting, see this table:





*italics* (single asterisk)



**bold** (double asterisk)



`` monospace `` (double back quote)



Use of basic markup is not recommend! Where possible use sphinx inline directives (described below) to logically mark commands, parameters, options, input, and files. By using directives consistently these items can be styled appropriately.


There are two types of lists, bulleted lists and numbered lists. A bulleted list looks like this:

  • An item

  • Another item

  • Yet another item

This is accomplished with the following code:

* An item
* Another item
* Yet another item

A numbered list looks like this:

  1. First item

  2. Second item

  3. Third item

This is accomplished with the following code:

#. First item
#. Second item
#. Third item

Note that numbers are automatically generated, making it easy to add/remove items.


Bulleted lists can sometimes be cumbersome and hard to follow. When dealing with a long list of items, use list-tables. For example, to talk about a list of options, create a table that looks like this:




Four sides of equal length, 90 degree angles


Four sides, 90 degree angles

This is done with the following code:

.. list-table::
   :widths: 20 80
   :header-rows: 1

   * - Shapes
     - Description
   * - Square
     - Four sides of equal length, 90 degree angles
   * - Rectangle
     - Four sides, 90 degree angles

Page labels

Ensure every page has a label that matches the name of the file. For example if the page is named foo_bar.rst then the page should have the label:

..  _foo_bar:

Other pages can then link to that page by using the following code:



Links to other pages should never be titled as "here". Sphinx makes this easy by automatically inserting the title of the linked document.


More information about linking can be found here.


For more information, please see the section on Linking.

To insert a link to an external website:

`Text of the link <>`__

The resulting link would look like this: Text of the link


It is very easy to have two links with the same text resulting in the following error:

**(WARNING/2) Duplicate explicit target name:foo**

To avoid these warnings use of a double __ generates an anonymous link.


Use sections to break up long pages and to help Sphinx generate tables of contents.

Document title

First level

Second level

Third level

Fourth level

Notes and warnings

When it is beneficial to have a section of text stand out from the main text, Sphinx has two such boxes, the note and the warning. They function identically, and only differ in their coloring. You should use notes and warnings sparingly, however, as adding emphasis to everything makes the emphasis less effective.

Here is an example of a note:


This is a note.

This note is generated with the following code:

.. note:: This is a note.

Similarly, here is an example of a warning:


Beware of dragons.

This warning is generated by the following code:

.. warning:: Beware of dragons.


Add images to your documentation when possible. Images, such as screenshots, are a very helpful way of making documentation understandable. When making screenshots, try to crop out unnecessary content (browser window, desktop, etc). Avoid scaling the images, as the Sphinx theme automatically resizes large images. It is also helpful to include a caption underneath the image.:

.. figure:: image.png
   :align: center


In this example, the image file exists in the same directory as the source page. If this is not the case, you can insert path information in the above command. The root / is the directory of the file.:

.. figure:: /../images/gdalicon.png

External files

Text snippets, large blocks of downloadable code, and even zip files or other binary sources can all be included as part of the documentation.

To include link to sample file, use the download directive:

:download:`An external file <example.txt>`

The result of this code will generate a standard link to an external file

To include the contents of a file, use literalinclude directive:

Example of :command:`gdalinfo` use:

.. literalinclude:: example.txt

Example of gdalinfo use:

Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Size is 512, 512
Coordinate System is:
PROJCS["NAD27 / UTM zone 11N",
            SPHEROID["Clarke 1866",6378206.4,294.978698213901]],
Origin = (440720.000000,3751320.000000)
Pixel Size = (60.000000,-60.000000)
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (  440720.000, 3751320.000) (117d38'28.21"W, 33d54'8.47"N)
Lower Left  (  440720.000, 3720600.000) (117d38'20.79"W, 33d37'31.04"N)
Upper Right (  471440.000, 3751320.000) (117d18'32.07"W, 33d54'13.08"N)
Lower Right (  471440.000, 3720600.000) (117d18'28.50"W, 33d37'35.61"N)
Center      (  456080.000, 3735960.000) (117d28'27.39"W, 33d45'52.46"N)
Band 1 Block=512x16 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Gray

The literalinclude directive has options for syntax highlighting, line numbers and extracting just a snippet:

Example of :command:`gdalinfo` use:

.. literalinclude:: example.txt
   :language: txt
   :emphasize-lines: 2-6
   :start-after: Coordinate System is:
   :end-before: Origin =

Reference files and paths

Use the following syntax to reference files and paths:


This will output: myfile.txt.

You can reference paths in the same way:


This will output: path/to/myfile.txt.

For Windows paths, use double backslashes:


This will output: C:\myfile.txt.

If you want to reference a non-specific path or file name:


This will output: your/own/path/to/myfile.txt

To reference a file in the GDAL source tree, use:


This will output a link to the file on GitHub: gdaldriver.cpp

Reference code

To reference a class:


To reference a method or function:


Define and reference configuration options

To define a configuration option, use:

.. config:: OPTION_NAME
   :default: DEFAULT_VALUE

   Narrative about the option.

Similar syntax can be used to define opening options (.. oo::), creation options (.. co::), dataset creation options (.. dsco::), or layer creation options (.. lco::).

To reference a configuration option, such as GDAL_CACHEMAX, use the syntax in the table below.

Option type


Configuration option


Creation option


Open option


Dataset creation option


Layer creation option


Reference commands

Reference commands (such as gdalinfo) with the following syntax:


Use option directive for command line options:

.. option:: -json

   Display the output in json format.

Use describe to document create parameters:

.. describe:: WORLDFILE=YES

   Force the generation of an associated ESRI world file (with the extension .wld).