All Classes and Interfaces

Class Band is an uninstanciable class providing various methods to access a single raster band (or channel).
Class ColorTable represents a color table / palette.
Object for transforming between coordinate systems.
Class Dataset is an uninstanciable class providing various methods to access a set of associated raster bands, usually from one file.
This class represents a data source.
Class Driver is an uninstanciable class providing various methods for a format specific driver.
Class Driver is an uninstanciable class providing various methods to represents an operational format driver.
A simple feature, including geometry and attributes.
Definition of a feature class or feature layer.
Definition of an attribute of a FeatureDefn.
Definition of a field domain.
Class gdal is an uninstanciable class providing various utility functions as static methods.
Various constants used by the org.gdal.gdal package.
Abstract base class for all geometry classes.
This class represents a layer of simple features, with access methods.
Class used for object with metadata.
Class ogr is an uninstanciable class providing various utility functions as static methods.
Class with static methods for utility functions.
Class used to report progression of long operations.
Class used to report progression of long operations.
Class used to report progression of long operations.
The RasterAttributeTable (or RAT) class is used to encapsulate a table used to provide attribute information about pixel values.
This class represents an OpenGIS Spatial Reference System, and contains methods for converting between this object organization and well known text (WKT) format.
Class used for simple progress report to terminal.
Class used for simple progress report to terminal.
Class used for simple progress report to terminal.
Class used for image to image transformer.